Herring | Improving Students' Web Use and Information Literacy | Buch | 978-1-85604-743-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 160 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm


Improving Students' Web Use and Information Literacy

A Guide for Teachers and Teacher Librarians

Buch, Englisch, 160 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm

ISBN: 978-1-85604-743-2
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

The web is now an integral part of students' lives in school and in society, and they need to be ever more web alert in order to gain the most from their education. What teachers and teacher librarians badly need to help them achieve this is a professional tool that combines knowledge and use of the web, Web 2.0 tools and information literacy for schools.

This book fulfils that need by providing a practical guide to using the web effectively in order to enhance learning and teaching in schools. It does this by focusing on the knowledge and skills needed by teachers and teacher librarians to be information literate web users and to develop these abilities in their students. It then focuses on using Web 2.0 tools to create learning resources for students which will develop them as reflective web learners as well as web users.

Key areas covered include:

learning and teaching in today's schools

finding and using information on the web

evaluating websites

Web 2.0 and schools

information literacy

improving student use of the web

developing learning websites for student use

the next phase of ICT in schools.

Set in a context of theory, this guide offers many examples of best practice in schools from a range of countries. Packed full with ideas which teachers and teacher librarians can use in their own schools, it is unique in providing a guide to the creation of learning websites, which combine subject learning, mediated resources for students, information literacy guidance (including effective web use), and student assignments.

Readership: This much-needed book is a vital resource for teachers and teacher librarians, as well as being of strategic interest to school principals. It should be on the reading lists of all trainee teachers and librarians.
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Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction The aims of this book The structure of the book Who should read this book? 1. The big picture: learning and teaching in today’s schools Introduction The purposes of education and schools Learning theories Teaching in schools Incorporating the web into teaching Collaboration between teachers and teacher librarians Conclusion References 2. Finding and using information on the web Introduction Search engines Effective searching In-service training on effective searching Conclusion References 3. Evaluating websites Introduction Website evaluation criteria Conclusion References 4. Web 2.0 Introduction What is web 2.0 Conclusion References 5. Information literacy Introduction Definitions of information literacy Information literacy models Information literacy and transfer Collaboration between teachers and teacher librarians In-service training on information literacy Conclusion References 6. Improving student use of the web Introduction Planning for web searching Using effective search strategies Evaluating websites and web-based information Reading for information Reflecting on web use Developing a personal model for web use Conclusion References 7. Developing learning websites for student use – design and tools Introduction Learning websites Website design Website development tools In-service training on website design Conclusion References 8. Developing learning websites for student use – content Introduction Subject content Developing e-pathfinders as learning websites References 9. The next phase of ICT in schools Introduction 21st-century skills Future developments on the web Future learning technologies in schools Future roles for the teacher and teacher librarian Developing information literate students Conclusion References Bibliography

James Herring

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