Gooch / Klein | Documentation for Derivatives | Buch | 978-1-85564-991-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 614 Seiten

Gooch / Klein

Documentation for Derivatives

Volume 2
4. Auflage 2002
ISBN: 978-1-85564-991-0
Verlag: Euromoney

Volume 2

Buch, Englisch, 614 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-85564-991-0
Verlag: Euromoney

Volume 2 includes a clause by clause examination of ISDA-based Master Agreements. You will understand the features of the agreements and how they relate to each other, and be able to amend and enhance them to best achieve your client’s objectives. Also included is detailed analysis of ISDA’s credit support annexes and 2001 Margin Provisions, as well as extensive material on cross-product risk management.

Written by leading US financial lawyers Anthony C. Gooch of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton and Linda B. Klein of Dewey Ballantine LLP, this fully revised, updated and expanded book is the fourth edition of the best-selling guide to derivatives documentation.

Decades of documentation experience and insight distilled into two volumes. This is an essential documentation tool for anyone working in or around the derivatives markets.

“One cannot negotiate an ISDA Master Agreement and do justice to its complexity and intricacy without consulting “Documentation for Derivatives” regardless of one’s level of expertise in the area.” - Professor Christian A. Johnson, Loyola University of Chicago School of Law (of the 3rd Edition)

"Exquisite in its detail and scope, Documentation for Derivatives - 4th Edition is an essential reference work for legal practitioners as well as banking professionals active in derivatives/financial product markets." - The Finance and Treasury Professional, August 2004
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