Gustafsson / Kronqvist / Nykänen | Ethics and the Philosophy of Culture | Buch | 978-1-4438-4322-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 290 Seiten

Gustafsson / Kronqvist / Nykänen

Ethics and the Philosophy of Culture

Wittgensteinian Approaches
1. Auflage 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4438-4322-5
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Wittgensteinian Approaches

Buch, Englisch, 290 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-4322-5
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Questions of ethics and the study of culture are tightly interwoven. Are we to see ethics as one thread in the fabric created by human culture or does ethics rather transcend culture? The discussions in this volume take place within this spectrum. Eleven Wittgenstein scholars explore how ethics is embedded in everyday activities and speech. The topics dealt with range from the ways we speak about human practices and nature, religious belief, gender, and moral understanding to questions about Wittgenstein’s views on ethics and what it means to understand and attend to a particular individual. Central points of departure are, firstly, that ethics cannot be reduced to any specific cultural form and, secondly, that how we conceive of language is crucially connected with how we perceive the relation between culture and ethics. The points of view put forth frequently pose radical questions to the mainstream of philosophy. The different uses to which Wittgenstein’s thought is put also raise important questions about how one should understand the role of language, ethics and culture in his philosophy.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Ylva Gustafsson is a PhD student at the Department of Philosophy at Åbo Akademi University. Her research interests include philosophy of psychology, philosophy of anthropology and moral philosophy.

Camilla Kronqvist is engaged with teaching and research at the Department of Philosophy at Åbo Akademi University. Her doctoral dissertation (2008) dealt with the subject of love in relation to questions regarding emotions, identity and meaning. Her current research interests focus on moral philosophy and the philosophy of emotion.

Hannes Nykänen is teaching and doing research at the philosophy departments in Åbo Akademi University and Helsinki University. He is the author of The ‘I’, the ‘You’ and the Soul: An Ethics of Conscience, Öppningar och Labyrinter, Samvetet och det dolda: Om kärlek och kollektivitet, “Freud’s Dangerous Pupil” (on Wittgenstein’s philosophy), “Conscience and Collective Fantasy” and “Heidegger’s Conscience”.

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