Goldrein / Aird / Grantham | Commercial Litigation: Pre-Emptive Remedies | Buch | 978-0-414-02338-3 |

Buch, Englisch

Goldrein / Aird / Grantham

Commercial Litigation: Pre-Emptive Remedies

Pre-Emptive Remedies. International Edition

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-414-02338-3
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

Commercial Litigation: Pre-emptive Remedies covers the full spectrum of pre-emptive remedies including security for costs, pre-action letters, arbitration, enforcement of foreign judgments, and pre-action procedures in specialist areas. Importantly it includes discussion of the international element of pre-emptive remedies. It thoroughly discusses the practice and procedure of interim remedies; freezing injunctions and the appointment of receivers; search orders, orders in relation to property and orders to deliver up goods.

The new edition brings all of these areas up to date since the publication of the last international edition in December 2005. Including coverage of:

Article 31 of EU Regulation on Jurisdiction and Judgments
Orders under the Arbitration Act 1996
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Interim Relief) Order 1997
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Provisional and Protective Measures)(Scotland) Order 1997
Litigation tactics and the new powers
Applications made abroad in aid of injunctions and orders made in the English Courts
Judicial Discretion and the significance of the originating jurisdiction
Role of the European Court of Justice and the approach taken to date
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part A

1: Interim Remedies – Practice and Procedure

2: Freezing Injunctions and the Appointment of Receivers

3: Search Orders, Orders in Relation to Property and Orders to Deliver up Goods

4: Security for Costs

5: Default Judgments and Judgments upon Admissions

6: Summary Judgment

7: Provisional Liquidators and Interim Receivers

Part B: Forms and Precedents

1: Interim Injunctions and Remedies

2: Freezing Injunctions

3: Search Orders

4: Summary Judgment

5: Interim Remedies in Insolvency

Part C

Case File (synopses of key cases)

Part D

1: Interjurisdictional Aspects of Commercial Pre-emptive Remedies

2: Convention Principles and Pre-emptive Remedies

3: Powers of United Kingdom Courts to Grant Interjurisdictional Orders

4: Manoeuvres in Interjurisdictional Tactics

5: Interjurisdictional Pre-emptive Measures: Duties and Practical Considerations

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