Giardino / Marston / Morisawa | Changing the Face of Earth - Engineering Geomorphology | Buch | 978-0-444-50301-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten

Giardino / Marston / Morisawa

Changing the Face of Earth - Engineering Geomorphology

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten

ISBN: 978-0-444-50301-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

This volume, a compilation of papers presented at the 28th Binghamton Symposium held in Bologna, Italy, focusses on the role of geomorphology and the interface between engineering and geomorphology. Providing an overview of the changing face of the Earth, this collection of timely contributions encompasses the challenges of engineering geomorphology through a focus on accomplishments, opportunities and directions for the future of this field. The book presents a broad, international perspective on current concepts and techniques in engineering geomorphology.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction. Sheet fractures, other stress forms and some engineering implications (J.R. Vidal Romani, C.R. Twidale). Fracture characteristics in weathered granites (J. Ehlen). The role of thermal stress fatigue in the breakdown of rock in cold regions (K. Hall). Geomorphological aspects of road construction in a cold environment, Finland (M. Seppälä). Engineering geomorphology of rock glaciers (K.C. Burger, J.J. Degenhardt Jr., J.R. Giardino). Geomorphology and the urban tropics: building an interface between research and usage (A. Gupta, R. Ahmad). A geomorphological strategy for conducting environmental impact assessments in karst areas (G. Veni). Landslide hazard evaluation: a review of current techniques and their application in a multi-scale study, Central Italy (F. Guzzetti, A. Carrara, M. Cardinali, P. Reichenbach). Forest engineering implication of storm-induced mass wasting in Oregon Coast Range, USA (C.L. Rosenfeld). Fluvial geomorphology and river engineering: future roles utilizing a fluvial hydrosystems framework (D.J. Gilvear). Engineering geomorphology at the cutting edge of land disturbance: erosion and sediment control on construction sites (J. Harbor). Time and the persistence of alluvium: River engineering, fluvial geomorphology, and mining sediment in California (A. James). Principles of engineering geomorphology for managing channel erosion and bedload transport, examples from French rivers (J.-P. Bravard, N. Landon, J.-L. Peiry, H. Piégay). Effectiveness of sediment control structures relative to spatial patterns of upland soil loss in an arid watershed, Wyoming (R.A. Marston, L.S. Dolan). Hydrologic processes and geomorphic constraints on urbanization of alluvial fan slopes (A.P. Schick, T. Grodek, M.G. Wolman). Source-to-sink sediment transfers, environmental engineering and hazard mitigation in the steep Var River catchment, French Riviera, Southeastern France (E.J. Anthony, M. Julian). Use of hydrogeomorphic concepts to design created wetlands in Southeastern Virginia (G.R. Whittecar, W.L. Daniels). Decades of change: contributions of geomorphology to fluvial and coastal engineering and management (J.M. Hooke). Engineering geomorphology on the coast: lessons from West Dorset (D. Brunsden, R. Moore). Sea floor engineering geomorphology: recent achievements and future directions (D.B. Prior, J.R. Hooper).

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