Hawkes / Kasper | Principles of Electron Optics, Volume 3 | Buch | 978-0-12-818979-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 558 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1380 g

Hawkes / Kasper

Principles of Electron Optics, Volume 3

Fundamental Wave Optics
2. Auflage 2022
ISBN: 978-0-12-818979-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Fundamental Wave Optics

Buch, Englisch, 558 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 1380 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-818979-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Principles of Electron Optic: Volume Three: Wave Optics, discusses this essential topic in microscopy to help readers understand the propagation of electrons from the source to the specimen, and through the latter (and from it) to the image plane of the instrument. In addition, it also explains interference phenomena, notably holography, and informal coherence theory. This third volume accompanies volumes one and two that cover new content on holography and interference, improved and new modes of image formation, aberration corrected imaging, simulation, and measurement, 3D-reconstruction, and more.

The study of such beams forms the subject of electron optics, which divides naturally into geometrical optics where effects due to wavelength are neglected, with wave optics considered.
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materials scientists and engineers, electronic engineers, applied physicists, electron microscopists

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54. Introduction

Part XI - Wave Mechanics 55. The Schrödinger Equation 56. The Relativistic Wave Equation 57. The Eikonal Approximation 58. Paraxial Wave Optics 59. The General Theory of Electron Diffraction and Interference 60. Elementary Diffraction Patterns

Part XII, Electron Interference and Electron Holography 61. General Introduction 62. Interferometry 63. Holography

Part XIII, Theory of Image Formation 64. General Introduction 65. Fundamentals of Transfer Theory 66. The Theory of Bright-field Imaging. 67. Image Formation in the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope 68. Statistical Parameter Estimation Theory

Part XIV - Electron-specimen Interactions 69. Electron Interactions in Thin Specimens

Part XV - Digital Image Processing 70. Introduction 71. Acquisition, Sampling and Coding 72. Enhancement 73. Linear Restoration 74. Nonlinear Restoration - the Phase Problem 75. Three-dimensional Reconstruction 76. Image Analysis 77. Microscope Parameter Measurement and Instrument Control

Part XVI - Coherence, Brightness and Spectral Functions 78. Coherence and the Brightness Functions 79. Wigner Optics

PART XVII - Vortex Studies, the Quantum Electron Microscope 80. Orbital Angular Momentum, Vortex Beams and the Quantum Electron Microscope

Hawkes, Peter W.
Peter Hawkes obtained his M.A. and Ph.D (and later, Sc.D.) from the University of Cambridge, where he subsequently held Fellowships of Peterhouse and of Churchill College. From 1959 - 1975, he worked in the electron microscope section of the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, after which he joined the CNRS Laboratory of Electron Optics in Toulouse, of which he was Director in 1987. He was Founder-President of the European Microscopy Society and is a Fellow of the Microscopy and Optical Societies of America. He is a member of the editorial boards of several microscopy journals and serial editor of Advances in Electron Optics.

Kasper, Erwin
Erwin Kasper studied physics at the Universities of Münster and Tübingen (Germany), where he obtained his PhD in 1965 and the habilitation to teach physics in 1969. After scientific spells in the University of Tucson, Arizona (1966) and in Munich (1970), he resumed his research and teaching in the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tübingen, where he was later appointed professor. He lectured on general physics and especially on electron optics. The subject of his research was theoretical electron optics and related numerical methods on which he published numerous papers. After his retirement in 1997, he published a book on numerical field calculation (2001).

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