Dr. Aboul Ella Hassanien is Founder and Head of the Egyptian Scienti?cResearch Group (SRGE). He has more than 1000 scienti?c research papers pub-lished in prestigious international journals and over 50 books covering diversetopics such as data mining, medical images, intelligent systems, social networks andsmart environment. He won several awards including the Best Researcher of theYouth Award of Astronomy and Geophysics of the National Research Institute,Academy of Scienti?c Research (Egypt, 1990). He was also granted a Scienti?cExcellence Award in Humanities from the University of Kuwait for the 2004Award and received the superiority of scienti?c—University Award (CairoUniversity, 2013). Also, he honored in Egypt as the best researcher in CairoUniversity in 2013. He also received the Islamic Educational, Scienti?c andCultural Organization (ISESCO) prize on Technology (2014) and received the StateAward for Excellence in Engineering Sciences 2015. He was awarded the Medal ofSciences and Arts of the ?rst class by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt,2017. He was awarded the International Scopus Award for the meritorious researchcontribution in the ?eld of computer science (2019).
Dr. Aditya Khamparia has expertise in teaching, entrepreneurship and research& development of 8 years. He received his Ph.D. degree from Lovely ProfessionalUniversity, Punjab, in May 2018. He has completed his M.Tech. from VITUniversity and B.Tech. from RGPV, Bhopal. He has completed his PDF fromUNIFOR, Brazil. He has around 65 research papers along with chapters includingmore than 15 papers in SCI indexed journals with cumulative impact factor ofabove 50 to his credit. Additionally, he has authored and edited ?ve books.Furthermore, he has served the research ?eld as Keynote Speaker/SessionChair/Reviewer/TPC Member/Guest Editor and many more positions in variousconferences and journals. His research interests include machine learning, deeplearning, educational technologies, computer vision.
Dr. Deepak Gupta is an eminent academician and plays versatile roles andresponsibilities juggling between lectures, research, publications, consultancy,community service, Ph.D. and postdoctorate supervision, etc. With 13 years of richexpertise in teaching and two years in industry, he focuses on rational and practicallearning. He has contributed massive literature in the ?elds of human-computerinteraction, intelligent data analysis, nature-inspired computing, machine learningand soft computing. He has served as Editor in Chief, Guest Editor and AssociateEditor in SCI and various other reputed journals. He has completed his postdocfrom Inatel, Brazil, and Ph.D. from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University.He has authored/edited 37 books with national-/international-level publisher(Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Katson). He has published 132 scienti?c researchpublications in reputed international journals and conferences including 62 SCIindexed journals of IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley and many more. He is theconvener and organizer of ‘ICICC’ Springer conference series.
Dr. K. Shankar is currently Postdoc Fellow in the Alagappa University,Karaikudi, India. Collectively, he authored/co-authored over 50+ ISI journal arti-cles (with total impact factor 150+) and 100+ Scopus indexed articles. He hasguest-edited several special issues at many journals published by SAGE,TechScience, Inderscience and MDPI. He has served as Guest Editor and AssociateEditor in SCI, Scopus indexed journals like Elsevier, Springer, IGI, Wiley & MDPI.He has served as Chair (program, publications, Technical Committee and track) onseveral international conferences. He has delivered several invited and keynotetalks, and reviewed the technology leading articles for journals like Scienti?cReports—Nature, the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEETransactions on Reliability, the IEEE Access, the IEEE Internet of Things, Big DataResearch, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, and the IEEEInternet of Things. He authored/edited conference proceedings, chapters and twobooks published by Springer. He has been a part of various seminars, paper pre-sentations, research paper reviews, and convener and a session chair of the severalconferences. He displayed vast success in continuously acquiring newknowledgeand applying innovative pedagogies, has always aimed to be an effective educatorand has a global outlook. His current research interests include healthcare applications, secret image sharing scheme, digital image security, cryptography, Internetof Things and optimization algorithms.
Adam Slowik (IEEE Member 2007; IEEE Senior Member 2012) received theB.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer engineering and electronics in 2001 and thePh.D. degree with distinction in 2007 from the Department of Electronics andComputer Science, Koszalin University of Technology, Koszalin, Poland. Hereceived the Dr. Habil. degree in computer science (intelligent systems) in 2013from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science,Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland. Since October2013, he has been Associate Professor in the Department of Electronics andComputer Science, Koszalin University of Technology. His research interests include soft computing, computational intelligence and, particularly, bio-inspiredoptimization algorithms and their engineering applications. He is a reviewer formany international scienti?c journals. He is Author or Coauthor of over 80 refereedarticles in international journals, two books and conference proceedings, includingone invited talk. He is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on IndustrialInformatics. He is Member of the program committees of several important inter-national conferences in the areas of arti?cial intelligence and evolutionary com-putation. He was a recipient of one Best Paper Award (IEEE Conference on HumanSystem Interaction—HSI 2008).