Hicks / Lloyd / Pilerot | Information Literacy Through Theory | Buch | 978-1-78330-589-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm

Hicks / Lloyd / Pilerot

Information Literacy Through Theory

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm

ISBN: 978-1-78330-589-6
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Information literacy research is growing in importance, as evidenced by the steady increase in dissertations and research papers in this area. However, significant theoretical gaps remain.

Information Literacy Through Theory provides an approachable introduction to theory development and use within information literacy research. It provides a space for key theorists in the field to discuss, interrogate and reflect on the applicability of theory within information literacy research, as well as the implications for this work within a variety of contexts. Each chapter considers a particular theory as its focal point, from information literacy and the social to information literacy through an equity mindset, and unpacks what assumptions the theory makes about key concepts and the ways in which the theory enables or constrains our understanding of information literacy.

This book will provide a focal point for researchers, practitioners and students interested in the creation and advancement of conceptually rich information literacy research and practice.
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Postgraduate, Professional Practice & Development, and Professional Reference

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction: Themes, Patterns and Connections 2. Democracy and Information Literacy 3. Information Literacy and the Social: Applying a Practice Theory View to Information Literacy 4. Information Literacy in a Nexus of Practice: a Mediated Discourse Perspective 5. The Radical and the Radioactive: Grasping the Roots of Theoretically Informed Praxis in Brazilian Studies on Critical Information Literacy 6. Locating Information Literacy Within Discursive Encounters: A Conversation with Positioning Theory 7. Plural Agonistics Johanna 8. Critical Literacy and Critical Design 9. Information literacy through an equity mindset 10. Sociomateriality 11. Surfacing the body: Embodiment, Site and Source 12. Variation Theory: Researching Information Literacy Through the Lens of Learning 13. Information Literacy: What Consciousness and Cognition Can Teach Us 14. Information Literacy Theorised Through Institutional Ethnography 15. Conclusion: Alerting us to Difference

Alison Hicks is Assistant Professor and Programme Director, Library and Information Studies at University College, London (UCL). Her research primarily focuses on how information literacy practices help people to cope with uncertainty, including risk and transition, within academic, health, everyday and work contexts. She is additionally interested in qualitative, visual and participatory information literacy research methods and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information Literacy. With a PhD from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University of Borås and an MSIS from the University of Texas, Austin, Alison worked as an academic librarian at the University of Colorado, Boulder and the Inter-American Development Bank for ten years prior to taking up her position at UCL.

Annemaree Lloyd is Professor, Department of Information Studies, University College, London (UCL). Annemaree is a social science researcher who conducts research into information literacies and contemporary information practices in formal and informal learning connected to workplaces, community settings and in education. Her research focuses on the intersection between information, learning, and the performance of practice from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Annemaree is the leader of the FOIL (Forum of Information Literacy) and has published over 100 refereed journal articles, and conference proceedings. She is the author of Information Literacy Landscapes (2010) and The Qualitative Landscape of Information Literacy Research (Facet) and has co-edited several titles focused on information literacy and research methods.

Ola Pilerot is Professor at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), University of Borås, where he teaches and publishes within the field of information practices. Together with Professor Jutta Haider he leads the research group Information practices and digital cultures at SSLIS. He is widely published in international peer reviewed journals, including Journal of Documentation, Information Research, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Library Trends, and Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.

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