Harris | The Price of the Ticket | Buch | 978-0-19-973967-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 232 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 236 mm, Gewicht: 438 g

Reihe: Transgressing Boundaries


The Price of the Ticket

Barack Obama and Rise and Decline of Black Politics

Buch, Englisch, 232 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 236 mm, Gewicht: 438 g

Reihe: Transgressing Boundaries

ISBN: 978-0-19-973967-7
Verlag: Oxford University Press

The historical significance of Barack Obama's triumph in the presidential election of 2008 scarcely requires comment. Yet it contains an irony: he won a victory as an African American only by denying that he was the candidate of African Americans. Obama's very success, writes Fredrick Harris, exacted a heavy cost on black politics.

In The Price of the Ticket, Harris puts Obama's career in the context of decades of black activism, showing how his election undermined the very movement that made it possible. The path to his presidency began just before passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, when black leaders began to discuss strategies to make the most of their new access to the ballot. Some argued that black voters should organize into a cohesive, independent bloc; others urged a more race-neutral approach,
working together with other racial minorities as well as like-minded whites. This has been the fundamental divide within black politics ever since. At first, the gap did not seem serious. But the post-civil-rights era has accelerated a shift towards race-neutral politics. Obama made a point of distancing himself
from older race-conscious black leaders, such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson—even though, as Harris shows, he owes much to Jackson's earlier campaigns for the White House. Unquestionably Obama's approach won support among whites, but Harris finds the results troublesome. The social problems targeted by an earlier generation of black politicians—racial disparities in income and education, stratospheric incarceration and unemployment rates, rampant HIV in black communities—all persist, yet
Obama's election, ironically, marginalized them. Meanwhile, the civil-rights movement's militancy is fading from memory.

Written by one of America's leading scholars of race and politics, The Price of the Ticket will reshape our understanding of the rise of Barack Obama and the decline of a politics dedicated to challenging racial inequality head on.
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General readers; students and scholars of American politics, American political development, political sociology, race and ethnicity


Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: A Clash of Visions
Chapter 2: Chicago, The Political Capital of Black America
Chapter 3: Entering the Land of Milk and Honey
Chapter 4: Respectability as Public Philosophy
Chapter 5: Winks, Nods, and Votes
Chapter 6: Price of the Ticket

Chapter 1: A Clash of Visions
Chapter 2: Chicago, The Political Capital of Black America
Chapter 3: Entering the Land of Milk and Honey
Chapter 4: Respectability as Public Philosophy
Chapter 5: Winks, Nods, and Votes
Chapter 6: Price of the Ticket

Harris, Fredrick
Fredrick C. Harris is Professor of Political Science and the Director of the Institute for Research in African-American Studies at Columbia University. He is the author of Something Within and Countervailing Forces in African-American Civic Activism.

Fredrick C. Harris is Professor of Political Science and the Director of the Institute for Research in African-American Studies at Columbia University. He is the author of Something Within and Countervailing Forces in African-American Civic Activism.

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