Acoustics & Vibration of Mechanical Structures
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-877-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the XII-th International Symposium Acoustics & Vibration of Mechanical Structures (AVMS 2013), May 23-24, 2013, Timisoara, Romania
Buch, Englisch, 388 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 820 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-877-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde Festigkeitslehre, Belastbarkeit
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Technische Dynamik (Modalanalyse), Erdbebensicherheit
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde Statik, Dynamik, Kinetik, Kinematik
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface and Committees
Chapter 1: Analytical Approaches to Nonlinear Vibrations
On the Van Der Pol Oscillator: an Overview
Nonlinear Oscillators with a Power-Form Restoring Force: Non-Isochronous and Isochronous Case
Approximate Solutions to a Cantilever Beam Using Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method
Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Approach to Self-Excited Vibrations
Physical Instability and Functional Uncertainties of the Dynamic Systems in Resonance
Approximate Analytical Solutions to Nonlinear Vibrations of a Thin Elastic Plate
The Study of the Pendulum with Heavy Neo-Hookean Rod
The Vibrations of the Engine with Neo-Hookean Suspension
Chapter 2: Damage Assessment of Structures
Multiple Fault Identification Using Vibration Signal Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Methods
Rolling Element Bearings Fault Identification in Rotating Machines, Existing Methods of Vibration Signal Processing Techniques and Practical Considerations
Recent Advances in Vibration Signal Processing Techniques for Gear Fault Detection-A Review
Methods of Interpreting the Results of Vibration Measurements to Locate Damages in Beams
Evaluation of Crack Depth in Beams for Known Damage Location Based on Vibration Modes Analysis
Assessment of Corrosion Damages with Important Loss of Mass and Influences on the Natural Frequencies of Bending Vibration Modes
Vibration Tests for Determination of Longitudinal Elasticity Modulus and Shear Modulus of some Structures Welded with Tubular Wire
Monitoring the Behaviour of Fireworks to Vibrations and the Establishment of the Mechanical Conditioning Influence
Acoustical Methods Used in the Study of Concrete Durability
Testing of Level of Vibration and Parameters of Bearings in Industrial Fan
Chapter 3: Modeling and Simulation Techniques with Applications
Influence of Heavy Data Transmission Losses on Spectra of Signals
Compensations of the Discontinuous Nonlinearities in the Independent Joints Control of an Articulated Robot
Modeling and Testing of a New Dynamic Balancing System Based on Magnetic Interaction
Analytic-Experimental Method for Determining the Eccentricity of a Cantilever Rotor
Study on Vibration Transmission, with Application to the Calibration of a Measuring Stand
Vibrations Modeling and Simulation Using Stochastic Bondsim Elements
Considerations on Kinematics and Dynamics of Gravitational Separators with Non-Balanced Eccentric Masses Used for Cereal Seeds Cleaning
Impact of a Kinematic Link with MATLAB and SolidWorks
Active Synthesis of Machine Drive Systems
Random Excitation of a Car Component from the Road
Study of a Half Car Suspension Model
An Analysis of Forced Vibrations to Railway Vehicles
Chapter 4: Biomechanics
Particularities of Upper Limb Movements of Healthy and Pathologic Subjects
Plantar Pressure Improvement after Correction of Hallux Valgus Condition — Static and Dynamic Approach
The Internal Fixator Principle Applied to Proximal Tibial Fractures - An Early Gait Analysis Study
Biomechanical Modeling of Human Finger
Mechanical Properties of Hydroxyapatite Doped with Magnesium, Used in Bone Implants
Dynamic Analysis of a Lower Limb Prosthesis
Chapter 5: Environmental and Occupational Noise and Vibrations
Application of the Prediction Model "SCHALL 03" for Railway Noise Calculation in Serbia
Acoustic Zoning and Noise Assessment
Noise Control in an Industrial Hall
Some Effects of Rubberized Asphalt on Decreasing the Phonic Pollution
Noise Source Monitoring in Industrial and Residential Mixed Areas
Analysis of the Sound Power Level Emitted by Portable Electric Generators (Outdoor Powered Equipment) Depending on Location and Measuring Surface
Model for Forecasting the Exposure Risk of Workers to Hand-Arm Occupational Vibrations
Exposure of Workers to Noise in Mining Industry
Experimental Research and Modeling of the Underwater Sound in Marine Environment
Influence of Vibrations on Grain Harvesters Operator
Troubleshooting Technics to Identify the Airborne and Structure-Borne Noise Content inside an Electric Vehicle
Chapte 6: Structural Vibration, Attenuators and Isolation
Corrective Analysis of the Parametric Values from Dynamic Testing on Stand of the Antiseismic Elastomeric Isolators in Correlation with the Real Structural Supporting Layout
Modification of the Dual Kelvin-Voigt/Maxwell Rheological Behavior for Antiseismic Hydraulic Dampers
Analysis of the Dynamic Behavior of the Antiseismic Elastomeric Isolators Based on the Evaluation of the Internal Dissipated Energy
Experimental Evaluation of the Hysteretic Damping of Elastomeric Systems at Low-Cyclic Harmonic Kinematic Displacements
Experimental Evaluation of the Damping Variation of an Elastomeric Device Harmonically Excited
Calibration of the Ground Motion Model Using a Simplified Stochastic Model in the Case of the Central Exhibition Pavilion ROMEXPO
The Computer Aided Passive Reduction of Vibration to Desired Vibration Amplitude
Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Magnetic Dampers
Some Models of Elastomeric Seismic Isolation Devices
Influence of Hysteretic Behavior on Seismic Strength Demands: An Analysis for Romanian Vrancea Earthquakes
Strength Reduction Factors: A Unified Analytic Expression for Narrowband and Broadband Ground Motion Records