Harper / Clifford | Design and Manufacture of Structural Composites | Buch | 978-0-12-819160-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Harper / Clifford

Design and Manufacture of Structural Composites

Erscheinungsjahr 2022
ISBN: 978-0-12-819160-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 400 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-819160-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Design and Manufacture of Structural Composites provides an overview of the main manufacturing challenges encountered when processing fibre-reinforced composite materials. Composites are unique in that the material is created at the same time as the structure, forming a very close link between the constituents, the manufacturing process and the resulting mechanical performance. This book takes an in-depth look at material choices and the intermediate steps required to convert different fibre and matrix combinations into finished products. It provides an insight into recent developments for each of the manufacturing processes covered, addressing design, cost, rate and mechanical performance.

Topics covered include an introduction to composite materials, material preforming and conversion, moulding, digital design and sustainability, which addresses waste reduction, disassembly and fibre recovery. This book has been developed primarily as a teaching resource with contributions from leading experts in the field. The content has evolved from courses given by the authors to mechanical engineering and materials science students, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It also draws upon experience gained during research projects and from leading industry experts. It therefore provides non-specialists with a valuable introduction to composite manufacturing techniques, helping to determine the most suitable manufacturing routes and to understand the challenges associated with the production of high-performance composite components.
Harper / Clifford Design and Manufacture of Structural Composites jetzt bestellen!


<p>Materials scientist, Materials engineer, Metallurgist, Ceramics engineer, Mechanical engineer, Aerospace engineer Materials Science and Engineering, Ceramics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Aerospace Engineering at universities, government labs, research institutes; Graduate students and undergraduate students at universities worldwide with departments and/or degree programs in Materials Science and Engineering, Ceramics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Aerospace Engineering</p>


Weitere Infos & Material

I. Introduction to composite materials 1. Introduction 2. Fibres 3. Resins 4. Intermediate Materials

II. Material Preforming and Conversion 5. 2D to 3D Dry Fibre Preforming 6. Automated Fibre Placement (AFP / ATL) 7. Braiding and Filament Winding 8. 3D Weaving

III. Moulding 9. Autoclaving Prepreg 10. Liquid Composite Moulding 11. Compression Moulding 12. Thermoplastic Stamping 13. Injection Moulding and Over-moulding

IV. Digital Design 14. Design for Manufacture 15. Process Simulation: Fabric Preforming 16. Process Simulation: Moulding Processes 17. Digital Factory 18. Cost, Rate and Robustness

V. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 19. Waste Reduction 20. Disassembly 21. Fibre Recovery + Recyclate Conversion

Clifford, Mike
Dr Mike Clifford has worked in the field of composite materials for 20 years. His interests lie in deformation of pre-impregnated material (thermosetting and thermoplastic) during forming components, natural fibre composites and nanocomposite applications. He has authored 80 peer-reviewed publications, co-supervised 22 PhD students and been PI on projects totalling £1.2m.

Harper, Lee
Dr Lee Harper has worked in the field of composite manufacturing for 15 years. He has established credible expertise in process development and numerical modelling for fibre reinforced polymer composites. His principal research interests focus on developing and modelling automated manufacturing processes for the automotive industry. He developed the Directed Carbon Fibre Pre-forming (DCFP) process, an automated technology for producing net-shaped non-woven materials. He has authored 40 peer-reviewed publications, co-supervised 12 PhD students and been PI on projects totalling £3.1m. He currently sits on the UK's Composite Leadership Forum, as part of the Technology Working Group and is a committee member for the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE). Harper is also the Manager of the EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub, a £10.3m investment by EPSRC to develop fundamental research in composites manufacturing.

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