Grohmann | Strengthening the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies | Buch | 978-3-16-162825-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 315 Seiten, Format (B × H): 232 mm x 155 mm, Gewicht: 494 g

Reihe: Jus internationale et Europaeum


Strengthening the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies

An Analysis of the Committees' Legal Powers and Possibilities for Reform
1. Auflage 2024
ISBN: 978-3-16-162825-2
Verlag: Mohr Siebeck

An Analysis of the Committees' Legal Powers and Possibilities for Reform

Buch, Englisch, 315 Seiten, Format (B × H): 232 mm x 155 mm, Gewicht: 494 g

Reihe: Jus internationale et Europaeum

ISBN: 978-3-16-162825-2
Verlag: Mohr Siebeck

The UN human rights treaty bodies are still in need of reform, since past initiatives were not as successful as hoped. Therefore, to secure the effective dischargement of their various mandates, particularly under the reporting procedure, the Committees need to be reformers on their own. Nils-Hendrik Grohmann delineates the Committees' powers from both a practical and theoretical perspective and demonstrates how far their legal mandates can reach. Effectiveness-orientated interpretation of procedural provisions that already endow the Committees with certain powers, allows for the extension of mandates. Thereby, the Committees can introduce new powers without State consent. In doing so, they are well-advised to approach the reporting procedure holistically, to develop coherent procedural approaches and to take into consideration the considerable overlap in terms of substantive provisions under the nine UN human rights treaties. Another key factor for reform is cooperation itself among the Committees, which increased in recent years through the Meeting of Chairpersons.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Grohmann, Nils-Hendrik
Born 1992; Law studies at the University of Münster and Oslo; 2018 Research assistant at the Chair of European and International Law at the University of Potsdam; 2022 Legal clerk at the Kammergericht Berlin.

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