Johnson / Karns | RTI Strategies that Work in the K-2 Classroom | Buch | 978-1-138-15912-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 170 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

Johnson / Karns

RTI Strategies that Work in the K-2 Classroom

Buch, Englisch, 170 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

ISBN: 978-1-138-15912-9
Verlag: CRC Press

Targeted specifically to K-2 classrooms, the 25 Response-to-Intervention (RTI) strategies in this book are research-based and perfect for teachers who want to expand their toolbox of classroom interventions that work!

Contents include:

- Listening Strategies - Help students focus and understand.
- Reading Strategies - Help students comprehend and connect with reading material.
- Math Strategies - Help students compute and solve equations.
- Speaking Strategies - Help students engage in dialogue with adults and peers.
- Writing Strategies - Help students compose and construct ideas.
- Integrating and Implementing Intervention Strategies

Learn how to provide effective instruction for English language learners, struggling readers, and underprivileged students. These ideas will help you meet the needs of your entire K-2 classroom!
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Professional Practice & Development

Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Classroom Intervention Strategies That Work; Chapter 2 K-2 Intervention Listening Strategies; Chapter 3 K-2 Intervention Reading Strategies; Chapter 4 K-2 Intervention Math Strategies; Chapter 5 K-2 Intervention Speaking Strategies; Chapter 6 K-2 Intervention Speaking Strategies; Chapter 7 Integrating and Implementing Intervention Strategies;

Eli Johnson is currently the Chief Academic Officer for the Golden Plains Unified School District. He provides trainings for school districts and regional organizations throughout the United States. He has previously served as an Educational Consultant for the California Department of Education, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, High School Principal, Assistant Principal, and Classroom Teacher. His schools have made the highest annual point gains in the state of California and have been awarded the U.S. News World Report Medal Honors. Eli received his undergraduate degree in education from Brigham Young University (Go Cougars!) and his graduate degree in education from the University of Washington (Go Huskies!). He is the author of Academic Language! Academic Literacy! Eli is married to his wonderful wife Shaunna, and they are the parents of five children: Natalie, Mikaila, Bryce, Erica, and Benjamin.,
Michelle Karns is an educational consultant with over 30 years experience working with struggling learners and students impacted by adversity. She strives to develop remedies to answer their individual learning, instructional, organizational, and community needs. Michelle is committed to the realization of successful outcomes for every child. She has the unique ability to translate complex theory into easy-to use, meaningful techniques and applications for classroom settings. Working with students, administrators, and teachers in districts throughout the United States and Canada, Michelle helps create the conditions for all students to learn and make academic success a reality. An author of several books and multiple educational reform articles for the Association of California School Administrator's Leadership Magazine, she has helped thousands of students and teachers build positive relationships and meet their academic and personal success goals.

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