Global Privacy Law Review | Kluwer Law International | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 3 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Global Privacy Law Review

ISSN 26663570

Kluwer Law International

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 3 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 26663570
Kluwer Law International

Global Privacy Law Review (GPLR) is a ground-breaking international journal that publishes top-quality and peer-reviewed articles, opinions, case notes and literature review on all aspects of privacy, data protection, and cybersecurity topics across the globe. GPLR’s worldwide coverage ensures regular updates and latest discussions on the national, regional and international cross-border trends and legal developments, from the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to the California Consumer Privacy Act, to the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and other laws and jurisdictions around the world.

GPLR also aims to provide a lively forum for debate on controversial issues related to these topics worldwide and offer possible solutions to the legal challenges faced by the society and industries in the Information Age.
GPLR is led by a leading expert Editor-in-Chief and a distinguished Editorial Board including top-notch academics and professionals all around the world to ensure the consistency and high-quality of its articles and publications. Every article is carefully assessed and peerreviewed, prior to its publication, by the Editor-in-Chief as well as the experts belonging to the journal’s high standing Editorial Board.

The articles are in English and each issue is available in print and online. In particular, the journal brings in-depth examination on the most current issues and will feature in particular:

• Analytical and thought-provoking articles by leading academics and practitioners;
• Insightful case notes from around the world, including decisions by the data protection authorities as well as the national, European, and international courts;
• National and regional reports highlighting key legal, regulatory, and administrative challenges and developments); and
• Reviews of the latest literature

GPLR accepts analytical, practical and thought-provoking articles from leading professionals and researchers across the globe on a wide range of governance, risk management and control, and regulatory compliance issues related to privacy, data protection and cybersecurity.

As a result, GPLR will be an essential source of information and a worthy companion to all privacy professionals and practitioners, lawyers, judges, policymakers, data protection authorities, Data Protection Officers, multinational organisations, international law firms, professional bodies and associations, academics, researchers, universities, libraries, and public sector/Government.
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