Dr. Neha Gupta has has total of 14+ year of experience in teaching and research and is working as Associate Professor in Department of Computer Applications, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, India.She is certified Blockchain professional and has contributed various articles and chapter on blockchain security with Elsevier and Springer. She is a Life Member of ACM CSTA, Tech Republic and Professional Member of IEEE. She has authored and co authored 60 research papers in SCI/SCOPUS/Peer Reviewed Journals (Scopus indexed) and IEEE/IET Conference proceedings in areas of Web Content Mining, Mobile Computing, and Cloud Computing. She is book series editor of Innovations in Big Data and Machine Learning, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, USA. She has published books with publishers like IGI Global, CRC Press & Pacific Book Internationaland has also authored book chapters with Springer, Elsevier, CRC Press and IGI global USA. Her research interests include ICT in Rural Development, Web Content Mining, Cloud Computing, Data Mining and NoSQL Databases. She is a technical programme committee (TPC) member in various conferences across the globe. She is an active reviewer for International Journal of Computer and Information Technology and in various IEEE Conferences around the world.
Dr. Rashmi Agrawal is PhD and UGC-NET qualified with 19+ years of experience in teaching and research, working as Professor in Department of Computer Applications, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, India. She is life member of Computer Society of India, senior member of IEEE and ACM CSTA and senior member of Science and Engineering Institute (SCIEI). She is book series editor of Innovations in Big Data and Machine Learning, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, USA. She has authored/ co authored more than 80 research papers in peer reviewed national/international journals and conferences which are SCI/SCIE/ESCI/SCOPUS indexed. She has also edited/authored books with national/international publishers (Springer, Elsevier, IGI Global, Apple Academic Press, and CRC Press) and contributed chapters in books edited by Springer, IGI global, Elsevier and CRC Press. Her research interests include Sentiment Analysis, Educational Data Mining, Internet of Things, Brain Computer Interface, and Natural language Processing. She is also an active reviewer and editorial board member in various journals of repute and associate Editor in Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences.