Hughes | A Quick Guide to Welding and Weld Inspection | Buch | 978-1-84569-641-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 160 Seiten, Gewicht: 140 g


A Quick Guide to Welding and Weld Inspection

Erscheinungsjahr 2009
ISBN: 978-1-84569-641-2
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 160 Seiten, Gewicht: 140 g

ISBN: 978-1-84569-641-2
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

A concise and accessible guide to the knowledge required to fulfil the role of a welding inspector. In covering both European and US-based codes, the book gives those wishing to gain certification in welding inspection a basic all-round understanding of the main subject matter.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Foreword by Series Editor
- Introduction
- A 10 Minute Guide - 1 What is the difference between the main welding processes? (four minutes)
- 2 Why use welding symbols? (one minute)
- 3 What are codes and standards? (one minute)
- 4 What is welding procedure qualification? (one minute)
- 5 Why does a welder need qualification? (one minute)
- 6 What are welding defects? (two minutes)

- Chapter 1: Abbreviations, Terminology and Welding Symbols - Abbreviations
- Common terms
- Joint terminology
- Weld terminology
- Drawing rules and weld symbols

- Chapter 2: Duties of a Welding Inspector - Before welding
- During welding
- After welding
- Repairs

- Chapter 3: Analysis of a Fusion Weld - Components of a welded joint
- What makes a good fusion weld?
- Weld joint: preparation methods
- Weld joint: shape
- Residual stress and distortion
- Minimising stresses and distortion

- Chapter 4: Materials and Their Weldability - Carbon equivalency
- Classification of steels
- Alloying elements
- Material properties
- Heat treatment of steels

- Chapter 5: Welding Processes - Manual metal arc (MMA)/shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
- Metal inert gas (MIG)/metal active gas (MAG)/gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
- Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW)
- Tungsten inert gas (TIG)/gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
- Submerged arc welding (SAW)

- Chapter 6: Non-destructive and Destructive Testing - Liquid penetrant testing (PT)
- Magnetic particle testing (MT)
- Ultrasonic testing (UT)
- Radiographic testing (RT)
- Tension tests
- Bend tests
- Charpy tests
- Hardness testing
- Macro samples
- Micro samples
- Fillet fracture test
- Butt weld fracture test (nick break)

- Chapter 7: Fracture Modes and Welding Defects - Imperfection categories
- Hydrogen-induced cold cracking (HICC)
- Solidification cracking
- Reheat cracking
- Lamellar tearing
- Weld decay
- Porosity
- Solid inclusions
- Lack of fusion
- Incomplete root penetration
- Root concavity
- Excessive root penetration
- Overlap
- Underfill
- Undercut
- Crater pipe
- Burn-through
- Root oxidation
- Arc strike
- Spatter
- Magnetic arc blow

- Chapter 8: Codes, Standards and Documentation - Codes and standards
- The PED and UK PER
- Welding procedure qualifications
- Procedure qualification record (PQR)
- Welding procedure specification (WPS)
- Welder qualifications

- Chapter 9: Health and Safety - Health and Safety at Work Act
- Electrical safety
- Welding/cutting process safety
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Gases and fumes
- COSHH and workplace exposure limits (WEL)
- Lifting equipment/pressure system requirements
- Hand tools and grinding machines
- Other precautions before welding starts
- Causes of accidents
- Permit-to-work
- Tanks and drums

- Index

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