Gupta / Motallebzadeh / Kakooei | Advanced Ceramic Coatings | Buch | 978-0-323-99659-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Gupta / Motallebzadeh / Kakooei

Advanced Ceramic Coatings

Fundamentals, Manufacturing, and Classification
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
ISBN: 978-0-323-99659-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Fundamentals, Manufacturing, and Classification

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-99659-4
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Handbook of Advanced Ceramic Coatings: Fundamentals, Manufacturing and Classification introduces ceramic coating materials, methods of fabrication, characterizations, the interaction between fillers, reinforcers, and environmental impact, and the functional classification of ceramic coatings. The book is one of four volumes that together provide a comprehensive resource in the field of Advanced Ceramic Coatings, also including titles covering energy, biomedical and emerging applications. These books will be extremely useful for academic and industrial researchers and practicing engineers who need to find reliable and up-to-date information about recent progresses and new developments in the field of advanced ceramic coatings.

Smart ceramic coatings containing multifunctional components are now finding application in transportation and automotive industries, in electronics, and energy sectors, in aerospace and defense, and in industrial goods and healthcare. Their wide application and stability in harsh environments are only possible due to the stability of the inorganic components used. Ceramic coatings are typically silicon nitride, chromia, hafnia, alumina, alumina-magnesia, silica, silicon carbide, titania, and zirconia-based compositions. The increased demand for these materials and their application in energy, transportation, and the automotive industry, are considered, to be the main drivers.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Characterization methods and characterization of the coatings 2. Fracture mechanics of ceramic coating 3. Band-gap engineering of ceramic-coatings 4. Anticorrosion and anti-wear ceramic coatings 5. Self-Healing ceramic coatings 6. Self-cleaning photocatalytic ceramic coatings 7. Heat resistant and Fire-retardant ceramic coatings 8. Photocatalytic ceramic coatings 9. Classification of ceramic coatings for corrosion and wear resistance 10. Classification of smart ceramic coatings used in the automotive industry 11. VIS- and solar-active photocatalytic ceramic coatings 12. Ceramic Coatings for Semiconductors 13. Ceramic Coated Surface for Corrosion and Wear Resistance 14. Ceramic coatings for membranes 15. Thermal Barrier Ceramic Coatings 16. Nanocomposite Ceramic Diffusion Barrier Coatings 17.Ceramic composite coating for EMI shielding 18. Growth and properties of functionally graded ceramic coatings deposited by grid-assisted magnetron sputtering 19. Electrical Discharge Coating with Quarry Dust Powder Suspension 20. Environmental Impacts and Benefits of Ceramic Coatings

Behera, Ajit
Dr. Ajit Behera is an Assistant Professor in the Metallurgical and Materials Department at the National Institute of Technology, India. He completed his Ph.D. from IIT-Kharagpur in 2016. Dr. Behera has received several prestigious awards, including the National "Yuva Rattan Award" in 2020, the "Young Faculty Award" in 2017, and the "C.V. Raman Award" in 2019. His research interests encompass smart materials, additive manufacturing, 3D & 4D printing, NiTi-alloys, plasma surface engineering, nanotechnology, magnetron-sputtered thin film, cryo-treatment, and the utilization of industrial waste. Dr. Behera has also contributed to the field with the publication of two patents related to smart materials.

Kakooei, Saeid
Saeid Kakooei is Senior Lecturer at Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia. His research focuses in the areas of corrosion and failure analysis

Gupta, Ram K.
Dr. Ram Gupta is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Pittsburg State University. He is the Director of Research at the National Institute for Materials Advancement (NIMA). Dr. Gupta has been recently named by Stanford University as being among the top 2% of research scientists worldwide. Before joining Pittsburg State University, he worked as an Assistant Research Professor at Missouri State University, Springfield, MO then as a Senior Research Scientist at North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC. Dr. Gupta's research spans a range of subjects critical to current and future societal needs including: semiconducting materials & devices, biopolymers, flame-retardant polymers, green energy production & storage using nanostructured materials & conducting polymers, electrocatalysts, optoelectronics & photovoltaics devices, organic-inorganic heterojunctions for sensors, nanomagnetism, biocompatible nanofibers for tissue regeneration, scaffold & antibacterial applications, and bio-degradable metallic implants.

Nguyen, Tuan Anh
Tuan Anh Nguyen is Senior Principal Research Scientist at the Institute for Tropical Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam. He received B.S. in Physics from Hanoi University in 1992, and Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Paris Diderot University (France) in 2003. He was Visiting Scientist at Seoul National University (South Korea, 2004) and University of Wollongong (Australia, 2005). He then worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate and Research Scientist in the Montana State University (USA), 2006-2009. In 2012, he was appointed as the Head of the Microanalysis Department at Institute for Tropical Technology. His research activities include smart sensors, smart networks, smart hospitals, smart cities and digital twins. He edited over 70 Elsevier, 12 CRC Press, 1 Springer, 1 RSC and 2 IGI Global books. He is Editor-In-Chief of "Kenkyu Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience".

Motallebzadeh, Amir
Amir Motallebzadeh received his Ph.D. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2015. During his Ph.D., he studied microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of hardfacing coatings at high temperatures. In 2016, he joined Koç University Surface Science and Technology Center (KUYTAM) as a researcher. His research activities focus mainly on metallic and ceramic thin films, magnetron sputtering, high-entropy alloys, hard facing alloys, surface characterization methods, mechanical properties of coatings and tribology.

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