Cordes, Lisa
Lisa Cordes is Assistant Professor for Latin Philology at the Humboldt_x0002_University, Berlin. She received her PhD from the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich (Kaiser und Tyrann. Die Kodierung und Umkodierung der Herrscherrepräsentation Neros und Domitians, 2017). Her research interests include Neronian and Flavian literature, panegyric rhetoric, ancient concepts of fiction and authorship, and gender studies in antiquity.
Wolsfeld, Anne
Anne Wolsfeld is a Classical archaeologist with research interests in Greek and Roman sculpture, with a focus on their iconography and semantics (Bildsprache). She received her PhD from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br. (Die Bildnisrepräsentation des Titus und Domitian, 2015). She currently works at the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte at Halle (Saale).
Gallia, Andrew
Andrew B. Gallia is Associate Professor of History at the University of Minnesota. He is the author of Remembering the Roman Republic: Culture, Politics and History under the Principate (2012) and several articles on Roman history and culture. He is currently working on a study of rudeness in Roman society.
Heerink, Mark
Mark Heerink is Associate Professor of Latin literature at the University of Amsterdam. He is the author of Echoing Hylas: A Study in Hellenistic and Roman Metapoetics (University of Wisconsin Press, 2015) and co-editor of Brill’s Companion to Valerius Flaccus (Brill, 2014). He is currently revising J.H. Mozley’s 1934 edition and translation of Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica for the Loeb Classical Library.
Ambühl, Annemarie
Annemarie Ambühl is Associate Professor in Classics at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Her main areas of research focus on Latin literature of the early imperial period (especially Lucan), on Hellenistic poetry and its reception, and on the role of gender issues in ruler representa_x0002_tion at Alexandria and Rome.
Schulz, Verena
Verena Schulz specializes in Roman imperial historiography and ancient rhetoric. Her most important publications are two monographs on Die Stimme in der antiken Rhetorik (2014) and Deconstructing Imperial Representation: Tacitus, Cassius Dio, and Suetonius on Nero and Domitian (2019). She co-edited an interdisciplinary volume on Nero und Domitian. Mediale Diskurse der Herrscherrepräsentation im Vergleich (2014).
Raimondi Cominesi, Aurora
Aurora Raimondi Cominesi is Project Curator at the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden, where she prepared an exhibition on Domitian and co-edited the accompanying volume God on Earth: Emperor Domitian (2021). Her PhD dissertation is entitled The Past on the Wall: Anchoring Innovation in the Decoration and Architecture of the Imperial Residences on the Palatine (44 BCE–235 CE) (Radboud University, 2019)
Meijer, Esther
Esther Meijer is Teaching Fellow in Classics at Durham University. She recently obtained her doctoral degree with a dissertation entitled All Roads lead to Home: Navigating Self and Empire in Early Imperial Poetry (2021). Her research focuses on Neronian and Flavian literature, concentrating on the presence of philosophical currents and rhetoric of empire in poetry.
Nauta, Ruurd
Ruurd Nauta was Professor of Latin at the University of Groningen until his early retirement in 2020. He has published widely on Flavian poetry and has recently proposed a new argument for the Neronian dating of Calpurnius Siculus: ‘In Praise of Meliboeus: Calpurnius Siculus and Columella’, Journal of Roman Studies, 111 (2021).
Stover, Tim
Tim Stover is Associate Professor of Classics at Florida State University. He specializes in Latin literature, with a particular interest in epic poetry. In addition to articles on Lucretius, Virgil, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus, and Statius, he is the author of Epic and Empire in Vespasianic Rome (2012).
Moormann, Eric
Eric M. Moormann has held the chair of Classical Archaeology in Radboud University (Nijmegen) until his retirement in May 2021. His research concentrates on urban culture in Roman Italy (esp. Rome, Pompeii, Herculaneum) and interior design of Greco-Roman houses. He also works on reception history (esp. Pompeii) and the history of archaeology (esp. Winckelmann).