Harkreader / Hogan / Thobaben | Fundamentals of Nursing | Buch | 978-1-4160-3436-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 1424 Seiten, Hardback with CD-ROM, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Harkreader / Hogan / Thobaben

Fundamentals of Nursing

Caring and Clinical Judgment

Buch, Englisch, 1424 Seiten, Hardback with CD-ROM, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4160-3436-0
Verlag: Saunders

This comprehensive fundamentals text focuses on the needs and learning styles today's nursing students. Organized by functional health patterns, this text features streamlined procedures that focus on the most essential information needed to provide safe and effective care. Clinical chapters begin with a case study and overview of key nursing diagnoses, then present assessment, planning, interventions, and evaluation within the context of that case study and those key diagnoses. A new Companion CD provides a variety of student activities and review questions that reinforce important concepts.
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Weitere Infos & Material

UNIT 1 The Social Context of Nursing

1. The Nursing Profession

2. The Legal and Ethical Context of Practice

3. The Cultural Context of Practice

4. The Health Care Delivery System

UNIT 2 A Framework for Nursing Practice

5. Caring and Clinical Judgment

6. Client Assessment

7. Assessing Vital Signs

8. Physical Assessment

9. Making a Nursing Diagnosis

10. Planning, Intervening and Evaluating Care

11. Documenting Care

UNIT 3 The Tools of Practice

12. The Nurse-Client Relationship

13. Client Teaching

14. Managing Client Care

15. Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research

UNIT 4 The Well Client Across the Life Span

16. Infancy Through School-Age

17. Adolescents and Young Adults

18. Middle and Older Adult New

UNIT 5 Health Perception - Health Management Pattern

19. Health Perception

20. Health Maintenance: Lifestyle Management

21. Health Maintenance: Medication Management

22. Health Protection: Risk for Infection

23. Health Protection: Risk for Injury

UNIT 6 Nutritional - Metabolic Pattern

24. Promoting Nutrition

25. Restoring Nutrition

26. Maintaining Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

27. Promoting Wound Healing

28. Body Temperature

UNIT 7 Elimination Pattern

29. Managing Bowel Elimination

30. Managing Urinary Elimination

UNIT 8 Activity - Exercise Pattern

31. Managing Self-Care Deficit

32. Restoring Physical Mobility

33. Preventing Disuse Syndrome

34. Supporting Respiratory Function

35. Supporting Cardiovascular Function

UNIT 9 Sleep - Rest Pattern

36. Managing Sleep and Rest

UNIT 10 Cognitive - Perceptual Pattern

37. Managing Pain

38. Supporting Sensory/Perceptual Function

39. Supporting Verbal Communication

40. Managing Confusion

UNIT 11 Self-Perception - Self-Concept Pattern

41. Promoting Self-Concept

42. Managing Anxiety

43. Managing Vulnerability

UNIT 12 Role - Relationship Pattern

44. Managing Functional Limitations

45. Managing Loss

UNIT 13 Sexuality - Reproduction Pattern

46. Maintaining Sexual Health

UNIT 14 Coping - Stress - Tolerance Pattern

47. Supporting Stress Tolerance and Coping

48. Supporting Family Coping

UNIT 15 Value - Belief Pattern

49. Supporting Spirituality

UNIT 16 The Surgical Client

50. The Surgical Client

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