Glick | Guide to United States Customs and Trade Laws | Buch | 978-90-411-2704-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 504 Seiten


Guide to United States Customs and Trade Laws

After the Customs Modernization Act
Erscheinungsjahr 2008
ISBN: 978-90-411-2704-4
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

After the Customs Modernization Act

Buch, Englisch, 504 Seiten

ISBN: 978-90-411-2704-4
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

With the intensified focus on antiterrorism in US trade policy — and the transfer of the Customs Service from the US Treasury Department to the Department of Homeland Security as the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection — traditional ways of thinking about customs and trade law are now out of date. In light of the war on terrorism and the emphasis on border security, businesses engaged in the cross-border exchange of goods face a multitude of new laws and initiatives — in addition to the traditional array of responsibilities required by the US Bureau of Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. While these regulations are intended to strengthen border security, without careful planning they may have the unfortunate result of hindering the efficient movement of goods. In addition to updated customs forms and helpful appendices, this third edition covers the burgeoning area of free trade agreements between the US and countries around the globe. These agreements are a critical aspect of US bilateral trade relations, affecting not only duty rates but also rules of origin and policies on investment, trade in services and access to Government procurement markets. In sum, this book is an invaluable tool for a host of international trade professionals including in-house counsel dealing with import-export issues, corporate logistic managers, regulatory and compliance managers, and import-export specialists.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction and Overview of the Customs Modernization Act 2. Overview of US Customs and Trade Laws 3. Administration of Customs and Trade Laws 4. Classification of Merchandise 5. General Principles of Customs Valuation of Merchandise 6. Country of Origin Marking 7. Duty Drawbacks 8. American Goods Returned and Other Special Exemptions 9. Foreign Trade Zones 10. Fraud Investigations 11. Recordation of Trademarks and Copyrights with the US Customs 12. Antidumping 13. Countervailing Duties 14. Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 15. Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, as Amended 16. Appellate Review of Customs Decisions 17. Section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933: A Remedy to Protect US Agricultural Programs 18. Enforcement of Health and Agricultural Laws 19. The Generalized System of Preferences 20. Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 Unfair Trade Practices and Methods of Competition in the Importation of Products into the United States 21. Legislation and Policy Issues 205 Appendix A Frequently Used Customs Forms, Appendix B Related Official Source Materials

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