Hoffmann | Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries | Buch | 978-1-78330-108-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 176 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm


Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries

Buch, Englisch, 176 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm

ISBN: 978-1-78330-108-9
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

This inspiring book will enable academic librarians to develop excellent research and instructional services and create a library culture that encompasses exploration, learning and collaboration.

Higher education and academic libraries are in a period of rapid evolution. Technology, pedagogical shifts, and programmatic changes in education mean that libraries must continually evaluate and adjust their services to meet new needs. Research and learning across institutions is becoming more team-based, crossing disciplines and dependent on increasingly sophisticated and varied data. To provide valuable services in this shifting, diverse environment, libraries must think about new ways to support research on their campuses, including collaborating across library and departmental boundaries.

This book is intended to enrich and expand your vision of research support in academic libraries by:

Inspiring you to think creatively about new services.

Sparking ideas of potential collaborations within and outside the library, increasing awareness of functional areas that are potential key partners.

Providing specific examples of new services, as well as the decision-making and implementation process.

Encouraging you to take a broad view of research support rather than thinking of research and instruction services, metadata creation and data services etc as separate initiatives.

Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries provides illustrative examples of emerging models of research support and is contributed to by library practitioners from across the world. The book is divided into three sections:

Part I: Training and Infrastructure, which describes the role of staff development and library spaces in research support

Part II: Data Services and Data Literacy, which sets out why the rise of research data services in universities is critical to supporting the current provision of student skills that will help develop them as data-literate citizens.

Part III: Research as a Conversation, which discusses academic library initiatives to support the dissemination, discovery and critical analysis of research.

Readership: This is an essential guide for librarians and information professionals involved in supporting research and scholarly communication, as well as library administrators and students studying library and information science.
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Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction: a vision for supporting research - Starr Hoffman Part 1: Training and infrastructure Introduction to Part 1 - Starr Hoffman 1. Constructing a model for Mexican libraries in the 21st century - Alberto Santiago Martinez 2. Researching illustrated books in art history: a brief history of the Biblioteca Digital Ovidiana project - Fátima Díez-Platas 3. The ‘Developing Librarian’ digital scholarship pilot training project - Richard Freeman Part 2: Data services and data literacy Introduction to Part 2 - Jackie Carter 4. Training researchers to manage data for better results, re-use and long-term access - Heather Coates 5. Data services for the research lifecycle: the Digital Social Science Center - Ashley Jester 6. Mapping unusual research needs: supporting GIS across non-traditional disciplines - Karen Munro Part 3: Research as a conversation Introduction to Part 3 - Starr Hoffman 7. Implementing open access across a large university: a case study - Dominic Tate 8. Bridging the gap: easing the transition to higher education with an information literacy MOOC - Mariann Løkse, Helene N. Andreassen, Torstein Låg and Mark Stenersen 9. Metadata enhancement through name authority in the UNT Digital Library - Hannah Tarver and Mark Phillips

Starr Hoffmann

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