Hyodo / Kobayashi / Nagashima | Positron Annihilation - ICPA-13 | Sonstiges | 978-3-03859-938-8 | sack.de

Sonstiges, Englisch, 550 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Hyodo / Kobayashi / Nagashima

Positron Annihilation - ICPA-13

Sonstiges, Englisch, 550 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

ISBN: 978-3-03859-938-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

There is no doubt that, when it comes to the study of the structures and defects of materials, there is presently no technique that rivals positron annihilation. The increasing demands for higher accuracy and reliability provide a constant stimulus to the field, and the present work presents the newest and most important scientific discoveries made in the field of positron annihilation.
Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).
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A Memorial Address for the Late Professor Shoichiro TanigawaIn Memory of Professor John D McGervey: 1931 ? 2002Remembering Martin DeutschMemorial of Alan Smith (1937 ? 2001)Embedded Ultrafine Clusters Investigated by Coincidence Doppler Broadening SpectroscopyEarly Solute Clustering in an AlZnMg AlloyNeutron Irradiated Copper: Is the Main Positron Lifetime Component due to Stacking Fault Tetrahedra?Observation of Vacancies during Zn Diffusion in GaPIdentification of Lattice Vacancies and Structural Phase Transitions in Solids by Positron Annihilation SpectroscopySlow Positron Beam Investigations of Defects Caused by B+ Implantation into Epitaxial 6H-SiCThe Study of ZnMgSc Quasicrystal and Zn17Sc3 Approximant by Positron Annihilation LifetimeEstimation of Ni / Polyethylene Bilayer by Slow Positron BeamVacancy Migration and Formation in A356.0 Aluminum Casting Alloys by Positron Annihilation TechniqueNear Surface Vacancy Defects in Sintered Polished UO2 DisksInvestigation of the Composition of Precipitates in Al-Ag by Doppler Spectroscopy of Core ElectronsVacancy Formation in GaAs under Different Equilibrium ConditionsIon-Implantation Induced Defects in ZnO Studied by a Slow Positron BeamHydrogen-Induced Defects in Niobium Studied by Positron Annihilation2D-Coincidence Doppler Broadening Measurements on Neutron-Irradiated VVER-Type Reactor Pressure Vessel SteelsNanocrystalline Si Studied by Beam-Based Positron Annihilation SpectroscopyDefect Characterization of the Structure-Growth Zone-Model for Sputter Deposited Cu FilmsSubsurface Zones in Aluminium Detected by Positron Lifetime SpectroscopyPositron Spectroscopy Analysis of Vacancy-Solute Nanoaggregates in Al-CuDepth Dependence of Defects in Ion-Implanted Si Probed by a Positron BeamPositron Lifetime Studies of Non-Stoichiometric Defects in the ?-Phase Cu-Al and Cu-Ga AlloysPositron Annihilation Study on Point Defects in Fe-Rh AlloysPositron Annihilation Spectroscopy of Nanostructural Features in Model Reactor Pressure Vessel SteelsPositron Annihilation Studies in Amorphous Silicon NitrideComparison of Vacancy Creation by Nuclear and Electronic Processes in Silicon Irradiated with Swift Kr and Bi IonsPositron Trapping in Deformed Copper Down to MillikelvinsRelaxation Process in Quenched-In Vacancies During Annealing in B2 FeAl Single CrystalsVacancy and Krypton Dynamics in Kr-Implanted Naturally Oxidized AluminiumThe Effect of Hydrogen-Charging in Neutron Irradiated Nickel Studied by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS)Effect of Implanted Ion Mass and Incident Energy on Defect and Ion Depth-Distributions in Ion-Implanted SiPositron-Electron Autocorrelation Function Study of E-Center in Phosphorus-Doped SiliconDefects in GaSb Studied by Coincidence Doppler Broadening MeasurementsComparison of Defect Structures in Fe-Cu Alloys by High-Speed and Low-Speed Deformation with the Detection of Cu PrecipitatesApplication of Positron Beam Doppler Broadening Technique to Radiation Effects in Ion-Irradiated Fe-Cu AlloysSensitivity of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy to Energy Contamination in Low Energy Boron Ion ImplantationInvestigation of Fatigue Cracks in an Al-Based Alloy by Means of Pulsed Positron (Micro-)BeamsDefect Characterization of Barium Titanates, Tantalates and Niobates by PAS and ESRTheoretical Study of Positron Annihilation in Nanoclusters in Al-Cu SystemIdentities of the Deep Level Defects E1/E2 in 6H Silicon CarbidePositron Lifetime and Doppler Broadening Study of Defects Created by Swift Ion Irradiation in SapphireThe Correlations of Electrochromism and Thermochromism of Tungsten Oxide Films Studied by Slow Positron BeamInterface Properties of 4H-SiC MOS Structures Studied by a Slow Positron BeamGrowth Temperature, Microstructural Differences and Light-Induced Changes in a-Si:H Deposited on Glass SubstratesPositron Beam Study of Defects Induced in Ar-Implanted SiPositron Annihilation Study of Formation of Mg Vacancy in MgOSearch for Positron Trapping at Quantum-Dot Like Cu Nano Particles on the Surface of Fe Using Positron Annihilation induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy (PAES)Study on Grown-in Defects in CZ-Si by Positron AnnihilationIdentification of Positron Trapping Sites in Nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 by Coincidence Doppler Broadening MeasurementsVacancy-Solute Binding Energies in Aluminum by Positron AnnihilationIrradiation-Enhanced Cu-Precipitation in Fe-Cu Alloys Studied by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy and Electrical Resistivity MeasurementVacancy-Like Defects in Doped Pb(Zr60Ti40)O3 Observed by Positron Lifetime and Coincident Doppler SpectroscopyNative Defects in n-type Sn-Doped GaAs Using Positron Annihilation TechniquePositron Trapping within the Grain and at Grain Boundaries in Sintered Alumina of High Impurity ContentThe Role of Impurities in the Formation of Voids in SiliconInvestigation of Defects in Copper Alloys Selected for Nuclear Fusion TechnologyVacancy Studies in Silicon-Rich Intermetallic Compounds: MoSi2Positron Annihilation Study on Defects of Fe-Cu and Fe-Cu-C Alloys Damaged by Ion IrradiationPositron Annihilation Study on Au-Pd Nanoparticles Prepared by Sonochemical TechniqueIrradiation-Induced Defects and Cu Precipitates in Ternary Fe-Based Model Alloys for Nuclear Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels Studied by Positron Annihilation and 3D Atom ProbePositron Lifetime Calculations of Defects in Nickel Containing Hydrogen at Various TemperaturesVacancy-Type Defects in SrTiO3 Probed by a Monoenergetic Positron BeamCharacterisation of Defects in Simulated NanostructuresVacancy Creation in Electron Irradiated Ni3AlDefect Characteristics in the Surface Nanocrystallined Material Treated by High-Energy Shot PeeningPositron Annihilation Study on Hydrogen-Induced Defects in AISI 304 Stainless SteelRecovery Behavior of Defect Clusters in Fe-Cu Alloys Irradiated with Neutrons at High TemperaturePositron Annihilation Spectroscopy in PolymersPositron and Positronium Annihilation in Low-Dielectric-Constant Films Studied by a Pulsed Positron BeamTesting the Blob Model for Ps Formation by an Age-Momentum Experiment in PMMA - poly(metha-methyl acrylate)Positronium Formation at Low Temperatures - Ideas of Usage of the New Ps Formation -Positron Annihilation and Positronium Trapping in ZeolitesPositron Lifetime Spectroscopy as a Tool for Studying Molecular Motions in n-p-Ethoxybenzylidene-p-ButylanilinePositronium as a Probe of Gas Permeability and Local Dynamics in Highly Plasticized State of PolymersPorosity in Silicon and Silica Thin Films Monitored by Positrons and PositroniumThe Effect of Wheat Hay on Carbon Black Loaded EPDM Composite Studied by Positron Annihilation Lifetime SpectroscopyThermal Isomerization of Azo-Benzene in PMMA Probed by a Pulsed Low-Energy Positron BeamPositron Annihilation Lifetime Study of Helium Ions Implanted Polyethylene BlendsComparative Study of Porosity in Low-k SiOCH Thin Films Obtained at Different Deposition ConditionsPositron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy to Study the Structural Relaxation of PC Far Below the Glass Transition TemperatureDurability and Free Volume in Polymeric Coatings Studied by Positron Annihilation SpectroscopyLooking for Positive Mixing Volume in Polyamide/Acrylic Rubber Blends with Use of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy and Other MethodsCarbon-Implanted Polyethylene Characterized by a Pulsed Slow-Positron BeamGeneral Trends of Positronium Annihilation in Porous Molecular SubstancesMicrostructural Studies of Porous SubstancesGas Permeability and Temperature-Dependent Free-Volume Studies in Polyurethane Membranes by Positron Lifetime and Doppler SpectroscopiesPositronium in Low Temperature Mesoporous Thin FilmsPositron Annihilation Lifetime Measurement in Supercritical Fluid of N2OOdd-Even Differences in o-Ps Properties in Some Solid Long-Chain AlkanesPositronium Formation Reaction of Polarized Positrons and Polarized ElectronsStructural Subnanovoids in Silica-Based Glasses Probed by PositroniumPositronium Diffusion in Porous Oxide Thin FilmsApplication of Coincidence Doppler-Broadening Spectroscopy to Different Carbon PhasesIn Situ Investigations on the Cross-Linking Process of the Epoxy Resin System DGEBA-DETA by Means of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy in Comparison with Infrared SpectroscopyTwo Types of Lamellar Phase in TTAB/Water/Pentanol System as Detected by Positron Lifetime SpectroscopyThe Depth Profile of Free Volume in Drug Delivery Polymers Studied by Positron Annihilation SpectroscopyCorona Treated Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Surfaces Studied by the Slow Positron Beam TechniqueThe Effect of Plasticizer on the Free Volume in Metolose SystemsStudies of the Positron Lifetime and Doppler Broadening Annihilation Radiation of Polyvinyl Chloride Doped with Al2O3Formation of Positronium in Cup-Stacked Carbon NanofibersPositronium Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy of Porous Low-k Films with Periodic Pore StructuresPositron Annihilation Characteristics of Polymer Films for Photovoltaic ApplicationsStudy of Ion Irradiated Poly-Lactic Acid Using Slow Positron BeamCorrelation between the Doppler Broadening S Parameter and Ortho-Positronium Formation Probability in PolymersPositron Annihilation in Polymers with Highly Developed Specific SurfaceStudy of Interfaces in Polymer Bilayers by Slow Positron BeamInvestigation of Gas Permeation and Free Volume Hole Properties of Polyurethane Membranes by PositronsThe Microstructure of EPOXY-Layered Silicate Nanocomposite Studied by Positron AnnihilationMicrostructure of Carbon Filled HDPE/EPDM Composites Studied by Positron Annihilation SpectroscopyPositronium Time-Of-Flight Measurements of Porous Silsesquioxane FilmsPositron Study of MCM-41 Sieve FormationDepth Profiling of Ultra-Thin Polymer Films on Substrates Studied by Positron Annihilation SpectroscopyObservation of Positron Induced Ion DesorptionPositronium in Solids: Computer Simulation of Pick-Off and Self-AnnihilationElectronic Structure of Nanosized bcc Cu Precipitates in Fe-Cu Alloys Studied by Positron 2D-ACARObservation of Fast Positron Diffraction from a Si(111)7x7 SurfaceFirst-Principles Calculation of Positron Annihilation Characteristics in Solids: From Positron to PositroniumRadial Electron Momentum Densities of Colloidal CdSe Nanocrystals Determined by Positron Beam AnalysisDepth-Selective 2D-ACAR and Coincidence Doppler Investigation of Embedded Au Nanocrystals in MgOConstruction of Electron-Positron Momentum Density from Pseudo-Wavefunctions with Better AccuracyAnomalous Temperature Dependence of PAL and 2D-ACAR in Ni-Rich Ni-Ti AlloyLong-Ranged Electron-Positron Momentum Density for Valence sp-Type Electrons in Gold?Search for the Positronium Quadrupole Interaction in Molecular CrystalsAdsorbed Hydrogen Effect of Reemitted Slow Positrons from Ni SurfaceElectric Field Assisted Reemission of Positrons from Silicon CarbideRecent Results on Trap-Based Positron BeamsProspects for Making a Bose-Einstein-Condensed Positronium Annihilation Gamma Ray Laser Efficient Accumulation of Antiprotons and Positrons, Production of Slow Mono-Energetic Beams, and Their ApplicationsScattering and Annihilation Experiments Using a Trap-Based BeamMeasurement of Characteristic X-Rays by Positron ImpactTowards a Screened Proton Model for Positron-Molecule InteractionsPositron Annihilation in Resonant States of the He2+ + e- + e+ SystemDirect Positron Annihilation and Positronium FormationPositron MicroprobesPositron Lifetime Spectrometer for the Measurement of Parapositronium Lifetime in SolidsLinearity Tests of a Digital Positron Lifetime SpectrometerMillimeter Positron Focusing Using a Hybrid Lens DesignVisualization and Position Control of a Slow Positron BeamTransmission Positron-Electron MicroscopesPositron Annihilation Methods by ?-Rays Produced in Laser-Induced Compton-BackscatteringOptimized Coincidence Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy Using Deconvolution AlgorithmsNEPOMUC - the New Positron Beam Facility at FRM IIApparatus for the Measurement of the Annihilation-Gamma Spectra from the Annihilation of Positrons with Electrons in Selected Core LevelsPresent Status of the Slow Positron Facility at KEKScattering Effects in a Positron Lifetime Beam LinePositron Beam Splitter at the High Intensity Positron Beam in MunichReliability Test of a PAL Spectrometer - Selected Results on FeNon-Destructive Lifetime Prediction in Material Testing with the Bonn Positron MicroprobeDesign and Implementation of a S-Parameter Wafer Defect ScannerHV Design of a Pulsed Lifetime Beam with a Grounded SampleLong Term Performance of the Reactor Based Positron Beam POSHSpatially Resolved Detection of Point Defects in the Vicinity of Scratches on GaAs by the Bonn Positron MicroprobeThe Slow Positron Beam Based on Beijing Electron-Positron ColliderA High-Resolution BaF2 Positron Lifetime Spectrometer with High Counting RateCondensed Matter and Defect-Related Research at ICPA-13ICPA-13 Summary Talk: Chemistry and PolymersPositron Atomic Physics and Instrumentation: a Summary

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