Information Resources Management Association | Research Anthology on Usage, Identity, and Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture | Buch | 978-1-6684-6307-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 1700 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm

Information Resources Management Association

Research Anthology on Usage, Identity, and Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture

Erscheinungsjahr 2022
ISBN: 978-1-6684-6307-9
Verlag: IGI Global

Buch, Englisch, 1700 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm

ISBN: 978-1-6684-6307-9
Verlag: IGI Global

Much of the world has access to internet and social media. The internet has quickly become a new hub for not only communication, but also community development. In most communities, people develop new cultural norms and identity development through social media usage. However, while these new lines of communication are helpful to many, challenges such as social media addiction, cyberbullying, and misinformation lurk on the internet and threaten forces both within and beyond the internet.

The Research Anthology on Usage, Identity, and Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture is a comprehensive resource on the impact social media has on an individuals' identity formation as well as its usage within society and cultures. It explores new research methodologies and findings into the behavior of users on social media as well as the effects of social media on society and culture as a whole. Covering topics such as cultural diversity, online deception, and youth impact, this major reference work is an essential resource for computer scientists, online community moderators, sociologists, business leaders and managers, marketers, advertising agencies, government officials, libraries, students and faculty of higher education, researchers, and academicians.

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Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) is a research-based professional organization dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of information resources management in modern organizations. IRMA's primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing information resources as key enterprise assets among IRM/IT professionals. IRMA brings together researchers, practitioners, academicians, and policy makers in information technology management from over 50 countries.

Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) is a research-based professional organization dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of information resources management in modern organizations. IRMA's primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing information resources as key enterprise assets among IRM/IT professionals. IRMA brings together researchers, practitioners, academicians, and policy makers in information technology management from over 50 countries.

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