Buch, Englisch, 182 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 376 g
Reihe: Business & economics
Buch, Englisch, 182 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 376 g
Reihe: Business & economics
ISBN: 978-3-11-073711-0
Verlag: De Gruyter
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften Betriebswirtschaft Bereichsspezifisches Management Management: Führung & Motivation
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften Betriebswirtschaft Management Forschung & Entwicklung (F&E), Innovation
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften Betriebswirtschaft Management Unternehmensführung
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften Betriebswirtschaft Management Unternehmensorganisation & Entwicklungsstrategien
Weitere Infos & Material
Index Prologue 1. Introduction and background Reading instructions
The purpose of this book – a guideline and hands-on methodology Innovation – do or die
Planning your innovation portfolio
Incremental and radical innovation
The danger of too slim organizations
Shorter and shorter Product life cycles are – speed up innovation work
Innovate for the future The group development process and its problems – waste of time
Team building the right way
Group or team – it’s not the same! Know the difference
The group development process: forming, storming, norming, performing, and dissolving
Creating high-performing innovation teams - a methodology Summary Questions for reflection and discussion: Management-, Team- and Team member perspective 2. Organizational conditions for innovation work Innovation enablers – factors that enable innovation
Innovation enablers in three perspectives – the organization, the team and the team members
The innovation enablers effect innovation teams’ work Organizational structures and innovation teams
Industrial or post-industrial structure affect innovation capabilities The innovation process – agile work for faster results
Innovation work – not fuzzy and difficult, but more complex The facilitator – stimulating successful learning
The facilitator – when and how to support the innovation team Summary
Questions for reflection and discussion: Management-, Team- and Team member perspective 3. High-performing innovation teams in five steps
Step 1 – ensuring management commitment and support
Management is crucial for long term success
Develop understanding on innovation and innovation teams
The sponsor – key person with an important mission
Be patient, it takes time
Begin with a small project, to learn the methodology
Setting directions – invitation to creativity
Empowerment for innovation Step 2 – identification of convener
Establish conditions for long term learning
The convener is not a project manager
The convener wants change, in collaboration Step 3 – preparation of the convener
The role of the innovation facilitator
Crash course – this is what to know about
Creating the innovation team according to project focus
Keep management and sponsor updated during preparation
Manage change resistance
If it stops - restart Step 4 – create the innovation team
key persons – how to select team members
Function before personality
Criteria to fulfil by members
The power of small innovation teams
Multifunctional vs homogenous innovation teams – what’s the difference?
Avoiding internal competition in innovation teams
Effective communication for success
The innovation team – a safe place Step 5 – Kick off
Before kick off – a last check before take off
Time for action
Considering learning as an outcome
On the kick off – how to prioritize activities
Establishing the innovation team – norms and ways of working
Getting to know each other – professionally and personally
Common ownership and responsibilities – why it matters
Setting innovation related goals and sub goals
Breaking the rules – navigating in the organization
Swearing the blood pact – let’s do this, full throttle
After the kick off Summary Questions for reflection and discussion: Management-, Team- and Team member perspective 4. Innovation team's continued work The development of the innovation team – thing to watch out for
Challenges for the newly created innovation team
Avoiding isolation – Increasing collaboration for progress Questions for reflection and discussion: Management-, Team- and Team member perspective 5. Innovation teams in a global setting – working distributed Distributed high-performing innovation teams in global companies
Challenges for global companies conducting distributed innovation work Questions for reflection and discussion: Management-, Team- and Team member perspective