Jose / Ezema | Surface Modification and Functionalization of Ceramic Composites | Buch | 978-0-323-85883-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 510 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Jose / Ezema

Surface Modification and Functionalization of Ceramic Composites

Erscheinungsjahr 2023
ISBN: 978-0-323-85883-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 510 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-85883-0
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Surface Modification and Functionalization of Ceramic Composites is intended for both experts and beginners, allowing them to have an extended overview of recent progress in the evolution of surface modification methods and functionalization for ceramic composites. The book provides a detailed summary of the various techniques that are currently available, along with an evaluation of the costs involved. Information on the relationship between surface properties and function is also discussed. There is also an additional section on commercial and industrial applications, including biomedical, sensing and energy.

The book will be a valuable reference resource for researchers and an instructive and stimulating text for postgraduate students who want to enhance their knowledge on novel materials and surface modification and functionalization of ceramic composites.
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Academic and industrial researchers, materials scientists and engineers, postgraduate students working in the field of ceramics and surface modification and functionalization of ceramic composites.


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction: Review of the status of modification and functionalization of ceramics composites, progress and perceptions 2. Surface modification of zirconia ceramics using polymer surface modification and functionalization of ceramics composites 3. Surface modification and functionalization of ceramics composite using self-assembled monolayer and graft polymerization 4. Improving the thermal properties of ceramics-CNT composites by carbon nanotube (CNTs) surface modification 5. Effect of surface modification on the dielectric properties of mixed transition metal oxides ceramics composites. 6. Enhancement of ceramics applications using a surface modification of coated various deposition techniques in ceramics composites 7. Effects of surface modification (surface treatment) on friction and surface abrasion of ceramic composites 8. Synthesis, characterization and dielectric properties of surface functionalized ferroelectric ceramics composites 9. The use of cellulose materials in surface modification and functionalization of ceramics composites 10. Application of upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) as nano-ceramic materials for bioimaging 11. Synthesis and fabrication of cathodic electrophoretic deposition of ceramic materials and composites using extracted dyes from different plants 12. Functionalized ceramic matrix composites: fabrication, application and recycling 13. Overview of electrical discharge coating technique of surface modification and functionalization of ceramics composites 14. Surface modification and functionalization of ceramic composites for bone implantation 15. Ceramic Based Functional Electrode Materials for Application in Solid Oxide Cell-based Electrochemical Devices 16. Surface modification of calcium phosphates scaffolds with antimicrobial agents for bone tissue engineering 17. Surface modification of multifunctional zinc ferrite nanocomposites for biomedical applications 18. The role of ceramic composite materials in achieving the next-generation electrochemical energy storage devices 19. Ceramic-polyaniline composite as electrode for asymmetric supercaapcitors 20. Fabrication of bilayer/duplex layer on metallic implants: advanced surface modification of metallic implants for orthopedic applications 21. Surface modification of borate composite for dosimetric application 22. Organic and inorganic surface functionalization of some selected ceramic-nanocomposites for drug delivery in cancer therapy 23. Piezoelectric and dielectric properties of phase re-engineered barium titanate prepared by self-propagating high-temperature 24. Density function theory (DFT) approaches to property driven investigations in ceramic and composite materials

Jose, Rajan
Rajan Jose is Chair Professor in the Battery Research Center of Green Energy at Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan. His current research interests include renewable energy devices, sustainable materials, circular economy, data science, and artificial intelligence.

Ezema, Fabian
Fabian Ezema is a Professor at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and a visiting professor to NRS-EMT (MATECSS UNESCO Chair) in Varennes, Quebec, Canada and iThemba Labs South Africa. He is also a Fellow of UNESCO-UNISA South Africa Chair in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (U2ACN2). His research interests are in several areas of materials science including synthesis and characterization of particles and thin film materials through chemical routes with emphasis on energy applications.

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