Holtsnider / Wheeler / Stragand | Agile Development and Business Goals | Buch | 978-0-12-381520-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

Holtsnider / Wheeler / Stragand

Agile Development and Business Goals

The Six Week Solution
Erscheinungsjahr 2010
ISBN: 978-0-12-381520-0
Verlag: Academic Press

The Six Week Solution

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-0-12-381520-0
Verlag: Academic Press

Agile Development and Business Goals describes a unique, state-of-the-art methodology that aligns the critical but often "silo-ed" software development process with core company goals. Eschewing long-winded "agile philosophy" in favor of a formally prioritized process, this book serves as a distilled learning guide for managing technical resources in a manner that directly boosts your bottom line. Build the teams, define the roles, acquire the tools, and deliver your world-class software on time and on budget.

* Explains how to employ automation in your development process to improve your company's profitability. * Introduces a compensation structure that incents your technical talent to deliver measurable results on a predictable basis. * Provides real-world solutions - questions to ask when hiring or which build server software to consider, for example - instead of theoretical discussions.
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<p>Professionals involved with business process and workflow modeling; IT leaders, including CIOs, CTOs, and COOs; enterprise architects and information systems architects; business modelers and business process professionals in IT and business management consulting; lead computer software engineers working on systems software.</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Introduction: Ask Yourself These 10 Key Questions
Chapter 2 The Problem: Why Software Projects Fail

Chapter 3 The Expectations: What It Means for Software to Succeed

Chapter 4 Overview of the Six Week Solution

Chapter 5 The Solution's Critical Pieces

Chapter 6 Managing the Cost of Change

Chapter 7 Assuring Software Quality

Chapter 8 Integrating Automation into Your Development Process

Chapter 9 Other Software Development Approaches

Chapter 10 Risks with Using This Approach

Chapter 11 Transitioning to the Six Week Solution

Chapter 12 Conclusions

Wheeler, Tom
Tom Wheeler has a long track record of building organizations to develop commercial software, including products for financial services and contact centers. He has built, sold and been a senior manager in a variety of different types of companies, including international conglomerates and garage-sized start ups. He first created the Six Week Solution back in the 1980's and has been fine-tuning it since.

Gee, Joe
Joseph Gee has spent the last 10 years of his career leading and coaching teams through a variety of successful projects and Agile transitions. His advocacy for software craftsmanship has equipped teams for success in small custom shops, large telecom enterprise systems, commercial shrink-wrap modeling software, and, most recently, cutting edge behavioral analytics.

Holtsnider, Bill
Bill Holtsnider is an experienced writer, educator, and software professional with more than 26 years of experience working in the computer industry. His IT expertise includes working in such diverse areas as stock portfolio management, identity management, and software development. He is the author of six books and a wide range of technical and marketing documentation.

Stragand, George
George Stragand is a manager and software developer with over 20 years of producing and managing the delivery of commercial software on time. He has worked for companies ranging in size from startups to multinationals, creating software both for external and in-house use. He still hasn't found a problem which couldn't be solved by one more level of indirection or a suitable amount of explosives in the correct location.

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