Howard | Bran Mak Morn Trilogy | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 113 Seiten

Howard Bran Mak Morn Trilogy

Kings Of The Night, Worms Of The Earth & The Children Of The Night

E-Book, Englisch, 113 Seiten

ISBN: 859-654700895-8
Verlag: DigiCat
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 6 - ePub Watermark

Robert E. Howard's Bran Mak Morn Trilogy is a captivating collection of historical fantasy stories that transport readers to ancient times filled with Norse mythology, Celtic legends, and battles for survival. Written in Howard's signature style of vivid imagery and rich prose, this trilogy explores themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the struggle against overwhelming odds. The literary context of these stories is rooted in Howard's deep knowledge and fascination with early European history, blending elements of myth and history to create a compelling narrative. Each story is a masterclass in world-building and character development, making the Bran Mak Morn Trilogy a must-read for fans of historical fantasy. Robert E. Howard, known for creating iconic characters like Conan the Barbarian, drew inspiration from his love of history and mythology to craft these tales of epic adventure and bravery. His unique perspective as a writer shines through in the intricate details and complex characters that populate the pages of this trilogy. Recommended for readers who enjoy immersive world-building, compelling characters, and epic battles, the Bran Mak Morn Trilogy is a timeless classic that will transport you to a world of ancient myths and legends.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Robert Ervin Howard (1906–1936) was a seminal figure in the genre of sword and sorcery, best known for his creation of the character Conan the Barbarian. Born and raised in the rural Texan town of Peaster, Howard often infused his tales with a visceral physicality, reflecting his own interest in boxing and history. His writing career, largely during the Great Depression era, was prolific yet tragically short, culminating in his untimely death by suicide at the age of 30.

Howard's influence on fantasy literature is profound, with his works characterizing an age where dark magic, fierce warriors, and ancient civilizations captured the imagination of his readers. Among his significant contributions is the 'Bran Mak Morn Trilogy,' which chronicles the eponymous last king of the Picts as he struggles against the Roman invasion and supernatural threats. This trilogy, along with other works, continues to be a touchstone for fans of dark fantasy and historical adventure.

His literary style, marked by fast-paced narratives and an emotive, almost poetic description, helped to define the pulp fiction era. While Howard crafted stories across various genres, including westerns and horror, it is his mark on swords and sorcery for which he remains most revered. Decades after his passing, Robert E. Howard's creations live on, inspiring new generations of writers and artists in the realms of fantasy literature and beyond.

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