Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 199, 738 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Solid State Phenomena
Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 199, 738 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g
Reihe: Solid State Phenomena
ISBN: 978-3-03795-419-5
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters BCI (WoS).
The 108 peer reviewed papers on ?Mechatronic Systems and Materials? are grouped as follows:
I. Integrated Diagnostics;
II. Failure Analysis;
III. Tribology in Mechatronic Systems;
IV. Signal and Image Processing;
V. Measurement Techniques;
VI. Multifunctional and Smart Materials;
VII. Metallic Alloys;
VIII. Biomaterials;
IX. Functional Composites;
X. Nanomaterials; XI. Ceramics and Glasses;
XII. New Trends in Mechatronic and Materials Science Education.
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Bildsignalverarbeitung
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Signalverarbeitung, Bildverarbeitung, Scanning
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Maschinenbau Mechatronik, Mikrosysteme (MEMS), Nanosysteme
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Maschinenbau Tribologie
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik Signalverarbeitung
Weitere Infos & Material
An Induced Shaft Deflection for Rotating Shaft Crack DetectionDiagnosing Propulsion Systems of a Vessels in Varying Marine ConditionsDiagnostics Problems and Decisions of Low Rotation Speed Rotors with Antifriction BearingsEstimation of External Forces in the Rotating System with an Active Magnetic SuspensionFundamental Laws of Rolling-Element Bearing Mechanics and Diagnostic Methods FAM-C and FDM-AIdentification of Operational Damages of Air-Turbine Engines Using Visual DiagnosticsKnowledge Acquisition and Management for Marine Diesel Engine DiagnosisMining for Knowledge to Build Decision Support System for Treatment of Plano-ValgusModular System for Testing the Stability and Safety of Specialised Height Rescue VehiclesStudies of the Modelling Accuracy of Steam Turbine Control Systems for Diagnostic Tests of Automatic SynchronizersThe Influence of Diagnostic Signal Measurement Period on Blades Technical Condition Images Determined from Phase Shift DifferenceThe Method of Assessment of Suitability of the Bearing System Based on Parameters of Technical and Adjustment StateThe Multilevel Prognosis System Based on Matrices and Digraphs MethodsThe Reliability Model of AC-Asynchronous Drive Based on the Multilevel Prognosis System Supported by Matrices and Digraphs MethodsEvaluation of Fatigue Life of Cylindrical Geared WheelsHarmonic Balance Analysis for the Rigid Finite Element Model of the Rotating Cracked ShaftSimulation-Based Study on the Dynamics of Wing-Flap Actuating Hydraulic CircuitStatistical Diagnostic Thresholds of Rolling Bearings with Correlation of the Bearings Signal and its Environment Based on Cauchy ProductThe Analysis of Finishing Tooling Influence on Contact Fatigue Researched by ProfilometerValidity Check of the Assessment of a Jet Turbine Engine Regulation in Flight Using a Computer SimulationAn Application for Analysis of Temperature during Cold RollingEffect of Temperature and Deformation Rate on the Dynamic Viscosity of FerrofluidGraph-Based Models of Compound Planetary Gear BoxesMeasuring and Analyzing the Moment of Friction in Double-Row Ball BearingsPrecision Assessment of Surface Coating Roughness Height 3D Parameter StResearch on Tool Temperature Dependence on Lapping Grains SizeStochastic Model of Durability of Rolling Bearings Considering Assembly InnaccuraciesStructure and Properties of Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings Deposited on Non-Ferrous Alloys SubstrateTemperature and Adhesion Influence on the Microbearings Operating ParametersThe Influence of Oil Ageing on the Change of Viscosity and Lubricity of Engine OilThe Influence of Temperature and Shear Rate on the Viscosity of Selected Motor OilsThe Influence of Workpiece Hardness on Plate Temperature during One Side LappingTribological Aspects in Aperture Shaping ProcessTribological Behavior of Aerosol Particles in Acoustic FieldTribological Characteristics of Anodic Oxide Coat (AOC) Modified - Sealed up the PolymerA New Model of the Neuron for Biological Spiking Neural Network Suitable for Parallel Data Processing Realized in HardwareAnalysis of Significant Prognostic Factors of Patients with Bladder Cancer Using Self-Organizing MapsCalibration of Cameras and Fringe Pattern Projectors in the Vision System for Positioning of Workpieces on the CNC MachinesFiltering Algorithms for 3D Range Image AnalysisFinding Bearing in Robot Navigation with the Use of the Kalman FilterLow Power, Low Chip Area, Digital Distance Calculation Circuit for Self-Organizing Neural Networks Realized in the CMOS TechnologyVisualization of the Workpieces on the CNC Machines Using the Virtual Camera Based on the Sub-Pixel IBR MethodAn Investigation of the Automatic Relative GravimetersApplication of Hybrid Vision Method for the Hot Aluminium Surface InspectionApplication of the 'Iterative Closest Point' Algorithm for Determination of Rotation Axis of a TurntableControl Curves Method of Airframe Geometry ModelingDetection of Cesium from Pollucite Using Laser-Induced Breakdown SpectroscopyDetermination of the Shot Energy Characteristics of the Pneumatic Gun by Means of High Speed Imaging MethodEffect of Cross Section Size on Ductility and Fragmentation of Copper Ring at High Strain Rate Loading ConditionsExperimental Shear Stress Analysis of the Thin Walled Aluminum Hollow Shaft under TorsionForce Sensor for Laparoscopic Tool of RobIn Heart RobotInfluence of CNC Machine Tool Technical Condition on the Geometrical Accuracy of Freeform SurfacesInfluence of Flexible Body Contact Deformation on the Linear Dimension Measurement PrecisionLaboratory Station for Research on Angular Translocation in Human Lower LimbsMechatronic Elements for Measuring SystemsSurface Structure of Components Created by StereolitographyThe Computer Simulation of Digital MeasurementThe Digital Pre-Operative Planning of Hip Surgical InterventionsUsing 9-Axis Sensor for Precise Cardiosurgical Robot Master Angular Position DeterminationLaboratory Tests of Shape Memory Alloy WiresWear Model in Milling Compacted Graphite Iron with Different Lead Angle Using Ceramic Cutting ToolsAnalysis of the Influence of Drawing Speed on the Amount of Retained Austenite in TRIP Steel WiresBallizing Process Impact on the Geometric Structure of the Steel TubesCorrosion of Ni-Al and Ni-Al-Al2O3 Plasma Sprayed Coatings in 0.01 M H2SO4 and 3.5% NaCl SolutionsEffect of Cutting Parameters on Surface Texture of Flame Sprayed CoatingsEffect of Magnetohydrodynamical Stirring Method on Deformation Resistance of AlSi7Mg Aluminium AlloyEffect of Thermo-Mechanical Treatment on Mechanical Properties of AlCuMg AlloysEIS Research of AW-7020 Alloy Joints Welded by FSWEvolution of Microstructure in Martensitic GX12CrMoVNbN9 ? 1 Cast Steel after Low Cycle FatigueInfluence of Heat Treatment on Stress-Corrosion Resistance of EN AW-AIZn5Mg1,5CuZr AlloyInfluence of Friction Stir Welding on Hardness Distribution in Joints of AlZn5Mg1 AlloyInfluence of Rolling Reduction, Strip Shape and Asymmetry Factor on the Strip CurvatureInvestigation of Wear of Ceramic Coating on Tool Steel 105WCr6Investigation of W-Re-Ni Heavy Alloys Produced from Plasma Spheroidized PowdersMetallographic Analysis of Bimetallic Ribbed Bars Produced from Feedstock Mill of the Surfacing Method TIG and of the Method ESS LM ReceivedModelling of Titanium-Steel Bimetallic Composite Behaviour under Mechanical Cyclic LoadingModelling the Magnetic Characteristics and Temperature Influence on Construction SteelsNumerical Modelling of Ploughshares Rolling Process from Scrapped Railway RailNumerical Modelling of the Cooling Ability of Device for the Plates Accelerated Cooling ProcessPhysical Simulations of the Controlled Rolling Process of Plate X100 with Accelerated CoolingResearch of Spheroidization Processes of W-Re PowdersSurfaces Modification of Al-Cu Alloys by Plasma-Assisted CVDThe Active Thermography Method as Used to Assess the Bearing of Temperature on Thermophysical Properties of Superalloy of a Gas-Turbine BladeThe Analysis of Al-Cu Bimetallic Bars Bond Layers Joined by the Explosive MethodThe Analysis of the Impact Relative Rolling Reduction at the Area Connector Bimetallic Plate after the Rolling ProcessThe Basic Research of Experimental Steels for PipelinesThe Mechanical Properties and Structure Evolution for High-Manganese TWIP Steel WiresApplication of the NanoLC-MS/MS Technique for Protein Analysis of Biofilm on Surface of Mandibular Fixation with X-Ray Detection of Metallic Ions Relocation to the Osseous TissueChanges in UHMWPE Morphology and Structure after Irradiation with an Electron Beam and Thermal TreatmentChanges of Free Radical Content in Exposed to Electrons GUR1020 and GUR1050 Polyethylene Types Intended for Endoprosthesis Acetabular CupsEvaluation of the Possibility of Mucin Adsorption onto Implantation MaterialsFretting-Corrosion of 316L Steel Metallic Biomaterial Methodological AspectsSurface Modification of Titanium by Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor 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