Nikolas Jaspert, Ph.D. (1995), is Professor for medieval history at University of Heidelberg. He has published on the history of the Iberian Peninsula, Mediterranean History, the crusades, medieval religious orders and urban history.
Reinhold Glei, Ph.D. (1983), is Professor for classical philology at University of Bochum. He has published on ancient literature and philosophy, medieval and early modern reception of Islam in Europe, and on translation theory and techniques, esp. from Arabic into Latin and Greek.
Contributors are: Anna Akasoy, Christopher I. Beckwith, Stephen C. Berkwitz, Alexandra Cuffel, Ana Echevarria, Reinhold F. Glei, Tsering Gonkatsang, Georgios T. Halkias, Nikolas Jaspert, Adam Knobler, Zara Pogossian, Henrik H. Sörensen, Knut Martin Stünkel, John Tolan, Dorothea Weltecke, Michael Willis.