The present volume in this distinguished series includes the essays “Homer as Oral Poet,” by Albert B. Lord; “Callimachus, Fragments 260–261,” by Hugh Lloyd-Jones and John Rea; “A King’s Notebooks,” by E. Badian; “Roman Policy in Spain before the Hannibalic War,” by G. V. Sumner; “The Proconsulate of Albus,” by G. W. Bowersock; “A Remark on Lachmann’s Law,” by J. Kurylowicz; “Culex 59,” by O. Skutsch; “Maximianus a Satirist?” by Joseph Szövérffy; and other essays by Virginia Brown, R. D. Dawe, Sidney M. Goldstein, Mason Hammond, Nancy L. Hirschland, C. P. Jones, A. R. Littlewood, Charles E. Murgia, Carlo Pavese, and E. J. Weinrib.
Harvard University Department of Classics
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