Gupta | MCQs in Dental Materials | Buch | 978-81-312-3103-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 348 Seiten


MCQs in Dental Materials

Buch, Englisch, 348 Seiten

ISBN: 978-81-312-3103-6
Verlag: Elsevier India

Salient Features of the Book

- Rapid revision tool for the study of dental materials for both-the undergraduate students and the students preparing for the entrance exams

- Page wise reference to the Phillips' Science of Dental Materials, 11th edition, for the sources of the questions

- Relevant explanations wherever needed
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Weitere Infos & Material


Foreword v

Preface vii

Acknowledgements ix

1. Overview of Dental Materials 1

2. Structure of Matter and Principles of Adhesion 5

3. Physical Properties of Dental Materials 8

4. Mechanical Properties of Dental Materials 25

5. Solidifi cation and Microstructure of Metals 52

6. Equilibrium Phase in Casting Alloys 59

7. Dental Polymer 68

8. Biocompatibility of Dental Materials 73

9. Impression Materials 86

10. Gypsum Products 113

11. Inlay Casting Wax 124

12. Casting Investments and Procedures 131

13. Finishing and Polishing Agent 165

14. Bonding 178

15. Restorative Resins 195

16. Dental Cements 207

17. Dental Amalgam 248

18. Direct Filling Gold 272

19. Dental Casting and Soldering Alloys 280

20. Wrought Alloys 293

21. Dental Ceramics 300

22. Denture Base Resins 313

23. Dental Implants 326

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