Houck | Trace Evidence Analysis | Buch | 978-1-4933-0064-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten


Trace Evidence Analysis

More Cases in Forensic Microscopy and Mute Witnesses

Buch, Englisch, 300 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4933-0064-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Trace Evidence Analysis continues and builds upon the tradition of its successful companion title Mute Witnesses (2000). Written by some of the top practicing forensic scientists, each chapter explains in detail the detective and analytic work that goes into solving complex cases. The book contains nine entirely new cases, each self-contained in its own chapter, covering everything from homicides to accident reconstruction. Leading experts from around the world provide detailed accounts of the process of collection, classification, and analysis of microscopic evidence to draw definitive conclusions that solved actual cases.

The cases not only fascinate but provide students and expert forensic scientists alike with an invaluable tool to examine the roles of trace evidence and microscopy in forensic investigation.

· Contains contributions from some of the premier forensic scientists in the field
· Discusses the role of evidence in solving cases and explores the legal and ethical responsibility of the forensic scientist
· Explores real-world application of scientific methods and analytic principles including evidence gathering, instrumentation, sampling methods, analysis, and interpretation
· Includes over 160 full-color figures that illustrate the relevant case evidence
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Forensic microscopists and trace evidence analysts, crime laboratories, crime scene technicians, criminal investigators, forensic science professionals and students, and the legal community.


Weitere Infos & Material

1: The Specificity of Animal Hairs
2: Fiber-Plastic Fusions in Car Accident Reconstructions
3: Inclusions and Exclusions Using Trace Evidence
4: Soil as Trace Evidence
5: The Importance of Trace Evidence
6: Cereal Murder in Spokane
7: Using 1:1 Taping to Reconstruct a Source
8: Who Do You Believe?
9: My Roommate is Using the Refrigerator

Houck, Max M.
Max M. Houck is the Director of the Forensic Science Initiative at West Virginia University, a program that develops research and professional training for forensic scientists and related professionals. Mr. Houck is a trace evidence expert and forensic anthropologist who was assigned to the Trace Evidence Unit at the FBI Laboratory from 1992 to 2001. While at the FBI, Mr. Houck worked over 800 cases, including several major cases. Before joining WVU, he was assigned to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, to assist with the examination and identification of the victims of the 9-11-01 Pentagon attack. Mr. Houck is the recipient of an FBI Performance Award and the ASTM Forensic Sciences Award in 2000. Mr. Houck is the editor of two volumes of case reviews, Mute Witnesses and Trace Evidence Analysis, both published with Academic Press.

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