Körs, Anna
Körs, Anna, Dr., ist wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführerin und Vizedirektorin an der Akademie der Weltreligionen der Universität Hamburg sowie stellvertretende Leiterin des internationalen Forschungsprojekts „Religions and Dialogue in Modern Societies“. Aktuelle Schwerpunkte: religiöse Pluralisierung, Governance religiöser Diversität, interreligiöse Beziehungen, Gemeindeforschung.
Siem, Kjersti
Kjersti Siem is an educationalist, with a master’s degree in Religious Studies from the University of Bergen.
Liljestrand, Johan
Dr Johan Liljestrand is a senior researcher in Education at the University of Gävle, Sweden.
Ipgrave, Julia
Julia Ipgrave is Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Humanities, University of Roehampton, London. She is lead investigator for the London strand of the Religion and Dialogue in Modern Society research project (World Academy of Religions, University of Hamburg).
Johannessen, Øystein Lund
Dr Øystein Lund Johannessen is a senior researcher at the Centre for Intercultural Education of VID Specialized University, Norway.
von der Lippe, Marie
Marie von der Lippe, associate professor in Study of Religion at Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen, Norway.
Kalender, Mehmet
Mehmet Kalender is research assistant in the Social Scientific Study of Religion at the Institute for Sociology of the University of Göttingen, Germany.
Ohrt, Anna Lena
Anna Ohrt is a PhD Student in Sociology at the Department of Sociology of the Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth
Alexander-Kenneth Nagel ist Professor für Religionswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt sozialwissenschaftliche Religionsforschung an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Schwerpunkte: Religion und Migration; interreligiöse Aktivitäten und Religionskontakte, religiöse Netzwerke litik.
Husebø, Dag
Dr Dag Husebø is currently Prorector of the University of Stavanger, Norway.
Dietz, Gunther
Gunther Dietz holds an M.A. and a Dr.phil. in Anthropology from Hamburg University; he has been working on multiculturalism and intercultural education at the Laboratorio de Estudios Interculturales at the University of Granada, at the Institute for Comparative and Multicultural Studies at Hamburg University, at the School for Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research on Interculturalism and Transnationality at Aalborg University, at the Steunpunt Intercultureel Onderwijs at Ghent University and at the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California San Diego (USA). He is now a research professor in Intercultural Studies at Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, Mexico.
Anker, Trine
Trine Anker, associate professor in the Study of Religion at MF – Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo, Norway.
Knauth, Thorsten
Knauth, Thorsten, Prof. Dr. ist Professor für Evangelische Theologie/Religionspädagogik und Leiter der Arbeitsstelle „Interreligiöses Lernen“ an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Er gehört zum Leitungsgremium des europäischen Forschungsprojektes „Religion und Dialog in modernen Gesellschaften“ (ReDi) und leitet den darin vertretenen Forschungsbereich zur Metropolregion Rhein-Ruhr. Seine Schwerpunkte: qualitativ-empirische Forschung zum Religionsunterricht, Interreligiöses und interkulturelles Lernen, Religionsunterricht und Inklusion/Religionspädagogik der Vielfalt.
Vieregge, Dörthe
Dr. phil. Dörthe Vieregge, Studium der Allgemeinen Erziehungswissenschaft, Sonderpädagogik und Evangelischen Theologie, ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Akademie der Weltreligionen der Universität Hamburg.
Skeie, Geir
Geir Skeie is Professor in Religious Education at University of Stavanger and guest professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim. His research includes both empirical and theoretical contributions with a particular interest in the challenges and possibilities for religious education raised by a diverse socio-cultural context. In recent years, he has also written about the relationship between religious education and other school Subjects. He has had a leading role in several national and international research projects, mainly investigating religion and education.