Richard Heinzmann, Dr. theol., was Professor of Christian Philosophy and Theological Propaedeutics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and is now Honorary President of the Eugen-Biser-Foundation in Munich.
Halis Albayrak, Dr., was Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Theology at Ankara University and is now Professor at the Faculty of Theology at Ankara University (Field of expertise: Koran exegesis).
Peter Antes, Dr. phil., Dr. theol., is Professor emeritus of Religious Studies at Leibniz University in Hanover and member of the Board of Trustees of the Eugen-Biser-Foundation in Munich.
Mualla Selçuk, Dr., was Dean of the Faculty of Theology at Ankara University and is now Professor at the Faculty of Theology at Ankara University (Research area: Religious education) and a member of the “European Association for World Religions in Education”.
Martin Thurner, Dr. theol., is Professor of Christian Philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and member of the Science Council of the Eugen-Biser-Foundation in Munich.