Jarvis / Eckhardt | Pocket Companion for Physical Examination & Health Assessment | Buch | 978-0-323-82784-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 312 Seiten, Format (B × H): 127 mm x 210 mm, Gewicht: 330 g

Jarvis / Eckhardt

Pocket Companion for Physical Examination & Health Assessment

Buch, Englisch, 312 Seiten, Format (B × H): 127 mm x 210 mm, Gewicht: 330 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-82784-3
Verlag: Mosby US

A concise, practical handbook for the assessment lab and the clinical setting, Jarvis's Pocket Companion for Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 9th Edition makes it fast and easy to review essential assessment skills and techniques. You'll conduct more effective exams by referring to summaries of examination steps, comparisons of normal versus abnormal findings, lifespan and cultural considerations, integration of QSEN safety competencies, and more than 250 full-color photos and drawings. Written by renowned educator and clinician Dr. Carolyn Jarvis, now joined by co-author Dr. Ann L. Eckhardt, this companion handbook is an ideal clinical tool whether you're a beginner who is learning health assessment skills or a practitioner who needs a portable reference!
- Color-coded format helps users easily locate the information they need, with each body system chapter divided into major sections - Anatomy, Subjective Data, Objective Data, and Abnormal Findings.
- Abnormal findings tables help students recognize, classify, and describe key abnormal findings.
- Health Promotion and Patient Teaching sections underscore the unique role of nurses, especially advanced practice nurses, in health promotion.
- Developmental Competence sections highlight content specific to infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and older adults.
- Summary checklists review key examination steps for quick reference.
- Spanish-language translation chart helps improve communication with Spanish-speaking patients during the physical examination.
- UPDATED! Content corresponds to the 9th edition of the Jarvis textbook and represents the latest research and evidence-based practice.
- NEW! Increased focus of social determinants of health (SODH) addresses the disparities that can affect health outcomes, enabling a whole-health approach.
- NEW! Health Promotion Points lists for every system/region promote optimal patient health during the physical exam.
- NEW! Inclusive photos identify common skin conditions in both light skin and dark skin, increasing representation for better health outcomes.
- NEW! Refocused and retitled Genetics and Environment sections highlight key parameters that have an impact on patient health.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1.The Interview and Complete Health History
2.Mental Status Assessment
3.Assessment Techniques and Safety in the Clinical Setting
4.General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs, and Pain Assessment
5.Skin, Hair, and Nails
6.Head, Face, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics
9.Nose, Mouth, and Throat 
10.Breasts, Axillae, and Regional Lymphatics
11.Thorax and Lungs 
12.Heart and Neck Vessels 
13.Peripheral Vascular System and Lymphatic System
15.Musculoskeletal System
16.Neurologic System
17.Male Genitourinary System
18.Female Genitourinary System
19.Anus, Rectum, and Prostate 
20.The Complete Health Assessment
21.Bedside Assessment and Electronic Documentation 

Jarvis, Carolyn
Carolyn Jarvis, PhD, APRN, CNP

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