Jakupec / Kelly | Assessing the Impact of Foreign Aid | Buch | 978-0-12-803660-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 590 g

Jakupec / Kelly

Assessing the Impact of Foreign Aid

Value for Money and Aid for Trade
Erscheinungsjahr 2015
ISBN: 978-0-12-803660-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Value for Money and Aid for Trade

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 590 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-803660-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Assessing the Impact of Foreign Aid: Value for Money and Aid for Trade provides updated information on how to improve foreign aid programs, exploring the concept and practice of impact assessment within the sometimes-unproblematic approaches advocated in current literature of value for money and aid for trade.

Contributors from multi-lateral agencies and NGOs discuss the changing patterns of Official Development Assistance and their effects on impact assessment, providing theoretical, political, structural, methodological, and practical frameworks, discussions, and a theory-practice nexus.

With twin foci of economics and policy this book raises the potential for making sophisticated and coherent decisions on aid allocation to developing countries.
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Upper-division undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals working in public economics and development economic worldwide


Weitere Infos & Material

- Official Development Assistance and Impact Assessment - Theoretical and Practical Frameworks. Viktor Jakupec & Max Kelly
- Conceptualising Impact Assessment in Foreign Aid. Max Kelly
- Economic Development Paradigms and the Persistence of the Neoliberal Agenda. John McKay
- Aid for Trade: A Critical Analysis. Viktor Jakupec
- The Rhetoric and Reality of Results and Impact Assessment in Donor Agencies: a Practitioners' Perspective. Simon Milligan, Steve Bertram, & Alwyn Chilver
- Beyond Aid Distribution: Aid effectiveness, Neoliberal and Neostructural Reforms in Pacific Island Countries. Alec Thornton & Amerita Ravuvu
- Impact assessment in Social Sector Development: Regulatory Impact Assessment. Viktor Jakupec & Max Kelly
- Can We Assess the Overall Impact of Development Agencies? The Example of Corporate Results Frameworks in Multilateral Development Banks. Marc Cohen
- Assessing the Impact of Knowledge on Development Partners. William Loxley
- From Evidence to Action: Stakeholder Coordination as Determinant of Evaluation Use. Mateusz Pucilowski
- Inside the Black Box: Modelling the Inner Workings of Social Development Programs. Sebastian Lemire & Gordon Freer
- Impact Assessment and Official Development Assistance: Ethnographic Assessment of the World Bank's Community-Based Rural Development Projects in Ghana. Kwadwo Adusei-A & Peter Hancock
- Finding Balance: Improving Monitoring to Improve Impact Assessments of Development Programmes. Donna Loveridge
- Impact Assessment in Practice: Case Study of Save the Children in the Asian Region. Veronica Bell & Yasamin Alttahir
- The Non-Governmental Development Sector and Impact Assessment: From Theory to Practice.Jonathan Makuwire
- Impact Assessment: From Theory to Practice. Viktor Jakupec & Max Kelly

Kelly, Max
Max Kelly is Senior Lecturer in International and Community Development Studies at Deakin University, Australia. Dr. Kelly's areas of expertise include development policy and practice, with particular emphasis on, social development, livelihoods, food security, agriculture, community participation and community engagement, gender, and natural resource management. She previously worked at RMIT University, Melbourne. Her recent research focuses on Impact Assessment in development policy and practice, Political Economy Analysis of ODA, civil society in post conflict settings, and Organizational and social networks in post conflict settings. She has experience in Malawi, Uganda, Timor Leste, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.

Jakupec, Viktor
Viktor Jakupec is Honorary Professor of Education at Deakin University. He also holds a professorship at Potsdam University, Germany. He held academic positions at University of Technology, Sydney, University of South Australia, Queensland University of Technology and Deakin University. His research over the last 3 years has focused on Impact Assessment within a context of Official Development Assistance and Political Economy Analysis for Official Development Assistance projects and programmes.

He worked as an international consultant for World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Financial Corporation, Millennium Challenge Corporation and AusAID funded projects in Bangladesh, PR China, Georgia, Jordan, Kyrgyz Republic, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. Viktor Jakupec has produced a range of ODA project design and project implementation reports, strategic plans. He has advised on implementation of IA and has undertaken IA and other associated evaluations within the education and social sectors in developing countries.

Prof. Jakupec is: Member, Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (Academy of Sciences); Member, International Society for Development and Sustainability; Member, Arbeitskreis für Internationale Politische Ökonomie.

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