Guo / Zeng / Zhang | Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation | Sonstiges | 978-3-03795-600-7 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volumes 444-445, 1914 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Applied Mechanics and Materials

Guo / Zeng / Zhang

Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation (ACMS 2013), July 17-19, 2013, Kunming, China
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03795-600-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation (ACMS 2013), July 17-19, 2013, Kunming, China

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volumes 444-445, 1914 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Applied Mechanics and Materials

ISBN: 978-3-03795-600-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Modeling and Simulation (ACMS 2013), July 17-19, 2013, Kunming, China. The 316 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Computational Solid Mechanics; Chapter 2: Computational Fluid Dynamics; Chapter 3: Applied Mathematics; Chapter 4: Computational Analyze of Nonlinear Systems; Chapter 5: Applied Computational Methods in Engineering Research; Chapter 6: Computational Methods in Fire Safety; Chapter 7: Other Related Topics.
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Simplified Method of Seismic Performance Analysis for Pile-Supported Wharf StructuresSimplified Calculation of Internal Force of Steel Structure in TorsionA Non-Probabilistic Analysis Method on Reliability of Crack Propagation LifeA Numerical Study on the Large Compressive Deformations of Closed-Celled Rubber FoamsAn Object-Oriented Framework for Interface Stress Element MethodBuffeting Internal Force Response Analysis for Stable Type Suspension BridgeSimulation of Particle Reinforced Composite Materials in Macro- and Meso-ScalesMulti-Body Contact Dynamics Analysis of Angular Contact Ball BearingNumerical Computation of Complex Stress Intensity Factors of Interface Cracks in Bi-Materials Based on Photoelastic TheoryFluid-Structure Interaction Dynamics for Laminated Plate\Shell Topology OptimizationA Bidirectional B-Spline QR Method for the Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shear-Wall with OpeningNatural Vibration Analysis of Piezoelectric Smart FGM Plate by Spline Finite Point MethodNumerical Investigations on Bearing Capacity of Grid-Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Local Laser IrradiationOptimization Algorithm of Crack Initial Angle Using the Extended Finite Element MethodA Kernel-Enriched Quadratic Convex Meshfree ApproximationEffect of Bolt Slippage on the Static Response of Lattice StructureA Review of the Extended Finite Element for Fracture Analysis of StructuresVCFEM Method Mixed with Finite Element Method Calculation of Numerical SimulationNonlocal Analytical Formulas for Plane Crack Elements and Semi-Analytical Element Method for Mode I CrackOptimization Design for Coupling Beam Dampers of Shear WallsResearch on Fatigue Load Parameters of Steel-Concrete Joint of Bridge Used for Highway Traffic and Light-Rail TrafficDiamond Circular Saw Blades Noise Attenuation and Finite Element Modal AnalysisShape Control of Smart Beams Using PZT and SMA Actuators with the Spline Finite Point MethodA 3-node Shaft Element for Main Shaft Vibration FE AnalysisStability Analysis of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Initial StressWet Modal Analysis of Cylindrical Pier under the Incentive of Fluid ExcitationStudy of Stress Wave Propagation in SHPB with NHDMOCAnalysis of Euler-Bernoulli Beam with Piecewise Quadratic Hermite Finite ElementsGeneralized Gradient Based Digital Image Correlation Method for Displacement with Subpixel AccuracyDynamic Characteristics Simulation and Analysis for the Stable Type Suspension BridgeDynamic Buckling of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Axial Impact LoadingMD Simulation on Evolution of Micro Structure and Failure Mechanism around Interactional Voids in Pure AlAerodynamic Shape Deformation of Underwing Nacelle-Pylon Configuration Based on B-Spline SurfaceFEM Analysis on a Tensile Loaded Copper Plate in Meso and Macro ScaleBending Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Based on Analytical Nonlocal Timoshenko Beam ModelMathematical Analysis for Wave Propagation Characteristics of Fluid-Filled Nonlocal Carbon NanotubesThe Development and Application of Meshless MethodInfluencing Factors Analysis of the Shock-Induced Separation for Supercritical AirfoilParallelized Aeroelastic Investigation Based on Delaunay Graph MappingExtreme Transient Flow in Pumping System due to a Tripping Pump DisturbanceNumerical Simulation on Fluid-Solid Coupling of Gate with Different Structure Types of Hemline in Deep HoleNumerical Analysis on the Rapid Starting Period in a Screw-Type Centrifugal PumpNumerical Investigation of Flow around a Triangle Cylinder Using a Multiscale Turbulence ModelImproving the Robustness of Adjoint-Based Airfoil Drag Reduction DesignCharacteristics of Train Wind and Analysis of Personnel Safety in Double-Line Shield TunnelDelayed Detached-Eddy Simulation and Application of a Coflow Jet Airfoil at High Angle of AttackNumerical Analysis of CO Concentration Distribution on Extraction Ventilation Type TunnelLarge Eddy Simulation of Francis Turbine Flow Fields under Small Opening ConditionNumerical Investigations for the Effect of Slender Body on Dynamic Rolling Characteristics of a 80?/60? Double Delta WingA Lattice Hydrodynamic Model Considering the Following Lattice and its Stability AnalysisDynamic Stall Control by Undulatory DeformationNumerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of Three-Dimensional Unsteady Multi-Phase Flow in Flushing Process of ToiletsBuried High Pour-Point Oil Pipeline Shutdown Temperature Drop Research Based on FLUENTLattice Boltzman Simulations of Cavity Flow Using CUDAImprovement of One-Dimensional Analytical Model of Rotating Long Orifice with Chamfered or Radiused InletResearch on the Optimization Design of Supersonic Swirling SeparatorThe Study of Flowing Law of Typical well Patterns in Low Permeability ReservoirsNumerical Simulation on Circular-Arc Grid-Fin ConfigurationsComparison of the Wrap-Around Fins and the Planar Fins in Aerodynamic ParameterLattice Boltzmann Method for the Simulation of High Reynolds Number FlowsInvestigation on the Multi-Objective Optimization of Supercritical Airfoil Based on Nondominated Sorting Genetic AlgorithmNumerical Simulation on VIV of a Spring-Mounted Rigid Cylinder through Fully Coupling with FluidComputer Simulation of a Drop-Shaped Particle Settling in a Newtonian FluidCombination of DES and DDES with a Correlation Based Transition ModelOpenCL-Based GPU Acceleration of ISPH Simulation for Incompressible FlowsNumerical Simulation Research on Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Fixed Transition AirfoilNumerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Hydraulic Performance of Centrifugal Pump's Impeller Based on FINENumerical Simulation of Viscous Flow in a 3D Lid-Driven Cavity Using Lattice Boltzmann MethodAero-Acoustics Computations of Square Cylinder Using the Lattice Boltzmann MethodNumerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Flows Using the Feedback Force Immersed Boundary MethodCFD Analysis of the Coolant Mixing within the Upper Plenum of a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)Numerical Investigation of the Compressible Flat-Plate Turbulent Boundary Layer with Extended GAO-YONG Turbulence ModelStudy on Comb Labyrinth Seals of Francis Turbine at Different Reynolds NumberNumerical Calculation of NACA0015 Rudder's Open Water Hydrodynamic ForcesPrediction of Hydrodynamic Performance of Hydrofoil with Suction and Jet EquipmentNumerical Investigation of the Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow around the Square-Section Cylinder Using a Multi-Scale Turbulence ModelApplication of MUSTA Scheme for Simulation of Dilute Particle-Gas Two-Phase FlowNumerical Simulation on Ventilation Effect of Train-Induced Wind in SubwayNumerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Flow over a Swept Backward-Facing Step Using a Multi-Scale Turbulence ModelAn Investigation on Numerical Simulation Method for Aero-Acoustics Based on Acoustics AnalogyThe Static Analysis of Pilot Type Zero Steady-State Error of Water Hydraulic Pressure Reducing ValveSimulation on Balde Duct Vortex in a Francis Turbine Runner Based on S-A ModelNumerical Simulation of Unsteady Flow and Flow Induced Sound of Airfoil and Wing/Plate Junction by LES and FW-H Acoustic AnalogyNumerical Simulation of Unsteady Flow in a Submersible Axial Flow PumpEffects of Weakly Compressibility on Propagating Properties of Water Hammer in a Long PipeAnalytical Solution of Transient Flow in Pipe with Junction Coupling due to Hydro-Turbine Vane MotionNumerical Simulation of Pressure Difference about Curve Ball in FlightNumerical Simulation of Cavitation Flow in a Centrifugal PumpEngineering Extrapolation to Flight Reynolds Number for Supercritical Airfoil Pressure Distribution Based on CFD ResultsNumerical Analysis of the Vortex Flow Field in Cyclone Dust CollectorTwo-Phase CFD Study of Coolant through a 5?5 Rod Bundles with Grid SpacersA Robust and Practical Multi-Moment Finite Volume Model for Computational Fluid DynamicsNumerical Simulation on Backwater Downstream of Aerators in Spillway Tunnel with Ultra-Low Frounde Number FlowA 3D Numerical Model for Free Interfacial Flows and Applications to Offshore Waves with Submerged ObstaclesSimulation Method for 3-D Wind Field over Complex Terrain with Asymmetrical MountainsLarge Eddy Simulation of Unsteady Flow in a Mixed Flow Pump Guide VaneResearch on High Vacuum Phenomenon Produced by Aquatic VortexNumerical Simulation and Size Optimization of the Flow Channel of Rectangular Micro-Channel Heat SinkApplication of Vortex Lattice Method and Surface Spline Function in Terrain-Induced Wind FieldTheoretical and Numerical Study of Performance Prediction of Centrifugal Pumps as TurbinesSuppression Effect of Jet Flow on Aerodynamic Noise of 3D CavityStudies on Evaluation Methods of Medium-Term Inspection about Master Degree Thesis with Interval Number's Sorting WayLASSO-Type Variable Selection Methods for High-Dimensional DataDiscussion for Strictly a-Diagonally Dominant Matrices According to Circuit and its ApplicationSimple but Efficient Method for Integrating 1/r SingularitiesOn the Construction of Nonnegative 5?5 Matrices from Spectrum DataThe Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Symmetric Doubly Arrow MatricesSimulation of Water Droplet Merging under Shock Wave Using Real Ghost Fluid MethodSymplectic Partitioned Runge-Kutta and Symplectic Runge-Kutta Methods Generated by 2-Stage RadauIA MethodA High Accuracy Numerical Inversion Method in Solving the Sobolev Differential EquationsNew Numerical Quadrature of Integrand with Singularity of 1/r and its ApplicationNumerical Integral Independent of Frequency in the Boundary Element Method for Acoustic ScatteringOne Class Series Involving Reciprocals of Binominal CoefficientsA Legendre-Gauss Collocation Method for the Multi-Pantograph Delay Differential EquationA New Method of Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Based on Grey Relational Analysis with Time SeriesNew Development of the P and H-P Version Finite Element Method with Quasi-Uniform Meshes for Elliptic ProblemsA Study of FCM Clustering Algorithm Based on Interval Multiple Attribute InformationComparison of Two Sixth-Order Compact Finite 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Aeroelastic Response with Nonlinear Aerodynamic Data on 3D Bodysurface Panel ElementProperty of Conjugacy between Two Chaos MapsEvolution Model Analysis for Comprehensive Transportation StructureA New Approach for the Shape Optimization of Complex Nonlinear StructuresA Simple Numerical Simulation Method for Lorenz System FamiliesSubharmonic Bifurcations and Transition to Chaos in a Pipe Conveying Fluid under Harmonic ExcitationStability of Subharmonic Oscillations in a Pipe Conveying Fluid under Harmonic ExcitationModel Analysis for Comprehensive Transportation Structure Evolution Based on Catastrophe TheoryLevitation System Controller Design Based on the Implicit General Predictive Control AlgorithmStrength and Displacement Analysis of a Nuclear Power Giant Lifting Grid and Steel LinerAn Efficient Surrogate Model Construction Strategy for Large-Scale Output ProblemsAircraft Evacuation Simulation: A Developing Method to Improve Aviation SafetyAnalysis on Cracking Cause and Propagation Trend of Concrete DamThe Finite Element Analysis of the Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Generator TowerVehicle Classification Algorithm Based on Fuzzy SVM ModelsA New Method for Improving the Stress Status of the DamTime-Accurate Simulation of the Aircraft External Store SeparationAn Overview of VV&A Methods for Conceptual ModelMulti-Cup Isoflux Gas Anchor Numerical Simulation of Oil-Water SeparatingKarst Rocky Desertification Remote Sensing Monitoring by Integrating Land Use Diagnoses in Southeast of Yunnan ProvinceResponse of Sluice-Dam Structure on a Strong Earthquake ExcitationFinite Element Modeling and Experimental Verification of a Suspension Electromagnetic Energy HarvesterNumerical Simulation on the Form of Reinforcement of Reinforced Concrete Beam with OpeningsSPH Simulation of Free Overfall in Open Channels with Even and Uneven BottomA Constraint Solving System and Approach Based on Graph Theory and Floating DOFEstablishment and Validation of a 1-D Numerical Model of Unsteady Flow and Sediment Transport in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR)Macroscopic Modeling of Pedestrian Flow Considering the Herd BehaviorStatic and Dynamic Analysis of Intake Tower StructureStudy on Parallel Computing Method of 3-D Dynamic Analysis of Large-Scale StructureStudy on Management and Control of Radar Based on Genetic AlgorithmsSimulation of Power Plant Subsynchronous Resonance Possibility Based on ADPSSMulti-Core Desktop Parallelized Water Quality Model Applied to Xiangxi River, ChinaSafety Analysis of Static & Dynamic Method in Foundation Pit Considering Unsaturated SeepageResearch of Lower Bound Method for Wedge Slope Subjected to Pore Water Pressure and Earthquake ForceA Meso-Structure Analytical Model to Describe the Cracking Process due to Reinforcement Corrosion in Concrete StructureAnalysis of Ultimate Load-Bearing Capacity for Dowel Bar System in Rigid Pavement Based on XFEMStudy of Lower Bound Method for Plastic Limit Analysis of Wedge on Consideration of 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Based on Pronunciation Indication of Sound-ElementsStudy on Outward Foreign Direct Investment from China Enterprises from the Financial Development PerspectiveThe Reliability Research of the Good Receipting and being Put in Storage Process of X City's Tobacco Logistics Distribution CenterApplications of GIS-Enhanced Networks of Engineering InformationModeling and Simulation of CAS for Safety of Agricultural Products under Government RegulationModeling of Pedestrian Counter Flow in Corridors with Different BarriersSimulation of Crossing Traffic Flow without Traffic Light Using Modified Full Velocity Difference ModelProbability Distribution of Flexural Fatigue Life for Glass Fiber Reinforced ConcreteETL Application in Telecom Industry Based on TeradataSimulation for Affect Factor of Curriculum Teaching SystemThe Study of Generative Modeling of TextSituation & Prospect of Research on Talus SlopeEstablishing DFT-Based Linear Free Energy Relationships for the Study of Organo-Mineral 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Simulator Based on Automatic Contrast ModelResearch on Fault Diagnosis Simulation Training Method Based on Fault Tree with Following ScenesResearch of Closed-Loop Control for Underwater Heat-Engine Propulsion SystemA Distributed Scene Simulation System for Earth Observation Satellite Mission Design and AnalysisStudy of Constructed Wetland Plant Growth by Computer Image Processing (CIP)Visualization System for Tidal and Sediment Simulation in Coastal and Estuarine AreasSimulation and Analysis of Water Table and Drainage Discharge under Controlled Drainage in a Field Experiment Using DRAINMOD ModelStudy on One Dimensional Mathematical Model for Unsteady Flow Sediment and Water Quality in Channel with a Sluice

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