Buch, Englisch, 2772 Seiten, Format (B × H): 183 mm x 260 mm, Gewicht: 6322 g
ISBN: 978-3-642-28035-1
Verlag: Springer
The role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the business world has developed from a fig leaf marketing front into an important aspect of corporate behavior over the past several years. Sustainable strategies are valued, desired and deployed more and more by relevant players in many industries all over the world. Both research and corporate practice therefore see CSR as a guiding principle for business success.
The “Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility” has been conceived to assist researchers and practitioners to align business and societal objectives. All actors in the field will find reliable and up to date definitions and explanations of the key terms of CSR in this authoritative and comprehensive reference work. Leading experts from the global CSR community have contributed to make the “Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility” the definitive resource for this field of research and practice.
Weitere Infos & Material
AA1000.- Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) ACCA.- Accountability.- AccountAbility.- Acid Rain.- Acidification.- Adam Smith - The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations.- Advertisment.- Affirmative Action.- African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).- Ageism.- Agency and Corporate Governance.- Agency Theory.- Agenda21 (UN).- Agglomeration.- Alcohol.- Altruistic CSR.- An Aristotelian Approach to Sustainable Management.- Anglo-American model v. Continental Europe model.- Animal rights.- Animal rights, Human rights Environmental Management.- Animal testing.- Anti-globalization.- Apprenticeship.- Asbestos.- Association.- Association for Sustainable & Responsible.- Investment in Asia.- Assurance.- Auditors Duties.- Australian Standards on Business Governance.- Authority v. Bureaucracy.- Balanced Scorecard.- Banks on CSR Reporting.- Base of the Pyramid.- Basel Declaration on the Control of ….Hazardous Wastes.- Bellagio Principles 1996.- Biodiversity.- Biogeography.- Biomass and Bioenergy.- Biomimicry.- Black Economic Empowerment Policies (South Africa).- Blue Ocean Strategy and CSR.- Board Evaluation.- Board of Directors.- Body Shop.- Bonus (incentive system).- Bonuses (employee for performance). Bonuses and the recent Global Financial Crisis.- Bowen, Howard.- Bribery and Corruption.- Broadband Stakeholder Group.- Broadcasters and Creative Industry Diability Network.- Brown Certificate.- Brundtland Report.- BS8900 British sustainable development guidelines.- Buddhist Ethics and CSR.- Business and the Arts.- Business case.- Business case for CSR.- Business Ethics, Japaness approach.- Business for Social Responsibility.- Business in the Community (UK+derivatives).- Business judgement rule.- Business Model Innovation.- Business Performance.- Business Strategy.- Cadbury Report (UK) and CSR.- Canadian Business for Corporate Social Responsibility.- Cap and Trade/Emissions Trading Scheme.- Carbon.- Carbon Capture.- Carbon Disclosure Project.- Carbon emissions.- Carbon footprint.- Carbon Offsets.- Carbon offsetting.- Carbon Pool and Renewable Energy.- Carbon trading.- Carpooling.- Carroll, A.B.- Cause Related Marketing.- Caux Round Table Principles.- Centre for Corporate Governance (Nairobi).- CERES.- CH2 Building, Melbourne.- Chapman Report (2006) (Australia).- Cheating.- Chief Executive Officer.- Chief Sustainability Officer.- Christianity and CSR.- Christine Parker.- Civil Regulation.- Climate Change.- Clinton Global Initiative.- Club of Rome.- Co-determination.- Co-operation.- Co-ownership.- Coalation of Environmentally.- Responsible Economies.- Code of 'best practice' and norms of behavior.- Colin Scott.- Collaborative Advantage.- Collective bargaining/trade unions.- Combined Assurance.- Combined Code (June 2008).- Command and Control.- Commonwealth Association of CG.- Communicating with Stakeholders.- Communities of Practice.- Community.- Community activism.- Community of practice.- Community outrage.- Community relations.- Company Directorsand CSR.- Competition.- Competitive advantage.- Compliance/Legal Compliance.- Compliant Finance.- Comply-or-explain.- Comprehensive Environmental Responses, Compensation and Liability Act.- Confucian Ethics.- Consumer Driven Corporate Responsibility.- Consumerism Consumers' protection.- Core Principles of CSR Approaches Corporate.- Corporate Activism.- Corporate Citizenship.- Corporate codes of conduct.- Corporate giving.- Corporate Governance.- Corporate Governance as a Tool for Alleviating.- Developmental Issues.- Corporate Governance Reporting.- Corporate killing.- Corporate manslaughter.- Corporate Mission, Vision and Values.- Corporate moral agency.- Corporate negligence.- Corporate outrage.- Corporate Political Connection.- Corporate Reputation.- Corporate Responsibility Index.- Corporate Responsibiliy Maturity.- Corporate Secretaries.- Corporate Social Entrepreneurship.- Corporate Social innovation.- Corporate Social.- Irresponsibility.- Corporate Social Marketing.- CorporateSocial Opportunity.- Corporate Social Performance.- Corporate Social Performance Measurement.- Corporate social responsibility.- Corporate Social Responsibility Report.- Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy.- Corporate social responsiveness (Carroll, Frederick and Ackerman).- Corporate Strategy.- Corporate Sustainability.- Corporation as Psychopath.- Corporatism.- Corruption and National Development.- Cost-benefit analysis.- Cradle to cradle.- Cradle to grave.- Critical reflection in corporate management.- Critiques of Corporate Social Responsibility.- Cross-cultural attitudes to CSR.- CSR and Africa.- CSR and Catholic Social Teaching.- CSR and Corruption.- CSR and Poverty.- CSR and Spirituality.- CSR Butterfly effect.- CSR Communication.- CSR Continuum - core business to broader goals.- CSR Europe.- CSR Evolutionary Journey - CSR Journey, CSR Organisational Evolutions.- CSR Frameworks.- CSR Innovation.- CSR Lifecycle.- CSR Measurement.- CSR: Australian Standard AS8003 [world first].- CSRwire.- Cultural differences in values/ethics and decision-making.- Culture and Organization Performance.- Cultures, businesses, and global CSR.- Customer value creation.- Dame Anita Roddick.- Data protection.- David Henderson.- Decent work.- Definitions of social responsibility.- Deming 14 points model.- Demographic change.- Design for Environment (sep entry Hannover Principles).- Development.- Dialogue.- Director Competencies and Skills.- Director Interlocks.- Director Role Position Description.- Disability.- Disclosure (CSR reporting).- Discrimination.- Distributive Justice.- Diversity.- Dividend.- Dow Jones Sustainability Index.- Downsizing.- Due Diligence.- Duties of employees (comlpy with contract, comply with law, respect employers property).- E-Waste.- Earth Summitt (separate entry on Rio declaration and on Agenda 21).- Earthscan (publisher).- EC Non-Discrimination Law.- Eco-Efficiency.- Eco-innovation.- Ecolabel.- Ecological economics.- Ecological footprint.- Ecology (separate entries on human and industrial).- Econology.- Economic Globalization.- Economic sociology.- Economic Sociology of the CSR Movement.- Ecopreneurship.- Ecosystem.- Ecotoxity.- Education.- Elkington, John.- Embedded CSR.- Emissions trading.- Employability.- Employee participation/'ownership.- Employee Surveillance.- Employee volunteer programmes.- Employers' Forum on Age.- Employers' Forum on Disability.- EMS.- Endemic.- Energy Biofuels.- Energy—renewable.- Energy-solar.- Engagement/Stakeholder Engagement.- Enlightened Self-Interest.- Enron.- Environmental Accounting.- Environmental Audit.- Environmental ethics.- Environmental governance.- Environmental impact assessment.- Environmental law.- Environmental Management System.- Environmental protection agencies (all countries).- Environmental Report Verification.- Environmental sustainability index (World economic forum).- Environmental, Social and Governance Factors in Investment.- Environmental, Social and Governance Risk.- Environmentally Sensitive Accounting.- Equal Opportunity.- Equal Pay.- Equator Principles.- Ethic of responsibility to other stakeholders.- Ethical absolutism v. ethical relativism.- Ethical Corporation.- Ethical CSR.- Ethical Egoism & CSR.- Ethical problems in financial markets.- Ethical Theories.- Ethical Trading Initiative.- European Corporate Governance Institute.- European Multistakeholder Forum.- European Union Directive - The 8th Company Law Directive on Disclosure & Transparency.- European Urban Charter 1992 and 1998.- Evolution of Corporate Governance Reports in the UK and Ireland.- Executive remuneration and CSR.- Externalities.- Externally Driven Business Case (EDBC).- Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).- Exxon Mobil.- Exxon Valdez.- Factor 4 / Factor 10.- Fair Pensions.- Fair Trade.- Fair wages.- Family Business and Corporate Social Responsibility.- Fiduciary duty.- Filial Piety & CSR.- Financial Regulations.- Financial Reporting Council (UK).- Five Capitals Framework (Forum for the Future).- Forest Stewardship Council.- Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid (Prahalad).- Franchising Fraud prevention, detection and auditing.- Free range/cage-free/crate free/ethically raised.- Freedom of conscience.- Freedom of speech.- Friedman, Milton.- FTSE4Good Index.- G20.-Gambling.- GE (General Electric).- Gender Balance.- Gender-specific Contributions to Social Responsibility.- Gender/Gender Free.- Genetically modified organisms (GMOs).- German Corporate Governance Code (6/6/2008).- Giving voice to values.- Global 100.- Global Competitiveness.- Global Corporate Governance Forum.- Global Director Development Circle.- Global Environmental Management Initiative.- Global Financial Crisis.- Global Financial Markets.- Global Governance and CSR.- Global Memorandum of Understanding.- Global Reporting Initiative.- Global Village.- Global Warming.- Globalization.- Globalization of Culture.- Globethics.net.- Glocal.- Good Corporation.- Government (role in regulation, etc).- Grameen Bank.- Green Globe Certification.- Green jobs.- Green Workplace.- Greenbury Report (UK).- Greenhouse gases.- Greenleaf (publisher).- Greenpeace (NGO).- Greenwashing.- Hampel Report (UK) and CSR.- Hannover Principles.- Health and drug testing (as part of right to privacy).- Health and Safety.- Healthcare/benefits.- Higgs Report (UK) and CSR.- Hinduism and CSR.- Holistic Governance.- Home-based telecommuting/teleworking.- Hostile takeover.- Human ecology.- Human resource management.- Human rights.- Human Rights Compliance Assessment Tool.- Human rights, Non-Discrimination.- ICC Charter for Sustainable Development.- IFC Policy on Social and Environmental Sustainability.- Implementation.- Inclusive Business.- Inclusive Markets.- Inclusive/selective/compliant finance/banking.- Individualism, Psychological egoism and CSR.- Industrial democracy.- Industrial Ecology.- Industrial-neutral metric.- Information and consultation.- Insider trading.- Insourcing.- Institute Of Business Ethics.- Institute of Directors (UK).- Institutes of Directors and CSR.- Institutional investors.- Integrated management systems.- Integrated quality and environmental management.- Integrated Reporting.- Integrative Social Contracts Theory.- Intergarated.- Pollution Control.- Intergenerational equity.- Intergenerational Justice.- Internal Auditing's Contribution to CSR.- Internal Control and Accountability.- International Accounting Standards Board.- International Association of Business & Society (IABS).- International Business Leaders Forum.- International Corporate Governance Network.- Involvement in Controversial Business.- Irresponsibility.- Islamic Ethics and CSR.- ISO 14000 standards series.- ISO 14001.- ISO 26000.- Johannesberg Declaration (2002).- Jorgensen model.- Kaizen.- Keidanren.- Keizai Doyukai.- Kimberly Process Certification Scheme.- King II Report on Corporate Governance and CSR.- King III Report (expected 2009?) and CSR.- Knowledge management.- Kyoto protocol.- Landfill.- Lean Thinking (Waste Mangengement issues on Employees).- Legitimacy.- Theory.- License to operate.- Life Cycle Analysis.- Lobbying.- Locally grown/locally raised.- Locally Grown/Locally Raised.- Locusts.- LOHAS.- London Benchmarking Group (LBG).- Management.- Managing change for sustainability.- Mandatory CSR.- Market Based Instruments.- Market failure and the environment.- Market for Corporate Control and CSR.- Market-based mechanisms of regulation.- Marketing (ethics of).- Marketing Communications and CSR.- Materiality.- Media CSR Forum.- Media Reporting of CSR.- Memorandum-objects clause.- Mergers and Acquisitions.- Meta-Regulation Approach to CSR.- Micro-Disclosure.- Micro-ethics.- Micro-finance credit guarantee schemes.- Microfinance.- Migrant workers.- Migration (human).- Millenium Development Goals (2000).- Millenium Development Goals (MDGs).- Millenium Seed Bank.- Mineral Act (Republic of South Africa, 1991).- Minimum wage.- Minority shareholders and CSR.- Mission Statements (Credo, Way, Vision).- Mitigation.- Mohammed Yunus.- Money laundering.- Monitoring.- Moral Reasonong/Ethical Decision Making.- Motives of CSR.- Multilateral Investment Fund.- National Association of Corporate Directors (USA).- Natural Capitalism (sep entries ecoefficienty, biomimicry, product-services).- Natural Edge Project.- Natural Environment.- Natural Step (Karl-Robert Henrik).- Net Impact.- Network.- New Governance and CSR.- New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).- New Zealand Resource Management Act 1991.- NGOs and CSR.- Nicholas Capaldi.- Non Executive Directors (NEDs).- Normative versus instrumental Corporate Responsibility.- Nutrition Information (fast food companies providing).- Occupational Ethics Codes.- Occupational health.- Occupational Health and Safety Administration.- OECD Guidelines fo Mes.- OECD Guidlines fo MNEs.- OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and CSR.- One tier Board.- Open Source Solutions and CSR.- Opportunity Now.- Organic.- Outrage(Peter Sandman's work).- Outsourcing.- Ozonelayer.- Pan-African Consultative Forum on CG.- Participation.- Partnership.- Partnership with unequal stakeholders.- PDCA.- Pension.- Philanthropic CSR.- Philanthropy.- Planned Obsolescence.- Political Contributions.- Pollution (separate entries on carbon, e-waste, ecoefficiency).- Porter and Kramer's (2006) 'Shared Value'.- Post industrial society.- Postmodernism.- Poverty.- Pre-qualification processes (clients demanding of potential suppliers).- Precarious Work: Agenda And Implications For CSR.- Precautionary principle.- Presenteeism.- Primary Stakeholders.- Principles for Responsible Investment.- Principles of Responsible Investment.- Private equity.- Private finance intiative.- Private, Social and Environmental Reporting.- Privatisation.- Product Life Cycle.- Product RED.- Product-Service Systems.- Professional Ethics.- Profit Maximization.- Property Development and CSR.- Property Management and CSR.- Property Valuation and CSR.- Public Private Partnerships.- Public Private Collaborations.- Pyramid of CSR.- Rainforest Action Network.- Rainforest Alliance.- Rainforest Foundation.- Real Estate Agency and CSR.- Recycling.- Reflexive Law.- Region.- Relationship-based systems.- Remanufacturing.- Renewable Energy.- Reporting Frameworks.- Reporting Sustainable Development.- Reputation.-Reputation/Reputation Management.- Reputational capital.- Research Methods.- Resource Based Perspectives and CSR.- Responsibility concepts.- Responsible Care (chemical industry's sector wide initiative).- Responsible competitiveness.- Responsible Consumption.- Responsible Entrepreneur Achievement Programme (REAP) {the UNIDO CSR Program me}.- Responsible Leadership.- Responsible Leadership Systems.- Responsible Workplace.- Restructuring.- Review of the Combine Code 2009.- Rhineland business model/Rhineland leadership.- Right to Privacy.- Right to work.- Rights of employees.- Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (UN).- Risk Adjusted Executive Compensation.- Risk Appetite Risk management and CSR.- Risk Management as benefit.- Risk Management, Environmental.- Risk-social (also article on risk management).- Royal Dutch Shell.- SA8000 & Ethical Trade Initiative.- SAM Sustainability Indices.- Sanpoyoshi.- Sarbanes-Oxley and non-financial disclosure.- SD 21000.- Secondary Stakeholders.- Servant Leader/Servant Leadership.- Sexual harassment.- Shareholder Access to Proxy.- Shareholder democracy.- Shareholder resolutions and CSR.- Shareholder rights.- Shareholder Theory.- Shareholder value creation.- SIGMA Management Framework.- Slowtourism.- Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Engagement in CSR.- Social Accountability SA8000.- Social Accounting.- Social and Environmental Reporting Asurrance.- Social Auditing.- Social benchmarking.- Social capital.- Social Chapter.- Social clauses.- Social Contract.- Social convoy.- Social dialogue.- Social dumping.- Social Entrepreneurship.- Social equity.- Social innovation.- Social Licence.- Social Marketing.- Social partnership.- Social responsibility Research Network (SRRNet).- Social security.- Social Sustainability.- Social wage.- Socially Responsible Enterprise Restructioning.- Socially Responsible Investment.- Socially Responsible Management (SRM).- Soft law.- Speciation.- Spiritual Capital.- Sponsorship.- Stakeholder Accountability.- Stakeholder Engagement.- Stakeholder Engagement Disclosures.- Stakeholder relationship.- Stakeholder Theory.- Stakeholder thinking.- Stakeholders.- Stewardship theory.- Stockholm Convention (2001).- Strategic CSR.- Strategic marketing & CSR.- Strategic Risk.- Sullivan Principles of CSR.- Supply Chain Management.- Sustainability (World Commission on Environment and Development definition).- Sustainability and Sustainable Development.- Sustainability Assessment Models.- Sustainability Committee (Board Committee).- Sustainability Ratings.- Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.- Sustainability risk management.- Sustainability-oriented Innovation.- Sustainable Business: A new Paradigm.- Sustainable Consumption.- Sustainable Development in NGOs.- Sustainable Development in SMEs.- Sustainable Energy Management and CSR.- Sustainable enterprise development.- Sustainable Marketing.- Sustainable Primary Energy Production.- Sustainable production and consumption.- Sustainable Tourism.- Sustainopreneurship (with thorough link to Ecopreneurship).- SustanAbility.- Sweatshops.- Systems Auditing.- S²AVE (Shareholder and Social Added Value with Environment restoration).- Tallories Declaration.- Taoism and CSR.- Tax.- Tax - attitudes to tax - why we pay.- Tax - economic functions of tax.- Tax avoidance.- Tax evasion.- Tax planning.- Technology Transfer.- Temporary natives.- The G8.- The Prince's Accounting for Sustainability.- The view on the ground: CSR from a cababilities approach.- Theory of Corporate Governance Emergence.- Tobacco.- Tobin Tax.- Tomorrow's Global Company.- Tourism Aporia.- TQM.- Traceability.- Trade union recognition.- Transaction cost economics.- Transfats.- Transgression.- Transparency.- Transparency International.- Triple Bottom Line.- Trust.- Trust and CSR.- Trustees and climate change.- Two tier Board.- Tyson Report.- UN Global Compact.- Unethical products.- United Nations Conference on Environmental Development.- United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.- United Nations Development Program.- United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).- United Nations Global Compact.- United Nations Global Initiatives.- United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.- United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting.- United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.- Unknown stakeholder.- Utilitarianism & CSR.- Vertical versus Horizontal Development for CSR.- Virtue Ethics and CSR.- Virtue Ethics and the Environment.- Volunteer, Activist, Elected Representative.- Wal-Mart.- Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.- Walkers Review of Corporate Governance.- Waste Management.- Waste valorization.- Water.- Water Problems due to Global Warming.- Whistleblowing.- White Certificates.- Work-life balance.- Working time.- Workplace health promotion.- Works council.- World Bank (sep article on IFC Polocy Social Env Sustainability).- World Business Council for Sustainable Development.- World Economic Forum (Davos).- Zen and CSR.