Howard | The Cthulhu Mythos | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 102 Seiten

Howard The Cthulhu Mythos

Complete Collection

E-Book, Englisch, 102 Seiten

ISBN: 859-654700950-4
Verlag: DigiCat
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: 6 - ePub Watermark

In 'The Cthulhu Mythos' by Robert E. Howard, readers are immersed in a world of cosmic horror and ancient deities, where eerie and fantastical beings lurk on the periphery of human understanding. The book showcases Howard's mastery of the horror genre, as he weaves together tales of dread and the unknown with evocative language and vivid descriptions. Drawing inspiration from Lovecraftian themes, the stories in this collection delve into forbidden knowledge and the terrifying implications of meddling with forces beyond mortal comprehension. Howard's gripping narratives transport readers to the edge of sanity and plunge them into a realm of unspeakable terror. This book stands as a testament to Howard's ability to captivate and unsettle readers with his unique blend of horror and speculative fiction. 'The Cthulhu Mythos' is a must-read for fans of cosmic horror and supernatural storytelling, offering a chilling and enthralling journey into the darkest corners of the human psyche.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Robert Ervin Howard (1906–1936) was a prolific and seminal figure in the genre of sword and sorcery, best known for creating the character Conan the Barbarian, symbolizing the epitome of the heroic fantasy character. Born in Peaster, Texas, Howard spent most of his life in the town of Cross Plains with stints elsewhere in Texas. His writing career was both intense and tragically brief, with his work spanning a broad range of genres, but its impact on fantasy fiction remains profound. Howard wrote pulp fiction in a variety of genres, and his stories about Conan the Cimmerian are now deemed as classics of the sword and sorcery subgenre. Although 'The Cthulhu Mythos' is often associated with Howard's correspondent and friend, H.P. Lovecraft, Howard did indeed contribute to the Mythos canon. Howard's contributions, however, were less extensive and focused than Lovecraft's own. His style, marked by brisk pacing, vivid descriptions, and a penchant for the melodramatic, has garnered a fan following that has only grown since his untimely death by suicide at the age of 30. Collections of his stories continue to be published, and he has been the subject of several critical studies. His work has been adapted into films, television shows, and comic books, further cementing his legacy as a cornerstone of modern fantasy literature.

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