Hough | Hough's Cardiorespiratory Care | Buch | 978-0-323-84748-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm


Hough's Cardiorespiratory Care

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-0-323-84748-3
Verlag: Mosby US

Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy is very different from musculoskeletal physiotherapy and is a fast-moving, sometimes complex subject area. This textbook demystifies the field for physiotherapy students and those who work with patients who have cardiopulmonary or respiratory conditions.

Succinct and easy-to-read, Hough’s Cardiorespiratory Care offers a practical approach covering everything from physiology through to patient assessment and care, across a variety of settings and patient populations. This edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest evidence base, including the critical, acute and chronic management of COVID-19.

The book is packed full of illustrations, clinical reasoning boxes, case studies and practice tips, making it a must-have for both student and advanced physiotherapists as well other healthcare practitioners. - Fully updated with the latest evidence-base in this fast-moving field in physiotherapy
- Easy to understand language, simple diagrams and case studies, suitable for a wide range of healthcare practitioners
- Over 280 illustrations, 70 X-rays and other clinical photographs
- Outcome measures for problems and diseases
- Q&As, clinical reasoning boxes and learning and practice tips to encourage reflection
- Tables with definitions, normal values and comparisons
- Practical techniques described with precision
- Critical, acute and chronic management of COVID-19
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Part 1 Physiology and pathology

1 Physiological basis of clinical practice

2 Assessment

3 Respiratory disorders

4 Cardiovascular disorders

5 General management

Part 2 Physiotherapy techniques

6 Physiotherapy to increase lung volume

7 Physiotherapy to clear secretions

8 Physiotherapy to decrease the work of breathing

9 Pulmonary rehabilitation

10 Physiotherapy for people with cardiovascular disorders

11 Cardiac rehabilitation

Part 3 Surgery

12 Complications

13 Physiotherapy for surgical patients

14 Modifications for different types of surgery

Part 4 Physiotherapy for specific groups of people

15 Infants

16 Children

17 Hyperventilation syndrome

18 Elders with cardiorespiratory disease

19 Palliative respiratory physiotherapy

Part 5 Critical care

20 Critical care, support and monitoring

21 Physiotherapy for critically ill patients

22 Modifications for different disorders

Part 6 Evaluation of cardiorespiratory physiotherapy

23 Does it work?

Glossary of abbreviations, definitions, symbols and values


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