Attila Ciner:
Attila Çiner is a sedimentology and Quaternary geology professor at the Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. After graduating from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara (1985), he obtained his M.Sc. degree at the University of Toledo, USA (1988), and his Ph.D. at the University of Strasbourg, France (1992). He works on the tectono-sedimentary evolution of basins and Quaternary depositional systems such as moraines, fluvial terraces, alluvial fans, and deltas. He uses cosmogenic nuclides to date these deposits. He primarily focuses on the glacial deposits and landscapes and tries to understand paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes since the Last Glacial Maximum. Lastly, he was part of the Turkish Antarctic Expedition.
Dr. Firoz Khan is an associate professor at the Department of Environmental Science and Management, North South University, since 2022 and a leader of the AEROSOL LAB (pollutAnts-hEalth inteRactiOn eStimatiOn Lab). Before that, he taught Environmental Science and Geoinformatics for eight years in multiple countries, including Malaysia and China. His fields of expertise include but are not limited to air pollution/causes and effects, atmospheric chemistry, environmental chemistry, air pollution modeling, environmental toxicology, etc. He completed his education in Japan (Ph.D.), the UK (M.Sc.), and Bangladesh (B.Sc.). He is an author or the co-author of 110 peer-reviewed research articles published in many top-tiering journals. He engages with 20 research grants as a PI or CoPI received from national and international funding bodies in environmental research.
Amjad Kallel:
Dr. Amjad Kallel is currently an associate professor of Environmental Geology in the Sfax National School of Engineers at the University of Sfax, Tunisia. He holds a B.Eng. in Georesources and Environment (1998) from the University of Sfax (Tunisia) and an M.Sc. degree and a Ph.D. degree in Georesources and Environment (2004) from Hokkaido University (Japan). He joined Venture Business Laboratory (VBL) at Akita University, Japan (2005–2006), as a researcher focusing on refining and recycling technologies for the recovery of rare elements from natural and secondary sources. On his return to Tunisia, he worked at the University of Gabes from 2006 to 2011, where he contributed to the elaboration of teaching programs at the Higher Institute of Water Sciences and Technologies of Gabes. Since 2011, he has joined the Sfax National School of Engineers. There, he has also been involved in various research projects related to Environmental Geology and Environmental Geotechnics. Dr. Kallel has co-organized many prestigious workshops, seminars, and international conferences. In 2016, Dr. Kallel joined the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer) and the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration (Springer) as Chief Editor and Managing Editor, respectively.
Jesus Rodrigo-Comino, Ph.D., D.Eng.
Jesús Rodrigo-Comino, a graduate in Geography, currently works as an assistant professor at the University of Granada and was included for the second time in the World's Top 2% Scientists ranking by Stanford University. He got a Master in Territorial Planning and Geographic Information Systems (2013) at the University of Málaga/Granada, whose final work was divided into 3 national publications and a monograph. During his predoc stage, he obtained three scholarships for doctoral studies: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), La Caixa Foundation, and FPU (Ministry of Education, Spain). His research career consists of four complete monographs (Nova, Springer, etc.), some edited books (Elsevier, CRC, Nova), and 200 indexed publications in Scopus and WoS, leading international collaborations with research teams over the world.
Mario Parise:
Mario Parise graduated with honors in Geology at the Faculty of Sciences of the University Federico II, Naples, Italy. Since 1990, he has developed research mainly into the geological and geomorphological analysis of slope movements, namely with identification of the areas susceptible to different types of slope movement (from debris flows, to deep-seated gravitational slope deformations, to general mass wasting processes) by means of stereoscopic interpretations of aerial photographs and field surveys. Particular focus is given to multi-temporal analysis, aimed at understanding the likely evolution of slopes, even in relationship with anthropogenic activities, and/or as a consequence of specific triggering events (rainfall, earthquakes, etc.). For several sites in southern Italy, he has outlined a framework of the influence of weathering in the predisposition of slope movements. He has also contributed to the analysis of rapid landslides (debris avalanches, rock avalanches) in different geological settings in Italy and abroad andto studying the occurrence of debris flows and erosional processes in areas recently affected by wildfires. He has studied various landslides in Italy and the USA, and within this research activity, he has developed an expertise in the recognition and investigation of slope failures, production of thematic maps, also collaborating in the interpretation of monitoring data and in slope stability analyses. In addition, since 2002 he is working in the field of karst research, focusing on the evaluation of the natural and anthropogenic hazards occurring in karst territories, with particular regard to sinkholes and to underground instability and failures.
Rahim Barzegar:
Dr. Rahim Barzegar is Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Bioresource Engineering at McGill University in Canada. Before joining McGill in 2019, he obtained a Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Hydrogeology and a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Tabriz, Iran. He has worked as Postdoctoral Researcherin joint projects at the University of Tabriz in Iran and Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. His main research focuses on the exploration of new methods in