International Encyclopedia of Education | Buch | 978-0-12-818630-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 10905 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

International Encyclopedia of Education

4. Auflage 2022
ISBN: 978-0-12-818630-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 10905 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-0-12-818630-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

International Encyclopedia of Education, Fourth Edition updates readers on emerging interests and developments in the field.  The book presents comprehensive reviews of research in various areas, but also includes illustrations/examples from regions, nations, locations--situated and contrastive (i.e., rather than exemplars serving transferability rather than generalizability avoiding standardization and homogenizations). In so doing, this encyclopedia can serve topic-specific purposes as well as be enlisted in a fashion which binds together separate entries. Sections provide comprehensive reviews and the state of research, theory and practice in a fashion that is both historic and developmental.

- Provides comprehensive reviews of research in various areas, including illustrations/examples from regions, nations, locations--situated and contrastive (i.e. rather than exemplars serving transferability rather than generalizability avoiding standardization and homogenizations)
- Addresses the state of research, theory and practice in a fashion that is both historic and developmental
- Presents a critical accounting of not only what educational scholars have achieved, but also current challenges
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Undergraduate and graduate students in Education and related areas as Psychology, Economics, Linguistics, Sociology, and others.

Weitere Infos & Material

Section 1 Globalization and Shifting Geopolitics of Education Section 2 Post-Secondary and Higher Education Section 3 Contemporary Curriculum and Ways of Knowing Section 4 Teachers' Lives, Work and Professional Education Section 5 Administration, Governance and Leadership Section 6 Ways of Knowing and Indigenous Education Section 7 Literacies and Languages Section 8 Diversity, Democracy, and Social Justice in Education Section 9 Assessment and Accountability Section 10 Quantitative research/ Educational Measurement Section 11 Qualitative, Multimethod, and Mixed Methods Research Section 12 Inclusive Education and Disability Studies in Education Section 13 The Rise of STEM Education Section 14 Learning, cognition and human development

Tierney, Rob
Rob Tierney works in the Faculty of Education at University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Ercikan, Kadriye
Kadriye Ercikan is a professor of Measurement, Evaluation, and Research Methodology in the Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology and Special Education at the University of British Columbia.

Rizvi, Fazal
While Professor Fazal Rizvi's academic background is in Philosophy, it is in the areas of education, public policy and global studies that most of his research and teaching over the past decade is located. He has a strong international reputation in a number of academic areas, including racism and multicultural education, Australia-Asia relations, models of educational policy research, theories of globalisation and international education and contemporary youth cultures. Professor Rizvi has published more than 18 books and over 100 articles, many of which are cited widely and have been well reviewed in international journals. His latest books include: The OECD, Globalization and Education Policy, Educational Policy and the Politics of Change and Youth Moves: Identities and Globalisation in a Global Context which deals with issues of globalisation, culture and citizenship. He is currently working on a new book concerned with issues of student mobility and the internationalisation of higher education, for Routledge. Professor Rizvi has been an editor of a major book series for Allen and Unwin, Studies of Education and an editor of a leading international journal, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Policy of Education. His international standing is also evident by the fact that he has been invited to give a large number of keynote addresses around the world. He has been given the honour of delivering the Routledge Lecture at the British Educational Research Association conference in Warwick England, the keynote address at Association of International Education in Shanghai and the Radford address at the conference of the Australian Association of Research in Education.

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