Hurbis-Cherrier | Voice & Vision | Buch | 978-0-415-73998-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 678 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 2000 g


Voice & Vision

A Creative Approach to Narrative Filmmaking

Buch, Englisch, 678 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 2000 g

ISBN: 978-0-415-73998-6
Verlag: CRC Press

Develop your creative voice while acquiring the practical skills and confidence to use it with this new and fully updated edition of Mick Hurbis-Cherrier’s filmmaking bible, Voice & Vision. Written for independent filmmakers and film students who want a solid grounding in the tools, techniques, and processes of narrative film, this comprehensive manual covers all of the essentials while keeping artistic vision front and center. Hurbis-Cherrier walks the reader through every step of the process—from the transformation of an idea into a cinematic story, to the intricacies of promotion and distribution—and every detail in between.

Features of this book include:

- Comprehensive technical information on video production and postproduction tools, allowing filmmakers to express themselves with any camera, in any format, and on any budget

- An emphasis on the collaborative filmmaking process, including the responsibilities and creative contributions of every principal member of the crew and cast

- A focus on learning to work successfully with available resources (time, equipment, budget, personnel, etc.) in order to turn limitations into opportunities

- Updated digital filmmaking workflow breakdowns for Rec. 709 HD, Log Format, and D-Cinema productions

- Substantial coverage of the sound tools and techniques used in film production and the creative impact of postproduction sound design

- An extensive discussion of digital cinematography fundamentals, including essential lighting and exposure control tools, common gamma profiles, the use of LUTs, and the role of color grading

- Abundant examples referencing contemporary and classic films from around the world

- Indispensible information on production safety, team etiquette, and set procedures.

The third edition also features a robust companion website that includes eight award-winning example short films; interactive and high-resolution figures; downloadable raw footage; production forms and logs for preproduction, production, and postproduction; video examples that illustrate key concepts found within the book, and more.

Whether you are using it in the classroom or are looking for a comprehensive reference to learn everything you need to know about the filmmaking process, Voice & Vision delivers all of the details in an accessible and reader-friendly format.
Hurbis-Cherrier Voice & Vision jetzt bestellen!


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Companion Website Contents



What’s New in the Third Edition

Part I – Developing Your Film on Paper

Chapter 1 – From Idea to Cinematic Story

Chapter 2 – The Screenplay

Chapter 3 – The Visual Language and Aesthetics of Cinema

Chapter 4 – Organizing Cinematic Time and Space

Chapter 5 – From Screenplay to Visual Plan

Part II – Preparing for Production

Chapter 6 – Preparing for Production

Chapter 7 – The Cast and Crew

Part III – Tools and Techniques: Production

Chapter 8 – The Digital Video System

Chapter 9 – The Digital Video Camera

Chapter 10 – The Camera Lens

Chapter 11 – Camera Support

Chapter 12 – Basics of Exposure

Chapter 13 – Basics of Light and Lighting

Chapter 14 – Lighting and Exposure: Beyond the Basics

Chapter 15 – Sound for Production

Chapter 16 – Location Sound Techniques

Chapter 17 – On-Set Procedures

Chapter 18 – Set Etiquette and Production Safety

Part IV – Tools and Techniques: Postproduction

Chapter 19 – Postproduction Overview: Workflow and The Editing Stages

Chapter 20 – Digital Editing Fundamentals

Chapter 21 – The Art and Technique of Editing

Chapter 22 – The Sound Design in Film

Chapter 23 – Cutting Sound and Working with Multiple Tracks

Chapter 24 – Grading, Mastering, and Distribution

Recommended Readings

Recommended Filmmaking Apps for Mobile Devices



Photo and Illustration Credits


Mick Hurbis-Cherrier has been teaching all levels of film production at Hunter College in New York City for well over a decade. He works professionally in both film and video and has performed a wide range of duties, including producing, writing, directing, cinematography, and editing. His films have been shown around the country and have garnered prizes at a number of festivals. He is also the co-author of Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics (2013), now in its fifth edition.

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