Integration of Scientific and Industrial Knowledge on Biohydrometallurgy
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-891-2
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 20th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS2013), October 8-11, 2013, Antofagasta, Chile
Buch, Englisch, 600 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1160 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-891-2
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Weitere Infos & Material
Organizers and Committee, Foreword and In Memory of Giovanni Rossi
Chapter 1: Microbial Ecology, Geomicrobiology and Bioprospecting in Natural and Mining Environments
How Flexible are the Prokaryote Consortia in the Extreme Habitat of the Copahue Geothermal System?
Microbial Diversity in Acidic Anaerobic Sediments at the Geothermal Caviahue-Copahue System, Argentina
Cyanobacteria and Photosynthetic Species as Part of the Microbial Community Structure of Biofilms in Copahue Geothermal Springs (Neuquén, Argentina)
Iberian Pyrite Belt Subsurface Life (IPBSL), a Drilling Project of Biohydrometallurgical Interest
Microbiological Communities in Two Acidic Mine Pit Lakes in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), Spain
Microbial Ecology in Extreme Acidic Pit Lakes from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain)
Geochemistry and Microbiology in an Acidic, High Altitude (4,000 m) Salt Flat — High Andes, Northern Chile
Quantification of the Microbial Community in Lateritic Deposits
Proteo and Actinobacteria Diversity at a Sulfide, Salt and Acid-Rich Lake in the North of Chile
Microbial Community Composition on Lignite before and after the Addition of Phosphate Mining Wastes
Underground Degradation of Lignite Coal Spoil Material by a Mixed Microbial Community under Acid Mine Drainage Conditions
Insights into Bacterial Community Structure of a Commercial Copper Bioheapleaching Plant: Growth of Heterotrophic Bacteria in the System
Enrichment of "Ferrovum" spp. and Gallionella Relatives Using Artificial Mine Water
Comparison of Indigenous and Exogenous Mesophilic Bacteria for the Bioleaching of Low Grade Copper Ores
Enrichment and Isolation of Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria
A Novel Acidianus Strain Isolated from Copahue, Argentina Involved in the Sulphur Cycle of a Volcanic Environment
Visualization of Attachment and Colonization of Pyrite Surfaces by a Novel Species of Acidianus
Identification and Characterization of a Psychrotolerant Acidithiobacillus Strain from Chilean Altiplano
Characterisation of a Novel Genus of Oxalate-Degrading Beta-Proteobacteria Isolated from a Full-Scale Bioreactor Treating Bayer Liquor Organic Wastes
Molecular Identification of Iron Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated from Acid Mine Drainages in Peru
Environmental Impact on Soil, Water and Plants from the Abandoned Pan de Azúcar Mine
Biogenesis of Nanoparticles with Potential Applications as Semiconductor from Chalcopyrite Concentrate
Anaerobic Growth of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans on Pyrite
Chapter 2: Omics, Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry of Microorganisms in Mining Processes
Attachment to Minerals and Biofilm Development of Extremely Acidophilic Archaea
Biofilm Formation, Communication and Interactions of Mesophilic Leaching Bacteria during Pyrite Oxidation
New Insights into the Biofilm Lifestyle and Metabolism of Acidithiobacillus Species from Analysis of High Throughput Proteomic Data
EPS Production during Adaptation of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans to High Ferric Ion Concentration
Galactose as Inducer of the Production of Extracellular Polymeric Substances by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Effect of Exogenous Galactose on EPS Production during Bioleaching of Pyrite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Characterization of the Quorum Sensing Regulon in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Functional Analysis of c-di-GMP Pathway in Biomining Bacteria Acidithiobacillusthiooxidans
Thiol-Rich Proteins Play Important Role in Adhesion and Sulfur Oxidation Process of Acidithiobacillus ferroxidans
Metagenomic Insights into the Microbial Community Diversity between Leaching Heap and Acid Mine Drainage
Genome Analysis of the Psychrotolerant Acidophile Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans CF27
Physiological, Genomic, and Proteomic Characterization of New “Ferrovum” Strains Obtained from a Pilot Plant for Mine-Water Treatment
Predicting the Metabolic Potential of the Novel Iron Oxidising Bacterium "Ferrovum" sp. JA12 Using Comparative Genomics
Analysis of Gene Expression in Response to Copper Stress in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Strain D2, Isolated from a Copper Bioleaching Operation
Temporal Dynamics of Genes Involved in Metabolic Pathways of C and N of L. ferriphilum, in the Industrial Bioleaching Process of Escondida Mine, Chile
Analysis of Gene Expression as Marker of Relevant Metabolisms, in Three Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Strains, in Different Growth Conditions
Variance Calculations for Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments with Multiple Levels of Replication
Optimization of the Method for Simultaneous Extraction Bioleaching Bacteria DNA and RNA
Optimization of the Separation Method for Bioleaching Bacteria DNA and RNA Extracted Simultaneously
How the RegBA Redox Responding System Controls Iron and Sulfur Oxidation in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Analysis of the Bacterial Sulphur System
Heterodisulfide Reductase from Acidithiobacilli is a Key Component Involved in Metabolism of Reduced Inorganic Sulfur Compounds
Biogenesis and Transfer of Iron-Sulfur Clusters from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Evidence for Widespread Dissimilatory Hydrogen Metabolism among Acidophilic Bacteria
Novel Cell Envelope Proteins Related to Copper Resistance in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Conductive Filaments Produced by Aeromonas hydrophila
Comparative Study of Fluoride-Tolerance of Five Typical Bioleaching Microorganisms
Estimation of Ionic Load Effect on the Oxidizing Activity of the Microbial Population in the Heap Bioleaching Process at Escondida Mine
Biomediated Separation of Kaolinite and Hematite Using Bacillus subtilis
Chapter 3: Industrial Biohydrometallurgy: Studies, Practices and Operation
Bioleaching of a Marine Hydrothermal Sulfide Ore with Mesophiles, Moderate Thermophiles and Thermophiles
A Descriptive Model for Microbial Population Dynamics in a Copper Sulphide Bioleaching Heap with Spatial and Physicochemical Considerations
A Novel Apparatus to Determine the Bio-Oxidation Kinetics of Sessile Leptospirillum ferriphilum
Two-Stage Airlift Bioreactor System for Efficient Iron Oxidation and Jarosite Precipitation
A Two-Step Process for the Treatment of Refractory Sulphidic Concentrate
Bio-Hydrometallurgical Processing of Non-Ferrous Metals from Copper Smelting Slag
Bioleaching and Electrochemical Leaching of a Pyritic Chalcopyrite Concentrate
Bioleaching of a Copper Sulphide Ore at Different Temperatures
Bioleaching of Covellite from Low Grade Copper Sulphide Ore and Tails
Bioleaching of Phosphorus from Low Grade Ores and Concentrates with Acidophilic Iron- and Sulphur-Oxidizing Bacteria
Two-Step Bioleaching and Spent Medium Leaching of Gold from Electronic Scrap Material Using Chromobacterium violaceum
Bioleaching of Pyrrhotite by Moderately and Extremely Thermophilic Bacteria
Bioleaching of Spent Hydrotreating Catalyst by Thermophilic and Mesophilic Acidophiles: Effect of Decoking
Bioleaching of Sulphide Minerals with Sulfobacillus acidophilus at 45°C
Biological, Chemical and Transport Phenomena which Control the Rate of Copper Leaching in Heap and Dump Operations
Biologically Assisted Copper Secondary Sulfide Ore Leaching in the Presence of Chloride
Biomass Production and Inoculation of Industrial Bioleaching Processes
Bioprocessing of Mining and Metallurgical Wastes Containing Non-Ferrous and Precious Metals
BioSigma Bioleaching Seeds (BBS): A New Technology for Managing Bioleaching Microorganisms
Biotransformation of Arsenopyrite by Phanerochaete chrysosporium
Column Bioleaching Experiment of Low Grade Uranium Ore from Xiangshan Uranium Deposit
Column Bioleaching of Low Grade Copper Sulfide Ore at Extreme Conditions for Most Mineral Processing Bacteria
Copper Recovery by Bioleaching of Chalcopyrite: A Microcalorimetric Approach for the Fast Determination of Bioleaching Activity
Differences of Bioleaching of Pyrites from Different Geo-Genetic Deposits by Leptospirillum ferriphilum
Dynamic Evolution of the Microbial Community in BIOX Leaching Tanks
Effect of Bioleaching Microorganisms and Solid Ore Particles on Formation of Interfacial Crud in Solvent Extraction Plants
Effect of Contact with Organic Extractant LIX 84IC during Solvent Extraction Process on the Re-Establishment of Growth of Bioleaching Microorganisms
Effect of Bio-Leaching Process on the Pore Structure of Packed Particle Bed via 3D Imaging and Analysis
Effect of Increased Acid Concentration on the Microbial Population Inhabiting an Industrial Heap Bioleaching Plant
Effect of Temperature on Column Bioleaching of a Refractory Gold Ore
Effects of Several Parameters on Nickel Extraction from Laterite Ore by Direct Bioelaching Using Aspergillus niger and Acid Rock Drainage from Coal Mine as an Organic Substrate
Electrochemical Behavior of Carbon Paste Electrode with Gold-Bearing Pyrite in Bioleaching
Evaluation of Parameters in the Bio-Oxidation Process of Refractory Gold Minerals
Evaluation of the Electrochemical Behavior of Carbon Paste Electrode (CPE) with Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) in the Presence of Ferrous Ions
Geobiology of In Situ Uranium Leaching
From Mesophilic to Moderate Thermophilic Populations in an Industrial Heap Bioleaching Process
Effects of Individual Use, Mixed Culture and Sulfur Addition on the Effectiveness of Nickel Laterite Ore Bioelaching with Penicillium verruculosum and Galactomyces geotrichum
Hydrogen Sulphide Production at Alkaline, Neutral and Acid pH by a Bacterial Consortium Isolated from Peruvian Mine Tailing and Wetland
Immobilization of New Isolated Iron Oxidizing Bacteria on Natural Carriers
Impact of the Hydraulic Retention Time on the Performance of a Sulfidogenic Bioreactor
Investigation of Bioleaching of a Low Grade Nickel-Cobalt-Copper Sulfide Ore with High Magnesium as Olivine and Serpentine from Lao
Investigation of the Effect of pH Operating Conditions on Bioleaching of Low-Grade Chalcopyrite in Column Reactors
Isolation and Characterization of Actinomycetes from Acidic Cultures of Ores and Concentrates
Low Grade Copper Sulfide Ore Bioleaching in a New Bioreactor
Minimum Aeration in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans Cultures Required to Maintain Substrate Oxidation without Oxygen Limitation
Molybdenite Bioleaching by Thermophilic Bacteria in a RELVA-ARBP Bioreactor
Potassium Extraction from Biotite by Penicillium and Aspergillus
Pretreatment of Refractory Gold Ores Using Cell-Free Extracts of P. chrysosporium: A Preliminary Study
Recovery of Zinc during the Pre-Treatment of a Refractory Gold-Bearing Ore
Substrate Utilisation and Chalcopyrite Concentrate Bioleaching at 60°C in the Presence of Nitrate
Synthesis of Biogenic Mn Oxide and its Application as Lithium Ion Sieve
The Bioleaching Characteristics of Chalcopyrite with Different Genetic Types
The Effect of Ferrous Iron Addition during Tetrathionate Utilisation by Some Sulfobacillus Species
The Efficient Recovery of Cobalt from Low Grade Refractory Carrollite with Bioleaching Technology
The Impact of Drip Irrigation on Heap Hydrology and Microbial Colonies in Bioleaching
The Influence of Pyrite on Galvanic Assisted Leaching of Chalcocite Concentrates
Treatment of a Nickel-Copper Sulphide Concentrate Using Bioleaching
True Growth Rate Kinetics: An Account of the Colonisation and Transport of Microorganisms on Whole Low Grade Ore, at the Agglomerate Scale
Effect of Fe2+ and Cu2+ Ions on the Electrochemical Behavior of Massive Chalcopyrite in Bioleaching System
Chapter 4: Biohydrometallurgy as a Remediation Strategy
Selective Metal Removal from Scandinavian Mine Waters Using Novel Biomineralization Technologies
Reduction and Complexation of Copper in a Novel Bioreduction System Developed to Recover Base Metals from Mine Process Waters
Sulfate Removal from Extremely Acidic Wastewaters Using Consortia of Acidophilic Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
Performance Evaluation of Two Anaerobic Reactors for Removing Sulphate from Industrial Effluents
Acid Drainage and Metal Bioleaching by Redox Potencial Changes in Heavy Polluted Fluvial Sediments
Impact of Heavy Metals on Denitrification of Simulated Mining Wastewaters
Bioleaching for Extraction of Metals and Detoxification of Activated Sludges
Influences of pH Buffers on the Growth of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and Biodesulfurization Efficiency
Evaluation of Plant Species for Phytoremediation of a Mining Waste from Andacollo, Neuque´n-Argentina
Field Scale Phytoremediation Experiments on a Former U Mining Site and Further Processing of the Plant Material
Optimisation of Acid Bioleaching of Metals from Pyrithic Ashes
Staphylococcus equorum Isolated from Seabed as Potential Biotool to Cr(VI) Remediation
Copper Removal by Botryococcus braunii Biomass with Associated Production of Hydrocarbons
Characterization of U(VI) Sorption and Leaching on Clay Supported Biomass Sorbents
Recovery of Metals and Stabilization of Arsenic from (Bio-)Leaching Operations by Engineered Biological Processes
Identification of a Bacterial Consortium with Biotechnological Potential for Arsenic Bioremediation
(Bio)Precipitation of Trivalent Arsenic Using an Anaerobic Bioreactor
Influence of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria on the Mobility of Arsenic in Soils an "In Vitro" Study
Development of Alamine-336-Impregnated Alginate Capsule for Selective Recovery of Gold from Multi-Metal Solution
Gold, Silver and Platinum Nanoparticles Biosynthesized Using Orange Peel Extract
Development of Powerful Bacterial Biosorbent Fibers for Recovery of Ruthenium and Comprehension of the Role of Bacterial Biomass in the Fiber
Recovery of Zero-Valent Ruthenium from Acetic Acid Waste Solution by a Combined Process of Biosorption with Bacterial Biosorbent Fibers and Incineration
Removal of Anionic Metalloid/Metals by PEI-Modified Corynebacterium glutamicum