Pólemos | De Gruyter | Zeitschrift | sack.de

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich


Journal of Law, Literature and Culture

ISSN 20364601

De Gruyter

Journal of Law, Literature and Culture

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich

ISSN 20364601
De Gruyter

The international research field of "Law and Literature" has been widely expanding during the past years. It has by now moved on to many innovative topics, combining questions of legislature and jurisdiction with other fields of studies, such as "Law and Religion", "Law and the Image", "Law and Power", "Law and Equity", etc. The journal Pólemos was founded in 2007 at the very beginning of this development. Originally started as an Italian journal, Pólemos is now being re-launched with De Gruyter as an international journal with contributions in English that cover the whole area of emerging topics in Law, Literature and Culture.

The aim of Pólemos is to call attention to the developments in international scholarship dealing with interdisciplinary "Law and ..." topics and to act as a sounding board for innovative critical ideas, connecting all scholars working within the field of law and humanities.
Hrsg. v. Carpi, Daniela / Monateri, Pier Giuseppe Pólemos jetzt bestellen!


Literary Studies

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