Jessen / Mortensen / Steinicke | Regulating Competition in the EU | Buch | 978-94-035-4636-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 664 Seiten

Jessen / Mortensen / Steinicke

Regulating Competition in the EU

Buch, Englisch, 664 Seiten

ISBN: 978-94-035-4636-0
Verlag: Kluwer Law International

This revised and updated edition of a basic sourcebook and practice guide in EU competition law retains the first edition’s significantly broader perspective on EU competition law than most books in the field. It explains not only the traditional areas of competition law but also aspects of competition law that are of particular importance to practitioners.
With its comprehensive overview of relevant provisions related to competition, among others, the authors shed clear light on the following topics and the interplay between these different areas of competition law:

- the prohibition of agreements which restrict competition;

- the prohibition of abuse of dominant position;

- the rules on merger control;

- the prohibition of State aid;

- the liberalised sectors such as energy supply, transport, postal services, and telecommunications; and

- the rules on public procurement.

The chapters integrate an extensive number of sources, including new acts, new decisions and judgments, and new Commission guidelines, that help guide the interpretation of the underlying Treaty provisions.
With its enhanced view of EU competition policy, regulation, and enforcement and its emphasAis on specific industry sectors, this book offers an unusually thorough view of aspects of competition law which play an essential role in regulating the conduct of undertakings and public authorities in the market. This new edition will continue to be of special value to any lawyer, policymaker, or scholar active in European competition law.
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