Buch, Englisch, 1100 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 2200 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-336-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Computerkommunikation & -vernetzung
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik Sensorik
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik Robotik
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Maschinenbau Konstruktionslehre, Bauelemente, CAD
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Konstruktionslehre und -technik
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Technische Informatik Eingebettete Systeme
- Medizin | Veterinärmedizin Medizin | Public Health | Pharmazie | Zahnmedizin Medizin, Gesundheitswesen Medizintechnik, Biomedizintechnik, Medizinische Werkstoffe
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik Regelungstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik Signalverarbeitung
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Medizintechnik, Biomedizintechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Maschinenbau Mechatronik, Mikrosysteme (MEMS), Nanosysteme
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion Ambient Intelligence, RFID, Internet der Dinge
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik Leistungselektronik
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface, Organizing Committee and Sponsors
Chapter 1: Control Theory and Application
Application of High-Speed Wind Tunnel Control Based on PID Neural Network
Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems Based on Output Feedback Decoupling, Curve Fitting and Spline Interpolation
Position Control of Ultrasonic Motor Using IMC-PID Combined with Tribes Type NN Algorithm
Research on 760mm Hot Tandem Mill Hydraulic AGC Control System
Design and Analysis of the Bellows Fatigue Test-Bed Based on Electro-Hydraulic Proportional Position Control
Development of Discoid Products Stacking Machine Based on PLC
Directional Control of a Driver-Heavy-Vehicle Closed-Loop System
Research on SVPWM Method and its Neutral Point Potential Control
Study on Acc/Dec Algorithm Based on Piecewise Polynomial in CNC
Climbing and Turning Control of a Biped Passive Walker by Periodic Input Based on Frequency Entrainment
Simulation and Study on Non-Sinusoidal Oscillation Control System of Continuous Casting Mold
Design and Simulation of PEM Control System for Reactive Sputtering Coating
Tail Deviation’s Predictive Control of the Tandem Rolling Strip Based on Manifold Learning
Synchronic Fuzzy Control of Master and Slave Arc in Twin-Wire Pulsed Metal Active Gas Welding
Control of Pushing and Pulling Motion of a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Based on a Reduced Order Observer
A Sun Tracking PV System Equipped Greenhouse Control System for Educational Purpose
Output Feedback Control of a Ball and Beam System Based on Jacobian Linearization under Sensor Noise
Development of a Neural Network Based Q Learning Algorithm for Traffic Signal Control
Multi-Channel Active Noise Control System Designs with Fuzzy Logic Stabilized Algorithms
Chapter 2: Sensors and Signal/Image Processing
Removal of Ocular Artifact from EEG Using Constrained ICA
HHT Based Analysis on Experiments of Rotor System with Rub-Impact
Energy Analysis Method Based on Wavelet Transform for Sensor Fault Diagnosis
Research on the Peripheral Sound Visualization Using the Improved Ripple Mode
Speech Enhancement Using Wavelet Neural Network with Sub-Band Adaptive Matched Filter
Design and Implementation of Sensor Network Device Control System with AR Technology
Speech Endpoint Detection in Noisy Environment Based on the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
Simulation Analysis on Cymbal Transducer
Research on the Broadband Dual-Excited Underwater Acoustic Transducer
Experiments of Ultrasonic Sensing Using FBG Sensors
Research and Application of Machine Vision in Industry
Study of Method of Denoising for Triaxial Flight Simulation Turntable Based on Generalized Minimum Variance
Measurement of Natural Properties of a Beam Based on Machine Vision
Optical Properties of Ta2O5/SiO2 Antireflection Coating System
An Intelligent Fire-Detection Method Based on Image Processing
Two De-Noising Methods Based on Gabor Transform
A New Extension of the Rank Transform for Stereo Matching
Signal Denoise Method Based on the Higher Order Cumulant and Local Tangent Space Mean Reconstruction
Feature Extraction of Early AE Signal Based on the Lifting Wavelet and Empirical Mode Decomposition
KPCA Feature Extraction Based on Bacterial Foraging Algorithm
A New Open Curve Detection Algorithm for Extracting the Laser Lines on the Road
Optimization Mode Research of Weighted Undirected Graph
Chapter 3: Biomedical and Welfare Engineering
Blood Flow Velocity Changes in the Middle Cerebral Artery Induced by Driving Fatigue
A Signature Identification Method Based on Strength and Strokes Direction
A System for Relieving Mental Fatigue Based on Light and Sound Stimulation
Design of the Control System for Rehabilitation Horse Based on MCU STC89C52
Neural Measures Reveal Human Short-Term Working Memory–Varying Both Load and Cue Size
Heart Sound Analysis for Discrimination of VSD
An Experimental Study of EMG Signal Features for Motion Discriminations Using Support Vector Machine
Investigation on a Novel Sensing Technology for the Detection of Blood Coagulation Based on Liquid Resonance Characteristics
Reducing Interference of Involuntary Movements in EEG Signal Analysis
Study on EEG Feature Extraction under LED Color Exposure to Enhance the Concentration
Chapter 4: Robotics and Human Interface
Design of Cross-Country Robot Control System Based on Wireless Communication Module
Distinctions in Weight Perception between Constrained and Unconstrained Lifting of Objects
Lifting Objects with Power-Assist: Weight-Perception-Based Force Control Concepts to Improve Maneuverability
Lowering Objects with a Power Assist Robot: The Preliminary Study
Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Serial-Parallel Combination Joint with Flexible-Cable
Structural Optimization of Variable Section Slender Manipulator Based on Sensitivity Analysis Method
A Relationship between Movement Time and Traveled Distances in Forward/Backward Direction Cooperative Task
Kinematic Analysis of Three-Wire-Driven Parallel (TWDP) Robot
Key Posture Extraction from Object Manipulations Experiments
System Analysis and Design of Gripping Device for Wafer Transfer Robot
An Overview on Wafer Pre-Aligner
Multi-Objective Optimal Kinematic Design of 3-TPS/TP Parallel Robot Manipulator
The Manipulator Cleared the Surface of Fluid Pipelines
Modeling and Control of Flexible Hydraulic Robotic Arm
Research on the Modeling and Transition Algorithm of a Novel Wall-Climbing Robot
Design and Analysis of a Novel Wall-Climbing Robot Mechanism
A Tolerance Analysis Approach Based on Robot Kinematics
Study on Measurement of Spatial Motion Trajectory Based on Laser Tracing Measurement System
Tracking Testing of Dynamic Errors for Linear Guideway Based on Position Sensitive Detector
Dynamic Analysis of a 165Kg Spot Welding Robot
Vibration Suppression of a 3-DOF Parallel Manipulator Based on Hybrid Negative Impulses Multi-Mode Input Shaping
Analysis of Multi-Fingered Grasp and Manipulation of Ping-Pong Racket
A Judgment Criterion of Crossing Obstacle Ability for Lunar Rover with Track Angle
Development of an Autonomous Two-Wheeled Vehicle Robot
System Development of an Experimental Rocket and an Autonomous Free Falling Mobile Robot
A Tetra-State Hopping Robot Driven by Shape Memory Alloy Spring
A Study on Teleoperation of a Mobile Robot Using Haptic Feedback
Bipedal Walking Trajectory Generation Using Tchebychev Method
A Sludge Cleaning Robot for Sulfuric Acid Tank
Research on EEG-Based Control of Prosthetic Hand
Human-Robot Interaction System Research for 500kV EHV Power Transmission Line Inspection Robot
Research on Pedestrian’s Detection Based on the Integration of AdaBoost Algorithm and Shape Features
Chapter 5: Embedded System and Mechatronics
Design of Vibrating Signal Acquisition and Processing System Based on Wireless Transducer Network
Twin Channel of Speed Control System Based on DSP
Development of a Wireless Inertial Measurement System for Pitching Motion Analysis
The Design of Embedded AeroEngine Measurement and Test System Based on ARM and FPGA
Planar Contour Primitive Recognition of Thin Sheet Part Dimensional Inspection System
Research on Dimensional Inspection System of Thin Sheet Part Based on Machine Vision
Design of the AC Motor Speed Regulator Controlled by ARM
Inverter Control System of Alternating Current Motors Based on ARM and µC/OS-II
The Design of Combined DCU (Data Concentration Unit) System with Power-Line Communication and DOCSIS Cable Modem for AMR (Auto Meter Reading)
A Micro-Force-Tracking System Based on PVDF Static Micro-Force Sensor and Fuzzy-PID Control Method
Design and Implementation of Vehicle Pedestrian Detection System Based on FPGA
Path Following Control for a Class of Electro-Mechanical Systems and its Application
MSC ADAMS Based Simulation of a Test-Bed for Cell Injecting Using IPMC
Investigation on Slot/Pole Number Combinations for PMSM with Concentrated Fractional Slot Winding
Research on the Planetary Gear Deceleration Machine Design of a Novel Rapidly-Opening/Closing Actuator of Manual Valve
The Real-Time Look-Ahead NURBS Curve Interpolation Algorithm
A Stenciling Delay System for Steel Plate Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Process
Welding Seam Turbulent Tracking Technique for Spiral Welded Pipe Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
Vibration Control and Dynamical Model of a Thermal-Electrical-Mechanical Coupled Smart Cantilevered Beam
A Study on CO2/CO Dual Sensor Module by NDIR Method
High Density Ozone Generation System Using Fuzzy Inference Engine
The Optical Network Design Using Availability Models to Accept Additional Nodes
Design of Measuring System of ASC (Acupuncture Spot Current) for Constitutional Diagnosis
Chapter 6: Information Technology and Intelligent System
Fast Volume Rendering Using a Spherical Index Method for Shading
Device Management System Using Group Information on SNS
User-Oriented Web Service Search Technique for Mobile Mashup
A Systematic Framework for Building Trusted Online Transaction Environment: Three Information Infrastructures
Study on Design Method of Logistics Platform Based on SOA & ESB
Acquisition and Analysis System of the Ballistocardiogram Signal Based on Virtual Instruments
A Game Theory Based Approach for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Implementation Mechanism of Automated Reconciliation for Web Services Protocols
Ant Colony Intelligence in Flexible Manufacturing Scheduling Using Contract-Net Model
The Research of the NURBS Curve Interpolation Algorithm
Simulation of NURBS Curve Interpolation Algorithm and Five S-Phased Acceleration and Deceleration Control Algorithm
Source Data Model of Integration Manufacturing Information System
A New Dynamic Version Control Method Oriented the Complex Product
Cast Shadow Detection for Surveillance System Based on Tricolor Attenuation Model
Implementation of FxLMS Algorithm Based on Level-2 S-Function and Behavior Analysis
A Research on the Extraction and Interpretation of Power Line Communication Noise Pattern Using Genetic Algorithm
A Study on the Effective Gas Safety Management Using Smart Appliances
Development of Statistical Server to Apply Call Center Management Solution
Chapter 7: Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis
Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Machine-Tool Guideway System with Clearance
The Effect of Initial Cooling Temperature on Deformation of U75V Heavy Rail after Cooling
Effect of Draw Blank Velocity on Steel Fluid Flow Field in Blank Continuous Caster Crystallizer
Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Double-Disk Isotropic Rotor System with Axial Rub-Impact
Backward-Auto-Regressive Model Based Rotor-Bearing System Stability Prediction
Identification of Damping Ratio for a Rotor-Bearing System Using a Magnetic Bearing Exciter
Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Prognosis: A Review
Effects of Shroud Curvature on the Performance of Centrifugal Compressor Blade
Fault Prediction Method Based on Data Mining in Semiconductor Test Line
Comparison of Critical Speeds of a Rotor System with Different Types of Finite Elements
Time-Frequency Characteristics Analysis on Vibration Signals of a Three-Supported Rotor System with Misalignment
Nonlinear Dynamics of Jeffcott Rotor System with Rub-Impact Fault
Research on Periodic Motion Stability of Rotor-Bearing System with Dual-Unbalances
Numerical Analysis of Structure Acoustic Radiation Based on Wave Superposition Method
Damage Process Simulation of Damping Coating of Thin Plate
Machine Condition Classification by Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Multi-Scale Entropy
The Model of Equipment Integrated Maintenance Management Based on MES
Parameter Optimization in KPCA for Rotating Machinery Feature Vector Dimensionality Reduction
A Character of Rotating Machinery Defined Based on KICA
Research on Characteristics of Chaotic Motion Based on the Wavelet Ridge
Second Derivative Gaussian Algorithm in Engine Fault Image
Model-Based Fault Diagnosis Approach for Rotor System with Unidentified Supporting Parameters
Development of a Kind of Mine Staff Management System
The Study of Interoperability Test for Onboard Control System in Railway Condition
Verification Experiment and Analysis for Electrical Utilities Diagnosis System by HFPD Detector
Chapter 8: Applied Mechanics and Design
Experimental Study of Micro Mill-Grinding Process on Al 6061-T6
Optimization Algorithm of Matrix Riccati Differential Equation and Application
Nonlinear Frequencies for Transverse Free Oscillations of a Transporting Tensioned Beam
Analysis of Flow Field for Link Rod Butterfly Valve
Fluid-Structure Interaction Vibration of Hydraulic Pipe System
Modal Analysis of Temporarily Installed Suspended Access Equipment Based on ANSYS
Dynamic Design and Computer Imitation of Belt Conveyor with Horizontal Curves
Finite Element Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of Rotating Disc and Drum Connected by Bolted Joints
Research on the Vibration of Rolling Mill
FEM Analysis on the Frame of Cross Roll Straightener for Steel Pipes
Structure Analyses and Flow Rate Model of Peristaltic Pump of Cement Foaming Machine
Study on the Temperature Field of Casting Process in ANSYS
Finite Element Analysis for Whole Machine of Link-Type Ladle Turret
Nonlinear Response of Graphite-Epoxy Composite Thin-Walled Structure under Elevated Thermal Environment
Investigation into Noise Frequency Spectrum Characteristics Corresponding to Blade Nonsynchronous Vibration in Multi-Stage Axial Compressor
Influence of Thermal Loading on the Dynamic Response of Thin-Walled Structure under Thermo-Acoustic Loading
Free Axial Vibrations of Non-Uniform Rods
Dynamic Simulation on Impact Test of Vehicle Wheel
Discrete Element Analysis of Friction Coefficient on Granular Accumulation
Speed Effects on Inherent Rotating Frequency of Motorized Spindle System
Research on Numerical Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction in Engine Blades
Study on Dynamic Response of Assembly Type Gear-Rotor System
Free Vibration of a CLD Combination Cylindrical Shells
Reliability Analysis and Motion Simulation of Steel Coil Upender Clamp
Modal Analysis of Five-Layer Vertical Structure Platform
FE Analysis on Contact Properties between Root- Blade and Slot-Disc
Similitude Analysis on Mechanical Parameters of Thin Walled Shells
The Gyroscopic Effect on Dynamic Characteristics of Dual- Disk Rotor System
Analytical Solution for Free Vibration of Multilayered Circular Plate
The Research on Single-Disc Rotor Nonlinear Vibration Model and Mechanism
DEM Simulation of Spin Vibration Screening Process
Symmetric Deflection of CFRP-Based Polymeric Laminate
The Modal Analysis of Rotor-Rolling Bearing-Base System
A Vibration-Isolated Body of Chaotic Prediction
The Design and Simulation of HPLC’s Structure
Reformation Design of the Feeding System of the Semi-Mobile Crushing Station
Stress Analysis on Saw Blade of Hot Sawing Machine
Fluid Finite Element Analysis for Hot-Air Valve Duct
Analysis of Moment Transmitted by Universal Joint in Varying Operating Condition
Reliability Sensitivity Analysis of Bearing-Rotor System Based on the Dynamic Coefficient
Analysis of Intensity and Vibration of 190T Electric Wheel Dump Truck Frame
Natural Characteristics Analysis of Frame of 1780 Tandem Rolling Mill
Dynamics Characteristics of Blast Furnace Shell
Sealing Teeth Effects on Natural Frequencies of a Short Cylindrical Shell
Kinematic Analysis on Materials on Counter Flow Screen and Selection of Dynamic Parameters of Machine
Simulation of Fatigue Failure of Rail Joint Bolts by FEA
Feasibility Study on Structure Optimization of Filter Elements for Hydraulic Pipelines
The Optimal Design of Trench Field Rings for High Breakdown Voltage
Application of P1-Nonconforming Element for Shell Structure of Incompressible Materiel
Chapter 9: Applied Electromagnetics
Non-Parametric Model of Magneto-Rheological (MR) Damper Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
Semi-Active Control of Vehicle Seat Suspension System with Magnetorheological Damper
Combinatorial Synthesis and Evaluation of Vanadium Oxide Films
Vibration Control and Design of Vehicle Engine Mount Activated by Magnetorheological Fluid
Research of Film Uniformity on Vacuum Coating by Magnetron Sputtering with Multi-Sites
Virtual Design and Visual Simulation of Cathode Target on Magnetron Sputtering Coater
Self-Helpingly Exchanging and Charging Batteries for EN-V
Improvement of Zero Suspension Force Performance Using a Special Magnet for a Magnetic Suspension Device
Adaptive State Feedback Control of Electromagnetic Levitation System for Uncertain Ball Mass