Habash | Sustainability and Health in Intelligent Buildings | Buch | 978-0-323-98826-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 284 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g


Sustainability and Health in Intelligent Buildings

Erscheinungsjahr 2022
ISBN: 978-0-323-98826-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 284 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-98826-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Sustainability and Health in Intelligent Buildings presents a comprehensive roadmap for designing and constructing high-performance clean energy-efficient buildings, including intelligence capabilities underpinned by smart power, 5G and Internet-of-Things technologies, environmental sensors, intelligent control strategies and cyber-physical security. This book includes a special emphasis on health pandemic resiliency that discusses strong engineering control strategies to respond and recover from infectious diseases like COVID-19.

Sections cover the foundational aspects of healthy buildings, with a special emphasis on assessing indoor environmental qualities. In addition, it introduces the necessary principles that assist engineers and researchers in understanding and designing buildings that meet health and sustainability goals.
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Civil engineers, professors and students in building design, and researchers who deal with specific research questions in the field of healthy and intelligent buildings


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Building as a system 2. Building as a living system 3. Building as an energy system 4. Building as a smart system 5. Building as a human-cyber-physical system 6. Building as a control system 7. Building as a bioelectromagnetics ecosystem 8. Building as a hygiene system 9. Urbanization as an intelligent system

Habash, Riadh
Riadh Habash is a special appointment professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada. He has professional, teaching, and research expertise in multiple areas including energy literacy, mechatronics, bioelectromagnetics, and control systems. Over the years, he has acquired an interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning by initiating activities that provide an engaging environment for inquiring minds through collaboration with industry to develop entrepreneurial projects and educational resources. He is the recipient of the National Wighton Fellowship and several institutional awards. Academically, he has published seven books, five book chapters, and more than 100 research articles.

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