Grant / Ray | Home, School, and Community Collaboration | Buch | 978-1-4129-9074-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 254 mm

Grant / Ray

Home, School, and Community Collaboration

Culturally Responsive Family Engagement

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 254 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4129-9074-5
Verlag: SAGE Publications

The Second Edition of this comprehensive textbook for family engagement courses uses the culturally responsive family- support model to prepare early childhood and elementary teachers to work effectively with the diverse families of their students. With more than 20 contributing authors who are experts in the field, representing multiple perspectives, the text provides information and strategies to help teachers understand, appreciate and support diverse families, as well as promote classroom family engagement. The authors provide up-to-date information on family demographics, address current issues that affect today's families, including those with children who have special needs, and present numerous real-life vignettes and case studies for application to culturally responsive family engagement.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section I. Understanding Family Engagement: Building a Knowledge Base for Culturally Responsive Family Engagement
Chapter 1. Family Engagement and the Responsive Educator
Chapter 2. Theories and Models for Family Engagement in Schools
Chapter 3. Supporting Families as They Parent Today's Children
Section II. Appreciating Families: Today's Diverse Families
Chapter 4. Structurally Diverse Families
Chapter 5. Culturally Diverse Families
Chapter 6. Students of Families in Transition
Chapter 7. Families Overcoming Obstacles
Chapter 8. Families in Abusive Situations
Section III. Family Engagement: Putting Knowledge and Skills Into Action
Chapter 9. Engaging Families in Their Children's Learning at School and Home
Chapter 10. Teacher as Family Communication Facilitator
Chapter 11. Working With Families of Children With Exceptional Needs
Chapter 12. Teacher as a Family Resource and Advocate
Chapter 13. Schoolwide Family Engagement Activities: Family Events, Family Resource Centers, and Volunteer Programs
Appendix A. Standards
Appendix B. NAEYC Code of Ethics
Appendix C. State Agencies for Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Appendix D. Family Engagement Program Mandates
Appendix E. Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a School's Family Engagement Plan
Photo Credits
About the Authors
About the Contributors

Grant, Kathy Beth
Kathy B. Grant, EdD, is an associate professor of Curriculum and Instruction at SUNY Plattsburgh’s School of Education. She taught undergraduate courses in family involvement, as well as graduate courses in educational psychology and child development. She also worked as a home-school coordinator through Title 1 in the Missoula School District in Missoula, Montana. During her six years in this position, she oversaw the development of family resource centers at the elementary and middle school levels, worked with family outreach specialists and social workers, established parent libraries, and conducted home visits. As home-school coordinator, she helped develop an Even Start program serving children and parents. Having taught second, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, as well as high school, she has worked collaboratively with families for more than 30 years. In 2014 in collaboration with two rural upstate New York school districts, she consulted on establishment of two elementary family resource centers. These two centers will be part of a larger SUNY clinical field experience effort to prepare teacher candidates to authentically work with families.

Ray, Julie A.
Julie A. Ray (Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia) is a professor of Education and Department Chairperson at Southeast Missouri State University. She has been in the field of early childhood and elementary education for over 31 years. As a primary grades teacher and librarian, she worked hard to develop positive relationships with the families of her students. As a teacher educator in Early Childhood Education at two different four-year universities, she has taught both undergraduate and graduate level courses in family engagement, as well as done numerous presentations and publications on collaborating with diverse families.

Kathy B. Grant (Ed D, The University of Montana) is Associate Professor of Education at SUNY Plattsburgh. She has taught courses at the undergraduate level on family involvement for K-12 teacher candidates and she worked as a Home-School Coordinator through Title 1 in the Missoula County School District In Missoula, MT. During the six years in this later position she oversaw the development of family resource centers at the elementary and middle school levels, worked wlth family outreach specialists and family social workers in establishing parenting libraries, and conducted home visits. Through a Goals 2000 grant, she co-authored the TAP (Teacher and Parents) website and consulted for MPlRC (Montana Parent lnformation Resource Centers) on preservice teacher strategies to increase family involvement.

Julie A. Ray (Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia) is a Professor of Education and Department Chairperson at Southeast Missouri State University. She has been in the field of early childhood and elementary education for over 31 years. As a primary grades teacher and librarian, she worked hard to develop positive relationships with the families of her students. As a teacher educator in Early Childhood Education at two different four-year universities, she has taught both undergraduate and graduate level courses in family engagement, as well as done numerous presentations and publications on collaborating with diverse families.

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