Greene | Intellect Encounters Faith; A Synthesis: A Festschrift in Honor of Jay Harold Ellens, Ph.D. | Buch | 978-1-4438-6304-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 325 Seiten


Intellect Encounters Faith; A Synthesis: A Festschrift in Honor of Jay Harold Ellens, Ph.D.

Buch, Englisch, 325 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-6304-9
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Intellect Encounters Faith: A Synthesis is a Festschrift crafted to honor a renaissance man: a literary tribute to Dr. Jay Harold Ellens that has been long overdue. While attending the 2014 International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature at the University of Vienna (July 6-10), Professor Ellens celebrated his eighty-second birthday. He is still a most-engaged and active scholar, practicing clinical psychologist, and military chaplain (with the rank of Colonel). He publishes widely in Second Temple Judaism, and works that are on the cusp between religious studies/history of religions and psychology, as well as spirituality. He is a marvel to behold and is an excellent, indefatigable Vorbild for both professional colleagues, as well as an ever-growing number of aspiring scholars he mentors. He is the model of the modern peripatetic scholar.

The Festschrift acknowledges the major foci of Professor Doctor Ellens’ own work: Psychology, Religious Literature, and Military History. Moreover, there are included in this volume several personal reflections by some of his friends and colleagues, also. The essays/chapters contained herein are works of deep and broad scholarship. Yet, they are deeply personal tributes to a master pedagogue who has touched many lives in many walks of life. All, however, reflect Professor Ellens’ influence on the contributors as if one is looking at them through their writings and seeing him.

The reader will find this a most informative volume, and will return to it often as an up-to-date reference work on trends in religious studies, psychology, psychology of religion(s), and even the archaeology of the Second Jewish Temple period. One will discover between these covers a rare and valuable reference work that honors a rare, prolific, and generous man.
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Greene, John Tracy
John T. Greene, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies and is a Research Scholar at Michigan State University, where he taught for twenty-six years before retiring in 2007. He is Program Unit Chairperson of the Annual International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature’s Seminar in Biblical Characters in the Three Traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and in Literature.

John T. Greene, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies and is a Research Scholar at Michigan State University, where he taught for twenty-six years before retiring in 2007. He is Program Unit Chairperson of the Annual International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature’s Seminar in Biblical Characters in the Three Traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and in Literature.

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